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A11y Slackers Gitter Channel Archive 20th of July 2016

What fresh hell is THIS now? - Patrick Lauke
  1. zakim-robot
    Jul 20 01:04
    [ikasliwal] hi all! joined this room recently and happy to be here :)
  2. [ikasliwal] has anyone here worked with safari-only svg accessibility issues?
  3. [ikasliwal] would love to ask a few questions
  4. [spell] What is accessibility status of <details> and <summary> these days? Can I use without issue for screen reader users?
  5. stevefaulkner
    Jul 20 01:54
    @spell see for support details on <details>...
  6. zakim-robot
    Jul 20 01:57
    [spell] Awesome! Thanks, @stevef p.s. Love all you do for this community and accessibility at large!
  7. zakim-robot
    Jul 20 02:03
    [spell] Great resource! Thanks again!
  8. zakim-robot
    Jul 20 04:30
    [joly] Free eBook - Accessibility in Windows 10 – A Guide For Educators
  9. Léonie Watson
    Jul 20 11:54
  10. Ian Devlin
    Jul 20 12:28
  11. Léonie Watson
    Jul 20 12:29
    Thanks @iandeviln the channel appears empty in my client for some reason. Was just checking whether there was anyone here.
  12. Ian Devlin
    Jul 20 12:30
    @LJWatson Apologies for the long delay in replying though, I simply didn't see the message.
  13. Léonie Watson
    Jul 20 12:31
    Np :)
  14. powrsurg
    Jul 20 14:19
    People come here in all different hours
  15. Are there any contrast checkers that take opacity into account? I just encountered one of our pages that had a bit of text I found hard to read. I inspected it and grabbed the hex colors and put it into my contrast checker tool and found it over 4.5. Then I noticed that an opacity value of 0.6 was added to it. I feel like a contrast checker tool should be able to factor that in when doing a calculation, but I haven't seen one.
  16. Maybe simply you multiply the regular contrast value by the opacity value to get the perceived value? Would that be valid?
  17. zakim-robot
    Jul 20 14:36
    [cameron] @powrsurg: I'm pretty confident Google Accessibility Developer Tools takes opacity into account
  18. [cameron] according to that test, "Opacity is handled"
  19. powrsurg
    Jul 20 14:40
    that is useful ...
  20. we so need to get into automated testing for our system
  21. zakim-robot
    Jul 20 16:42
    [jiatyan] @powrsurg: If you can control the rendered image, try running it through Chrome's Color Contrast Analyzer
  22. zakim-robot
    Jul 20 18:07
    [felicia] hello. i am new here. I am, by function, a QA Engineer, thrust into the Accessibility arena by fate...and I LOVE it. I am hoping to learn great things here...and contribute as well. I would love to hear of other forums as well. Thank you!
  23. stevefaulkner
    Jul 20 18:10
    welcome @felicia :smile:
  24. zakim-robot
    Jul 20 18:10
    [felicia] :)
  25. zakim-robot
    Jul 20 18:22
    [marcysutton] welcome!
  26. zakim-robot
    Jul 20 20:46
    [lowellreade] Our new a11y champions group just posted an article on Medium about how our group formed and what we’ve been up to. Let me know if you have any feedback, ideas, suggestions, or anything else you want to share!
  27. zakim-robot
    Jul 20 21:23
    [jiatyan] Glad you got such positive support @lowellreade
  28. zakim-robot
    Jul 20 22:48
    [jason] can someone explain to me the difference between a group role and a toolbar role?
  29. [jason] Bootstrap gives the following example, but it seems wrong to me:
    <div class="btn-toolbar" role="toolbar" aria-label="...">   <div class="btn-group" role="group" aria-label="...">...</div>   <div class="btn-group" role="group" aria-label="...">...</div>   <div class="btn-group" role="group" aria-label="...">...</div> </div>
  30. zakim-robot
    Jul 20 22:53
    [melsumner] The toolbar contains sets of button groups
  31. [melsumner] So in the bootstrap example, do you see how they have separated 1,2,3,4 and 5,6,7 and then 8?
  32. [melsumner] In this way, it's providing AT the hierarchy for content
  33. [melsumner] This is not the only way that you could use this role but it makes sense to me within the context of how they designed that to work
  34. [jason] understood, but W3C says that toolbar is a subset of group. Which is what has led to my confusion. Also, this example gives a different approach where each group is a toolbar:
  35. [melsumner] Heh you typed what I was thinking thumbsup emoji I was going to say that I thought that toolbar was generally a subclass role of group
  36. zakim-robot
    Jul 20 23:00
    [melsumner] now I'm curious how that sounds with a screen reader, brb I'm going to try it out
  37. [melsumner] Ok so it doesn't throw an error when validated BUT I'm not crazy about how it's being read out with NVDA
  38. zakim-robot
    Jul 20 23:10
    [melsumner] Since the group role can be nested per spec, that's my best guess as to the logic behind this choice.
  39. [jason] yeah, that does make some sense. I suppose it could technically be written out with group instead of toolbar and vice versa.
  40. [jason] but then again, that’s why I’m asking for the difference =D
  41. [melsumner] Toolbar really should be thought of in terms of "what is this designed to do"
  42. zakim-robot
    Jul 20 23:16
    [melsumner] Which is an important distinction to make, IMO. Are you really making a toolbar, or would a nested group suffice? I tend to lean toward evaluating design intent and proceeding accordingly. Does this thing accurately convey the thing it is supposed to? The proceed.
  43. [melsumner] Maybe someone else has more opinions though. thumbsup emoji