This document is a work in progress to extend the existing crosswalk for accessibility metadata for, EPUB, and ONIX to MARC21 and UNIMARC, including a new initial definition column.

Note: Definitions are taken from the Accessibility Properties for Discoverability Vocabulary unless otherwise noted (i.e. some are marked as being ONIX definitions).

Furthermore: UNIMARC 231i (pdf file) offers a easy mapping to ONIX 196. Some references may be best described by other UNIMARC codes.

Information and references:

Schema definitions are found here:

β€œConformsTo” term used in EPUB –drawn from Dublin Core.

MARC21 ressources

MARC 21 information

Fixed length fields (fixed fields) and variable length fields (very brief summary – fuller details)

MARC 21 fixed field = 3 digit numeric code (except the Leader); no indicators, value in each position has a specific meaning.

MARC 21 variable length field = 3 digit numeric code; each field can have 2 indicators that signify different values; each field can have one or more subfields; convention to designate subfield = $ ; if no subfield, assume $a.

More detailed information about MARC 21 field 341 and MARC21 field 532


Conformance and Exemption Declarations

The following table provides a crosswalk between the properties defined in the EPUB Accessibility specification [[EPUB-A11Y-11]] and the equivalents defined metadata standards [[ONIX]], MARC21, UNIMARC.

The conformsTo term used in EPUB is drawn from Dublin Core.

Identifies a party responsible for the testing and certification of the accessibility of an EPUB publication. certifiedBy List 196: Code 90: Compliance certification by ProductFormFeatureDescription carries the name of the organization responsible for compliance testing and certification of the product. See code 93 for the URL of the organization, which should also be provided. Only for use in ONIX 3.0 or later 532 8# Accessibility Note (Non-specific) 532 8# Accessibility Note$a 231 ##$i93$2onix196
Identifies a credential or badge that establishes the authority of the party identified in the associated certifiedBy property to certify content accessible. certifierCredential List 196: Code 93: Compliance certification by ProductFormFeatureDescription carries the URL of a web page belonging to the organisation responsible for compliance testing and certification of the product – typically a β€˜home page’ or a page describing the certification scheme itself. For use in ONIX 3.0 or later 532 8# Accessibility Note (Non-specific)
If the evaluator provides a publicly-readable report of its assessment, provide a link to the assessment in an a11y:certifierReport property associated with [epub-3] the evaluator's name. certifierReport List: 196; Code: 94: Compliance web page for detailed accessibility information or, if a publisher is self-certifying, Code: 96: Publisher's web page for detailed accessibility information
  • 532 8# Accessibility Note (Non-specific)
  • 856 - Electronic Location and Access
  • 856 42 $3Certifier report$u[URL to Certifier report]
532 8# Accessibility Note$a 231 ##$i94$2onix196 and/or 231 ##$i96$2onix196
An established standard to which the described resource conforms.

dcterms:conformsTo with the text string
EPUB Accessibility 1.1 - WCAG 2.0 Level AA

Code 04: EPUB Accessibility Specification 1.1

Code 80: WCAG v2.0

Code 85: WCAG level AA

- - -
An established standard to which the described resource conforms.

dcterms:conformsTo with the text string
EPUB Accessibility 1.1 - WCAG 2.0 Level AAA

Code 04: EPUB Accessibility Specification 1.1

Code 80: WCAG v2.0

Code 86: WCAG level AAA

- - -
An established standard to which the described resource conforms.

dcterms:conformsTo with the text string
EPUB Accessibility 1.1 - WCAG 2.1 Level A

Code 04: EPUB Accessibility Specification 1.1

Code 81: WCAG v2.1

Code 84: WCAG level A

- - -
An established standard to which the described resource conforms.

dcterms:conformsTo with the text string
EPUB Accessibility 1.1 - WCAG 2.1 Level AA

Code 04: EPUB Accessibility Specification 1.1

Code 81: WCAG v2.1

Code 85: WCAG level AA

- - -
An established standard to which the described resource conforms.

dcterms:conformsTo with the text string
EPUB Accessibility 1.1 - WCAG 2.1 Level AAA

Code 04: EPUB Accessibility Specification 1.1

Code 81: WCAG v2.1

Code 86: WCAG level AAA

- - -
An established standard to which the described resource conforms.

