All Results

Test files: 10; Total subtests: 38

Test Files

  1. /pointerlock/constructor.html
  2. /pointerlock/idlharness.html
  3. /pointerlock/movementX_Y_basic-manual.html
  4. /pointerlock/movementX_Y_no-jumps-manual.html.html
  5. /pointerlock/pointerlock_basic-manual.html
  6. /pointerlock/pointerlock_fullscreen-manual.html
  7. /pointerlock/pointerlock_indefinite-manual.html
  8. /pointerlock/pointerlock_leave_Tab-manual.html
  9. /pointerlock/pointerlock_leave_UA-manual.html
  10. /pointerlock/pointerlock_remove_target-manual.html
Default event values for mouse event interface and its pointer lock extensions.PASSFAILPASS
Default event values for pointerlockerror using a dictionaryPASSFAILPASS
Element interface: operation requestPointerLock()PASSPASSPASS
Element must be primary interface of window.document.documentElementFAILFAILFAIL
Stringification of window.document.documentElementFAILFAILFAIL
Element interface: window.document.documentElement must inherit property "requestPointerLock" with the proper type (0)PASSPASSPASS
Document interface: attribute onpointerlockchangePASSFAILPASS
Document interface: attribute onpointerlockerrorPASSFAILPASS
Document interface: attribute pointerLockElementPASSPASSPASS
Document interface: operation exitPointerLock()PASSPASSPASS
Document must be primary interface of window.documentFAILFAILFAIL
Stringification of window.documentFAILFAILFAIL
Document interface: window.document must inherit property "onpointerlockchange" with the proper type (0)FAILFAILFAIL
Document interface: window.document must inherit property "onpointerlockerror" with the proper type (1)FAILFAILFAIL
Document interface: window.document must inherit property "pointerLockElement" with the proper type (2)PASSPASSPASS
Document interface: window.document must inherit property "exitPointerLock" with the proper type (3)PASSPASSPASS
MouseEvent interface: attribute movementXPASSPASSPASS
MouseEvent interface: attribute movementYPASSPASSPASS
MouseEvent must be primary interface of new MouseEvent('mousemove')PASSPASSPASS
Stringification of new MouseEvent('mousemove')PASSPASSPASS
MouseEvent interface: new MouseEvent('mousemove') must inherit property "movementX" with the proper type (0)PASSPASSPASS
MouseEvent interface: new MouseEvent('mousemove') must inherit property "movementY" with the proper type (1)PASSPASSPASS
MouseEvent must be primary interface of new MouseEvent('pointerlockchange')PASSPASSPASS
Stringification of new MouseEvent('pointerlockchange')PASSPASSPASS
MouseEvent interface: new MouseEvent('pointerlockchange') must inherit property "movementX" with the proper type (0)PASSPASSPASS
MouseEvent interface: new MouseEvent('pointerlockchange') must inherit property "movementY" with the proper type (1)PASSPASSPASS
Test that movementX/Y = eNow.screenX/Y-ePrevious.screenX/YPASSFAILPASS
Test that movementX/Y do not have large values when re-entering from outside the windowPASSFAILPASS
Test that the pointer properly be locked in a DOM elementPASSPASSPASS
Test that the pointer lock properly be exited, the cursor is at the same location when exitedPASSPASSPASS
Test that no engagement gesture is required to reenter pointer lock if pointer lock is exited via exitPointerLockPASSPASSPASS
Test validates that each requestPointerLock() will fire a pointerlockchange eventPASSNOTRUNPASS
Test that pointer lock won't be exited when fullscreen is entered or exited with scriptPASSPASSPASS
Test that pointer lock is exited when fullscreen is entered or exited with the same user gesturePASSNOTRUNPASS
Test that movementX/Y provided indefinitely even when the mouse cursor would have otherwise hit the edge of a screenPASSPASSPASS
Test that pointer lock will be lost when the current Tab loses focusPASSPASSPASS
Test that pointer lock will be lost when the user agent / window loses focusPASSPASSPASS
Test that pointer lock will be lost when taking the target element out of the DOMPASSPASSPASS