This document serves as the manifest describing [[MICRODATA-RDF]] tests to be used by processor implementations claiming conformance.
Alternative versions of the test manifest can be found in Turtle and JSON-LD.
Tests are described with individual HTML files containing microdata
(identified by the object of the mf:action
which when parsed into a graph or dataset, parses the expected result
(identified by the object of the mf:result
into another graph or dataset, and those two graphs/datasets are
isomorphic (see [[RDF11-CONCEPTS]]).
A Microdata Positive Evaluation Test (TestMicrodataEval
represents a A positive Microdata evaluation test.
A negative test is passed if an implementation parses the input
(identified by the object of the mf:action
property) into a graph
or dataset, parses the expected result
(identified by the object of the mf:result
into another graph or dataset, and those two graphs/datasets are not
isomorphic (see [[RDF11-CONCEPTS]]).
A Microdata Negative Evaluation Test (TestMicrodataNegativeEval
represents a A negative Microdata evaluation test.
These test descriptions generally correspond to the descriptions of Evaluation Tests in [[RDF11-TESTCASES]]
All tests should be performed with an assumed base of
along with the base-name of the specific test document (excluding any format extension) for
both input and result files.
This document serves as the test manifest for both positive and negative parser tests using the Data Access Test Manifest and Data Access Test Query vocabularies.
Properly parsing this document with a conforming Microdata to RDF processor, as well as the individual
test cases requires that the processor use the Test Registry.
individual tests may require that the processor use a different registry using the
an additional
property, indicating the URL of a Test Registry
to load when executing a particular Test.
typically a file co-located and numbered along with the test itself.
An example test entry parsed from this manifest might have the following form:
@prefix rdf: <> . @prefix rdfs: <> . @prefix rdft: <> . @prefix mf: <> . @prefix qt: <> . [ rdf:type mf:Manifest ; rdfs:comment "Turtle good syntax test cases (must pass)" ; mf:entries ( [ a mf:ManifestEntry, rdft:TestMicrodataEval; mf:name "Test 0001"; rdfs:comment "Item with no itemtype and literal itemprop"; mf:action <0001.html>; rdft:registry <test-registry.json>; mf:result <0001.ttl> ] ) ] .