dcterms:conformsTo with the text string
EPUB Accessibility 1.1 - WCAG 2.2 Level A

Code 04: EPUB Accessibility Specification 1.1

Code 82: WCAG v2.2

Code 84: WCAG level A

- - -
An established standard to which the described resource conforms.

dcterms:conformsTo with the text string
EPUB Accessibility 1.1 - WCAG 2.2 Level AA

Code 04: EPUB Accessibility Specification 1.1

Code 82: WCAG v2.2

Code 85: WCAG level AA

- - -
An established standard to which the described resource conforms.

dcterms:conformsTo with the text string
EPUB Accessibility 1.1 - WCAG 2.1 Level AAA

Code 04: EPUB Accessibility Specification 1.1

Code 82: WCAG v2.2

Code 86: WCAG level AAA

- - -
An established standard to which the described resource conforms. dcterms:conformsTo with the URL List: 196; Code: 02: EPUB Accessibility Specification 1.0 A 532 8# Accessibility Note (Non-specific) 532 8# Accessibility Note$a 231 ##$i02$2onix196
An established standard to which the described resource conforms. dcterms:conformsTo with the URL List: 196; Code: 03: EPUB Accessibility Specification 1.0 AA 532 8# Accessibility Note (Non-specific) 532 8# Accessibility Note$a 231 ##$i03$2onix196
Identifies the accessibility exemption the EPUB publication falls under.

a11y:exemption with the text string

Code 75: EAA exception 1 - Micro-enterprises

- - -
Identifies the accessibility exemption the EPUB publication falls under.

a11y:exemption with the text string

Code 76: EAA exception 2 - Disproportionate burden

- - -
Identifies the accessibility exemption the EPUB publication falls under.

a11y:exemption with the text string

Code 77: EAA exception 3 - Fundamental modification

- - -


The following table provides a crosswalk between the metadata and [[ONIX]], MARC21, UNIMARC.


ONIX: List 196 (specific codes follow)

MARC21: would not map. Mapping of individual properties is possible as reflected in the following table

UNIMARC: Easy mapping thru list 231 allowing reference to any ONIX list and code.

Alternative text is provided for visual content (e.g., via the [HTML] alt attribute). alternativeText List: 196; Code: 14: Short alternative descriptions 341 0# $avisual$balternativeText$2sapdv or 341 0# $aaudio$bcaptions$2sapdv 231 ##$i14$2onix196
The work includes annotations from the author, instructor and/or others. annotations – 341 0# $atextual$bannotations $2 sapdv or 532 8# $a This resource includes annotations from the author, instructor and/or others.

Resource includes ARIA roles to organize and improve the structure and navigation.

The use of this value corresponds to the inclusion of Document Structure, Landmark, Live Region, and Window roles [[WAI-ARIA]].


Code 30: ARIA roles provided

- - -
Audio descriptions are available (e.g., via an [HTML] track element with its kind attribute set to "descriptions"). audioDescription

Code 28: Full alternative audio descriptions

341 0# $avisual$daudioDescription$2sapdv
(deprecated). The work includes bookmarks to facilitate navigation to key points. Note: The use of the bookmarks value is now deprecated due to its ambiguity. For PDF bookmarks, the tableOfContents value should be used instead. For bookmarks in ebooks, the annotations value can be used. bookmarks N/A (Reading system feature) 341 0# $atextual$bbookmarks$2sapdv
[1] The content is in braille format, or [2] alternatives are available in braille. Note: Information about the type of braille (e.g., ASCII, unicode, nemeth), whether the braille is contracted or not, and what code the braille conforms to should be provided in the accessibility summary. braille

List 21: Edition type, Code BRL: Braille edition


List 175: Product form detail, Code E146: BRF(Braille-ready file) Electronic Braille file

