Verifiable Claims Task Force

A Task Force of the W3C Web Payments Interest Group

The work of this Task Force completed in May of 2017 and resulted in the official launch of the W3C Verifiable Claims Working Group. The W3C Credentials Community Group continues to incubate technology related to Verifiable Claims and Credentials.

The record of all meetings held by the Verifiable Claims Task Force are provided below for historical and archival purposes.

Meeting for 2017-05-09


  1. Agenda Review and Introductions
  2. WG Document Handoff
  3. Joining the VCWG
  4. Reminder: this is last CG call at this time
  5. Open Mic / Community Group Next Steps
  6. CG and WG call next week

Meeting for 2017-05-02


  1. Finalize CG Reports, hand-off to WG
  2. Trip Reports
  3. Working Group Membership
  4. Suggestions for next week


  1. Publish 2017-05-01 drafts as Final Reports. Gather feedback until this coming Friday, and publish final specifications if no objections.

Meeting for 2017-03-14


  1. Agenda review and Introductions
  2. Status of Verifiable Claims WG Creation
  3. No meeting on 3/28 (reminder)
  4. DO_NOT_CORRELATE flag discussion
  5. WoT use case
  6. Action Item Review (
  7. Suggestions for next week agenda

Meeting for 2017-03-07


  1. Status of VCWG Creation
  2. Meeting for 2017-03-28 Cancelled
  3. IMS Badge Summit Update
  4. RWoT Demo Status
  5. Prioritizing Pull Requests
  6. Actions Item Review
  7. amigus email re: privacy:
  8. Suggestions for Next Meeting Agenda

Meeting for 2017-02-28


  1. Introduction to Kim Duffy from BlockCerts
  2. Status of Verifiable Claims WG Creation
  3. Update on Verifiable Claims Playground
  4. Action Item Review
  5. Agenda for Next Week

Meeting for 2017-02-21


  1. Introduction to Sean Bohan
  2. Status of WG Creation
  3. Action Item Review
  4. Face to Face Meetings
  5. Requirements
  6. Correlatability of Usage Patterns
  7. Primary or Secondary Subject

Meeting for 2017-02-14


  1. Introduction to Abbas Ali from R3
  2. Status of Verifiable Claims WG Creation
  3. Sandbox for the implementers to work on
  4. Action Item Review
  5. Face to Face Meeting Opportunities
  6. Portable Reputation Kit

Meeting for 2017-02-07


  1. Agenda Review and Introductions
  2. Status of Verifiable Claims WG Creation
  3. Status of Face to Face in March
  4. Action Item Review
  5. Discuss work on requirements gathering
  6. Use Case Issue 18: Holder Terminology
  7. Use Case Issue 34: Lifecycle Engagement - next steps


  1. Do not close yet Issue 18 yet.

Meeting for 2017-01-31


  1. Agenda Review and Introductions
  2. Status of Verifiable Claims WG creation
  3. Possible VCWG F2F week of March 21st 2017
  4. Use Cases Framework Discussion

Meeting for 2017-01-24


  1. Agenda Review
  2. Status of Verifiable Claims WG Vote
  3. Use Cases Narratives and Revocation/Privacy
  4. Correlation Analysis and Prevention
  5. Filtering, Focusing use cases

Meeting for 2017-01-17


  1. Agenda review and Introductions
  2. Status of Verifiable Claims WG Vote
  3. Web of Trust Use Case
  4. Prioritization of/response to privacy concerns

Meeting for 2017-01-10


  1. Vote for Verifiable Claims WG
  2. Use Cases Document Update
  3. Agenda Items for Next Week

Meeting for 2016-12-20


  1. Introduction to Pari, from Intuit
  2. Agenda Review
  3. Verifiable Claims WG Vote
  4. Discussion on Github
  5. Intro to Github Pull Requests
  6. Use of WebIDL in the Spec

Meeting for 2016-12-13


  1. Vote for Verifiable Claims WG is Open
  2. Reference Libraries
  3. Use of JSON/JSON-LD in spec
  4. Next Meeting

Meeting for 2016-12-06


  1. Introduction to John Koshy
  2. Rebooting Web of Trust, Paris
  3. Issue Prioritization
  4. Use of JSON/JSON-LD in spec

Meeting for 2016-11-29


  1. Agenda review
  2. New Participants
  3. New Location for Specs
  4. Status of W3M Charter Review
  5. Call for review
  6. Brief review of adding issues in GitHub
  7. Nesting Signatures with JWT

Meeting for 2016-11-15


  1. W3C AB Feedback
  2. Specific Use Cases
  3. Age Verification Use Case
  4. Spec Issues

Meeting for 2016-11-08


  1. Gathering More Use Case Data

Meeting for 2016-11-01


  1. Rebooting Web of Trust
  2. Internet Identity Workshop #23
  3. Verifiable Claims Face-to-Face
  4. Intro to Phil Archer from W3C
  5. Responses to VC Concerns

Meeting for 2016-10-28


  1. Agenda Review
  2. Long-term Architectural Concerns
  3. Decentralized Identifiers
  4. Start of Data Model Deep Dive
  5. Data Model Deep Dive
  6. Digital Signatures
  7. Responding to Charter Review Comments

Meeting for 2016-10-27


  1. Welcome and Administrivia
  2. Introduction to Use Cases
  3. Good Use Cases
  4. Education Industry Use Cases
  5. Healthcare Use Cases
  6. Payments Use Cases
  7. Verifiable Claims Proposed Architecture / Goals
  8. Data model and Representation Overview
  9. The W3C Process
  10. VCF2F Day Two Agenda Bash

Meeting for 2016-10-11


  1. Verifiable Claims Face-to-Face Agenda
  2. architecture (shane)
  3. data model, representations (manu) - day 1 will feel repetitive b/c there will be ~50% newcomers

Meeting for 2016-10-04


  1. After Action Report - W3C TPAC
  2. Registering for VC Face-to-Face
  3. Verifiable Claims Face-to-Face Agenda
  4. Feedback on W3C Verifiable Claims Announcement

Meeting for 2016-09-06


  1. Quick introduction from Pindar Wong
  2. F2F Meeting at IIW
  3. Verifiable Claims Implementations to Demo
  4. Verifiable Claims RC-2 Draft Charter Feedback
  5. Estonian E-Residency Face-to-Face
  6. Planning for W3C TPAC
  7. Interplanetary File System and Verifiable Claims

Meeting for 2016-08-16


  1. Introduction to Bob Burke, Koupon Media
  2. Introduction to Adrian Gropper, HealthURL
  3. Verifiable Claims Face-to-Face at IIW
  4. Verifiable Claims RC-2 Draft Charter
  5. IPFS and Verifiable Claims

Meeting for 2016-08-02


  1. Feedback on Charter from W3C Management
  2. Verifiable Claims Face-to-Face Agenda
  3. Terminology and Expiration
  4. Linked Data Encrypted Signatures

Meeting for 2016-07-19


  1. Review All Dissenting Opinions
  2. JOSE / JWT Clarification/Analysis
  3. Verifiable Claims Face-to-Face Agenda
  4. Coordinating with Other Workshops

Meeting for 2016-07-12


  1. Verifiable Claims Presentation at WPIG face-to-face
  2. Identified Verifiable Claims "Weak Points"
  3. Next Steps

Meeting for 2016-06-21


  1. Verifiable Claims Working Group Proposal
  2. Terminology Results
  3. Data Model Specification
  4. Use Cases
  5. Next Steps

Meeting for 2016-06-14


  1. Terminology Poll
  2. Implementer Commitment Summary
  3. Verifiable Claims Architecture
  4. Primer
  5. Data Model Specification
  6. Use Cases
  7. Items that are "Good Enough" for Review

Meeting for 2016-06-08


  1. Discuss purpose of architecture proposal
  2. Analysis of current document
  3. Identifier registry
  4. Repository
  5. Simplifying Diagram

Meeting for 2016-06-07


  1. VCTF Deliverables
  2. Verifiable Claims Use Cases Review
  3. Verifiable Claims Charter
  4. Verifiable Claims Charter FAQ
  5. Architecture Summary
  6. Verifiable Claims Data Model Specification
  7. Terminology Conflicts
  8. Other items


  1. Adopt self-sovereign terminology over user-centric terminology.

Meeting for 2016-05-31


  1. Introduction to New Participants
  2. Self-Sovereign Identity Architecture
  3. Decentralized Identifiers
  4. Verifiable Claims Use Cases Review
  5. Update on Work Items

Meeting for 2016-05-24


  1. Introductions to New Participants
  2. Agenda Bashing
  3. Introduction to Anil John and DHS Blockchain R&D
  4. Other Introductions
  5. United Nations ID2020 Summit Recap
  6. Rebooting Web of Trust Design Workshop Recap
  7. Recent Vermont Legal Finding
  8. Update on Work Items

Meeting for 2016-05-17


  1. Introduction to Alka Gupta from GlobalID
  2. Blockchain and Identity
  3. Verifiable Claims Data Model Specification
  4. Credentials Transparency Initiative Terminology
  5. Target Date Web Payments IG Hand-off


  1. Augment the "Credential" terminology in the specification with a modifier like "OpenCredential" or "IdentityCredential" or "VerifiableCredential".

Meeting for 2016-05-10


  1. Introduction to Alok from Cambridge Blockchain
  2. Review of Survey Status
  3. Work on Existing Docs
  4. Verifiable Claims Data Model Specification
  5. Survey Results/Overview
  6. One page W3C AC Rep Summary
  7. Architecture Summary
  8. Implementers Summary

Meeting for 2016-04-26


  1. Credentials Transparency Initiative Alignment
  2. Review of Questionnaire Status
  3. Verifiable Claims Data Model Specification
  4. One page W3C AC Rep Summary
  5. Charter Cleanup
  6. Use Case Reviews

Meeting for 2016-04-19


  1. Introductions to New Participants
  2. United Nations ID2020 Initiative
  3. Review of Questionnaire Responses
  4. Work Items

Meeting for 2016-04-05


  1. Introduction to Christopher Allen
  2. Blockchain Interest in Identity Credentials
  3. Review of Questionnaire
  4. Charter Review To Date
  5. Options Moving Forward

Meeting for 2016-03-29


  1. Introduction to Todd Albers
  2. W3C Advisory Committee Summary
  3. Next Steps (in the next 4-6 weeks)
  4. Spec Ops

Meeting for 2016-03-15


  1. Draft Charter Proposal
  2. Use Cases Document
  3. Card for AC Meeting
  4. Vocabulary changes - Issuer, Curator, Inspector


  1. Integrate as much feedback as possible before 3pm today and send the editor's draft charter and use cases out for informal review to the interviewees, the survey respondents, and the W3C Advisory Committee.

Meeting for 2016-03-08


  1. Draft Charter Proposal
  2. Material for W3C Advisory Committe Meeting at MIT
  3. Use Cases Document
  4. Expected Timeline for VCTF Charter Review

Meeting for 2016-03-01


  1. Review Web Payments IG Vote on VCTF
  2. Next Steps (W3C AC Meeting)
  3. Draft Charter Proposal
  4. Use Cases Document

Meeting for 2016-02-19


  1. Current Status
  2. Use Cases Document
  3. Verifiable Claims Task Force Presentation
  4. Verifiable Claims Task Force Final Report
  5. Draft Charter Proposal

Meeting for 2016-02-12


  1. Background on Jeanne, Bob, and the Credentials Transparency Initiative
  2. Problem Statement
  3. Data Format
  4. Technical Advisory Committee on Metadata
  5. Need for Credentials Technology

Meeting for 2016-02-09


  1. Plan to Finishing up Interviews
  2. Verifiable Claims Task Force Final Report
  3. Use Cases Document
  4. Draft Charter Proposal

Meeting for 2016-02-02


  1. Summary of Interviews So Far
  2. Documents Needed By Web Payments Face-to-Face
  3. Verifiable Claims Task Force Final Report
  4. Use Cases Document
  5. Draft Charter Proposal

Meeting for 2016-01-29-2


  1. Introduction
  2. Problem Statement
  3. Level of assurance, Level of protection, and Level of control
  4. The Problem with User-Centric
  5. Important Trust Models
  6. OpenID, SAML, and Privacy
  7. Potential Standardization Opportunities
  8. Best Place for Standardization Work

Meeting for 2016-01-29-1


  1. Problem Statement
  2. User-centric Design vs Privacy-centric Design
  3. OpenID Connect, SAML, and OAuth
  4. Useful Technology Pieces
  5. The Work on OpenID
  6. The Best Mode for a Solution

Meeting for 2016-01-28


  1. Problem Statement
  2. Stakeholders and Benefits
  3. SAML, Oauth, OpenID Connect, and JOSE
  4. Important Work Items
  5. Best Location for Standards Work

Meeting for 2016-01-27


  1. Problem Statement
  2. OpenID Connect
  3. Definitions and User-Centric vs. Service-Centric
  4. Respect Network
  5. Portable Identifiers
  6. Ideal Place for Work

Meeting for 2016-01-26


  1. Interview Narratives So Far
  2. Responding to Identified Narratives
  3. Draft Charter Proposal
  4. Use Cases Document

Meeting for 2016-01-19


  1. Update on Past and Upcoming Interviews
  2. Plan (or lack thereof) for Face-to-Face in February
  3. Stalled Work

Meeting for 2016-01-08


  1. Verifiable Claims Problem Statement
  2. Anti-Fraud / Anti-Abuse
  3. Revocation / Status Checking
  4. Slow Evolution of Agent-Centric Protocols
  5. Trust and Semantics

Meeting for 2016-01-05


  1. Background on Verifiable Claims work
  2. Problem Statement and Scope
  3. Key Questions
  4. The Interviews

Meeting for 2015-12-15


  1. Introduction of New Participants
  2. Review Deliverables
  3. Review Milestones / Timelines
  4. Review Benefits for Stakeholders


  1. Request that the Web Payments Interest Group approve the Verifiable Claims Task Force with the caveat that we still need to do interviews before finalizing work and problem statement.
  2. Adopt the Deliverables in the VCTF wiki as they stand today.
  3. Adopt the Milestones / Timeline as it stands today in the wiki.
  4. Adopt the benefits as they stand now in the wiki with the understanding that we may come back and revise the list as we learn more over the next couple of months.

Meeting for 2015-12-08


  1. Introductions to New Participants
  2. Review of Scope
  3. Review Stakeholders
  4. Review Task Force Operation
  5. Review Success Criteria
  6. Next Steps


  1. Adopt the Scope statement as it exists in the Task Force Proposal wiki.
  2. Adopt the Stakeholders section as it stands in the wiki.
  3. Adopt the Task Force Operation section as it stands in the wiki.
  4. Adopt the success criteria as it stands in the wiki.

Meeting for 2015-12-01


  1. Introduction of Participants
  2. Review the purpose of the call
  3. Review Goals
  4. Review Weekly Meetings
  5. Review Definitions
  6. Review Problem Statement


  1. Adopt the goals statement as it exists in the Verifiable Claims Task Force Proposal.
  2. Adopt the weekly telecon format, tools, and time listed here with fixes to the URLs pointed out by Dave Longley.
  3. There is a significant difference between user-centric and service-centric architectures when it comes to verifiable claims.
  4. Adopt the definitions as they stand in the Verifiable Claims Task Force Proposal.
  5. Adopt the Problem Statement in the Verifiable Claims Task Force Proposal with the changes made during the call today.