RDF and SPARQL Test Suites
Product of W3C’s RDF Test Curation Community Group. Please consult that page for further details on the goals and deliverables of the that group.
Current test suites:
Note that the RDFa Test Suite is a hosted service and managed through the rdfa/rdfa-website GitHub repository. Issues should be filed in that repository.
The JSON-LD Test Suite is managed through the json-ld/json-ld.org GitHub repository. Issues should be filed in that repository.
The work of the CG is being performed on GitHub. The list of test suites managed, is available through the HTML view. The general process followed is the following:
- New test suites may be added via a PR request against the rdf-tests repository, or by filing an issue using the issue tracker for subsequent activity.
- Proposed changes to a given test suite may be discussed on public-rdf-tests@w3.org (archive), but ultimately should result in an issue being created on the issue tracker.
- Changes should either be made on a separate fork of the repository, and integrated via pull request, or on a feature branch within the main repository (prefix branch name with “feature-” or “issue-n-“, where “n” is the issue number relating to the proposed update). Any change that results in a functional change to an existing test suite MUST be included by consensus of this group, and the related comments group of the associated working group, and SHOULD have two implementations which pass the tests. Once consensus is reached, a pull request including this feature branch may be integrated into the main branch.
Note that naming conventions for tests often make conflicting overlaps inevitable, so consider this when naming new tests and formatting the test manifests.
- Some updates, e.g. more extensive updates to the SPARQL test suite, may require branching off of, and merging back into, a separate feature branch, so that a set of changes can be staged before updating the main branch.
- After a changes to a given test suite become stable, a “release” branch can be created to record the state of the test suite at that time.
- All changes affecting a given test suite should be broadcast to the appropriate comments list (public-rdf-comments@w3.org or public-sparql-dev@w3.org at this point).
- Implementations can typically access a given test suite using the HTML view. For example, the Turtle test manifest can be accessed at https://w3c.github.io/rdf-tests/turtle/manifest.ttl. Accessing test suites though an alternative branch via HTTP requires the use of a different facility, such as https://raw.githubusercontent.com/w3c/rdf-tests/main/turtle/manifest.ttl, where “main” is replaced by the appropriate branch name.
The group is chaired by Gregg Kellogg. The W3C staff contact is Pierre-Antoine Champin. If you are member of the Community Group, and you want to gain a “push” right to this repository, please contact gregg@greggkellogg.net, providing your github ID.