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A11y Slackers Gitter Channel Archive 31st of May 2017

What fresh hell is THIS now? - Patrick Lauke
  1. zakim-robot
    May 31 16:54
    [ryan.leisinger] @karlgroves Yeah, what is up with the permisions?
  2. [karlgroves] They just suck.
  3. [ryan.leisinger] OK, define the scope a bit. Accessible agile issue tracking/ scrum work flows software for development teams
  4. [karlgroves] Take a look at Gitlab. I have a customer that uses it and it looks pretty good. Since it is relatively new, it might be more accessible than Jira (lots of legacy code there)
  5. [ryan.leisinger] Jira's SharePoint-esque "everything to everyone" flexibility is probably its own undoing concerning access
  6. [karlgroves] Definitely.
  7. [ryan.leisinger] I've looked at the DOM a bit, lots of ARIA in there, so they are thinking about, it just doesn't work
  8. [ryan.leisinger] or maybe it does, but not how I am using it
  9. zakim-robot
    May 31 16:59
    [karlgroves] A lot of Jira’s lookup fields rely on AJAX and some of that stuff could be improved. That said, I do know screenreader users who use Jira a lot.
  10. Šime Vidas
    May 31 17:52
    Using <h1> everywhere, then adding aria-level attributes: I don’t understand this pattern. Are there any issues with it? How is it better than using <h1>, <h2>, etc. normally?
  11. zakim-robot
    May 31 17:55
    [scottohara] i’m confused by this…
  12. zakim-robot
    May 31 18:02
    [karlgroves] I would regard that as a terrible idea
  13. [garcialo] It sounds amazing! It makes it so much easier to do the CSS since you can make your selectors based on attributes instead of elements. Because elements are hard to put into selectors.
  14. [garcialo] Also, I’m not a designer.
  15. [karlgroves] First, the HTML outline algorithm is a myth

    Next… What Luis said. I mean, styling headings is… not rocket scuence

  16. [cmegown] sounds like a great way to teach people that semantics aren't important
  17. [scottohara] i just don’t know what the end goal is? if you’re going to add those aria-levels anyway, why not just use the correct element?
  18. [cmegown] that would perhaps be appropriate if <h> was a thing
  19. [cmegown] i dunno, to me that's a direct analogy to <div role="button"> yeah?
  20. [cmegown] like yeah it works but please don't my eyes can't bleed any more today
  21. zakim-robot
    May 31 18:09
    [karlgroves] Hell yes.
  22. [karlgroves] Hi. We already have good ole native semantics here. Let’s use that
  23. [garcialo] @karlgroves But aria, Karl.
  24. [cehfisher] _grabs :popcorn: _
  25. [karlgroves] I
  26. [garcialo] In case it wasn’t clear, I am being sarcastic. :p
  27. [karlgroves] It was to me. (trollface emoji)
  28. [garcialo] I figured it was to you, but I often forget there are more people in here than you, me, and @michiel.
  29. zakim-robot
    May 31 18:17
    [seankeegan] @karlgroves Ha! we must be reviewing code done by the same developer. I am finding the same <label> issue today. Perhaps they wanted bold text…because <label> and <strong> are easy to mistake.
  30. [karlgroves] Ack. You might be right because the code is <label class="boldTxt">
  31. [karlgroves] What kind of loser uses <strong>, these days? <label> is where its at
  32. [seankeegan] Clearly.
  33. [tyronem] I’m reading these horrid code examples like (weary emoji)
  34. zakim-robot
    May 31 18:22

    [karlgroves] Oh man, it never ends. here’s another one:

    <fieldset class="fieldset">

  35. [karlgroves] Also, this site has a breadcrumb list that has

    <li><a href="/path/">Foo</a></li> <li class="empty"></li>

    BECAUSE HOW DOES padding-right EVEN WORK!?!?!?

  36. [karlgroves] BTW the company that created this awesome code made $32.9 BILLION in revenue in 2016 (The vendor our customer, so I can trash them)
  37. [karlgroves] Should be “the vendor isn’t our customer”
  38. zakim-robot
    May 31 18:57
    [cmegown] whoa...i just realized that heading stuff we were just talking about was lea verou's idea
  39. [cmegown] surprised to see that idea come from someone who should know better
  40. [cmegown] especially with the kind of reach she has. there's probably a bunch of people who are going to go out and do that now.
  41. zakim-robot
    May 31 19:11
    [higley] Yeah, what’s she thinking? Everyone knows the best heading markup is <label class="heading" aria-level="1" aria-label="Foo">Foo</label>
  42. zakim-robot
    May 31 20:29
    [tessenate] playing devil’s advocate here, but maybe for things like component-based architecture? If you’re making something like a card component that’s supposed to be reusable and can be dropped in anywhere, it’s hard to know what heading element to use
  43. zakim-robot
    May 31 20:35

    [scottohara] True. But even the level solution doesn't solve that as the level still needs to be identified.

    Similar logic to dynamically determine the level could also be used to update the HTML element itself

  44. [karlgroves] Also, for components, you can always pass in a parameter for the necessary heading level or have that set as part of the overall view
  45. zakim-robot
    May 31 21:25
    [garcialo] @higley You forgot the role.
  46. [garcialo] Otherwise, it’s perfect.
  47. [garcialo] …or is that dynamically added at runtime? I’m usually a bit slow on these things.
  48. [higley] const labels = document.getElementsByTagName('label'); for (let label of labels) { label.setAttribute('role', 'heading'); }
    ^ I add that to all my sites