Complete Failures

Completely failed files: 10; Completely failed subtests: 15; Failure level: 15/371 (4.04%)

Test Files

  1. /media-source/interfaces.html (11/116, 9.48%, 2.96% of total)
  2. /media-source/mediasource-sequencemode-append-buffer.html (2/3, 66.67%, 0.54% of total)
  3. /media-source/mediasource-sourcebuffer-mode-timestamps.html (2/2, 100.00%, 0.54% of total)
/media-source/interfaces.html (11/116, 9.48%, 2.96% of total)OKTIMEOUTOKTIMEOUT
MediaSource interface: mediaSource must inherit property "onsourceopen" with the proper type (4)FAILFAILFAILFAIL
MediaSource interface: mediaSource must inherit property "onsourceended" with the proper type (5)FAILFAILFAILFAIL
MediaSource interface: mediaSource must inherit property "onsourceclose" with the proper type (6)FAILFAILFAILFAIL
SourceBuffer interface: attribute textTracksFAILFAILFAILFAIL
SourceBuffer interface: sourceBuffer must inherit property "onupdatestart" with the proper type (9)FAILFAILFAILFAIL
SourceBuffer interface: sourceBuffer must inherit property "onupdate" with the proper type (10)FAILFAILFAILFAIL
SourceBuffer interface: sourceBuffer must inherit property "onupdateend" with the proper type (11)FAILFAILFAILFAIL
SourceBuffer interface: sourceBuffer must inherit property "onerror" with the proper type (12)FAILFAILFAILFAIL
SourceBuffer interface: sourceBuffer must inherit property "onabort" with the proper type (13)FAILFAILFAILFAIL
SourceBufferList interface: mediaSource.sourceBuffers must inherit property "onaddsourcebuffer" with the proper type (1)FAILFAILFAILFAIL
SourceBufferList interface: mediaSource.sourceBuffers must inherit property "onremovesourcebuffer" with the proper type (2)FAILFAILFAILFAIL
/media-source/mediasource-sequencemode-append-buffer.html (2/3, 66.67%, 0.54% of total)OKTIMEOUTOKOK
Test sequence AppendMode appendBuffer(second media segment)FAILFAILFAILFAIL
Test sequence AppendMode appendBuffer(second media segment, then first media segment)FAILFAILFAILFAIL
/media-source/mediasource-sourcebuffer-mode-timestamps.html (2/2, 100.00%, 0.54% of total)OKTIMEOUTOKOK
audio/aac : If generate timestamps flag equals true and new mode equals "segments", then throw a TypeError exception and abort these steps.FAILFAILFAILFAIL
audio/mpeg : If generate timestamps flag equals true and new mode equals "segments", then throw a TypeError exception and abort these steps.FAILFAILFAILFAIL