1. A vocabulary for the annotation of Modality Components

This proposal is designed to support the annotation of Modality Components, to allow their discovery and registering in a multimodal system. The focus is the dynamic discovery of Modality Component as services using generic information about the underlying properties and types of processes. This information is provided by an announcement and a description (a capabilities manifest, for example) advertised in some network. In this document we will illustrate this point with an example of a multimodal greeting service in a smart environment.

The Modality Components can be described with a document that evolves on complexity depending on the application needs. This description can be limited to indications about the Input and Output interfaces or be more detailed describing functional and non-functional properties, inspired by some of the Extensible Multimodal Annotation Markup Language (EMMA) properties [W3C-EMMA 2009] like emma:function, emma:media-type, emma:medium and emma:mode.

The meaning of the terms for a controlled vocabulary in the form of a Glossary for the annotation of Modality Components, is divided in two parts (Figure 2): Subsumption terms and behavior terms.

Basic Vocabulary for MC annotation

Figure 1: Basic Vocabulary for MC annotation

1.1 Subsumption Description Attributes

Subsumption concerns the attributes classifiying the Modality Components. It is structured with metadata classifying the Modality Component according to its membership or association with a Multimodal class in conformance to the modes handled by the System. This first description allows discovery filtering for a precise target mode. There are four properties: