Supplemental Member-only Council Report on the Formal Objections Against [Identify the Decision]

Council Report,

Sentences like this give instructions or comments to the writer of the report. Delete them before publishing the report.

[text between square brackets is meant to stay in the report, but needs adjustments before publishing.]

The source of this document is available in Bikeshed format at

1. Introduction

This document complements the W3C Council Report on the Formal [Identify the Decision].

It addition to the Formal Objection[s], which [is | are] available publicly, [Member X] has made subsequent comments with Member-only visibility.

These were taken into account in the conclusion of the Council, but the Council wanted to address all points raised. As these remarks have not been made publicly available, discussion thereof is also restricted to being Member-only.

Note: Should [Member X] subsequently agree to make its own remarks public, the Council consents to make this document public as well.

2. Discussion

Write here any thing that would have gone into the main report, and especially into its Rationale section, but which needs to be Member-confidential.