  • Use Case [1] (the content is in Braille format) Not Applicable. Natively braille resources are described using a number of fields in MARC21.
  • Use Case [2] (alternatives are available in Braille): 341 0# $atext$ebraille
(deprecated, replaced by closedCaptions, openCaptions) captions – 341 0# $aauditory$bcaptions$2sapdv or 341 0# $avisual$bcaptions$2sapdv
Identifies that chemical information is encoded using the ChemML markup language. ChemML List: 196; Code: 18: Accessible chemistry content 341 0# $avisual$bChemML$2sapdv 231 ##$i18$2onix196
Indicates that synchronized captions are available for audio and video content. closedCaptions – 341 0# $aauditory$bcaptions$2sapdv or 341 0# $avisual$bcaptions$2sapdv
Textual descriptions of math equations are included, whether in the alt attribute for image-based equations, using the alttext attribute for [MathML] equations, or by other means. describedMath

Code 14: Short alternative textual descriptions

along with

List 81: Product content type, Code 48: Mathematical content

341 0# $avisual$bdescribedMath$2sapdv
Display properties are controllable by the user. This property can be set, for example, if custom CSS style sheets can be applied to the content to control the appearance. It can also be used to indicate that styling in document formats like Word and PDF can be modified. displayTransformability List: 169 ; Code: 36: All textual content can be modified. 341 0# $atextual$b displayTransformability$2sapdv 231 ## $iE200$2onix175
Indicates that ruby annotations [[JLreq]] are attached to every CJK ideographic character in the content. Ruby annotations are used as pronunciation guides for the logographic characters for languages like Chinese or Japanese. They make difficult CJK ideographic characters more accessible.



- - -
Audio content with speech in the foreground meets the contrast thresholds set out in WCAG Success Criteria 1.4.7. highContrastAudio

Code 27: Use of high contrast between foreground and background audio

Content meets the visual contrast threshold set out in WCAG Success Criteria 1.4.6. highContrastDisplay

Code 26: Use of high contrast between text and background color


Code 37: Use of ultra-high contrast between text foreground and background

3410#$atextual$b highContrastDisplay$2sapdv or 3410#$avisual$c highContrastDisplay$2sapd
Indicates that the content can be laid out horizontally (e.g, using the horizontal-tb writing mode of [[css-writing-modes-3]]). This value should only be set when the language of the content allows both horizontal and vertical directions. Notable examples of such languages are Chinese, Japanese, and Korean.






The work includes an index to the content. index List: 196; Code: 12: Index navigation 3410#$atextual$bindex$2sapdv 231 $i12$2onix196
The content has been formatted to meet large print guidelines. The property is not set if the font size can be increased. See displayTransformability. largePrint

List 21: Edition type, Code LTE: Large type / large print edition


List 21: Edition type, Code ULP: Ultra large print edition

  • 3410#$atextual$blargePrint$2sapdv
  • 007 pos 00 Text pos 01Specific material designation b Large print
  • 008 Books/Music pos 23 form of item d Large print
  • 008 Cartographic Pos 29 d Large print
  • 340 ## $nLarge print (18 point)$2rdafs
Identifies that mathematical equations and formulas are encoded in the LaTeX typesetting system. latex

Code 35: Accessible math content (as LaTeX)

should be used with

List 81: Product content type, Code 48: Mathematical content

Identifies that the LaTeX typesetting system is used to encode chemical equations and formulas.






Descriptions are provided for image-based visual content and/or complex structures such as tables, mathematics, diagrams, and charts. Note: Authors may set this property independent of the method they use to provide the extended descriptions (i.e., it is not required to use the obsolete [HTML] longdesc attribute). longDescription

Code 15: Full alternative descriptions

Code 16: Visualised data also available as non-graphical data

  • 3410#$avisual$blongDescription$2sapdv
  • 3410#$avisual$bDescribed video$2sapdv
  • 3410#$aauditory$bcaptions$2sapdv
  • 3410#$aauditory$btranscript$2sapdv
231 $i15$2onix196
Identifies that mathematical equations and formulas are encoded in [MathML]. MathML List: 196; Code: 17: Accessible math content 3410#$avisual$bMathML$2sapdv 231 $i17$2onix196
Identifies that [[MathML]] is used to encode chemical equations and formulas.


Code 34: Accessible chemistry content (as MathML)

- - -

Indicates that the resource does not contain any accessibility features.

The none value must not be set with any other feature value.


Code 09: Inaccessible, or known limited accessibility

532 2# $aLacks significant accessibility features. 231 $i09$2onix196
Indicates that synchronized captions are available for audio and video content. openCaptions – 341 0# $aauditory$bcaptions$2sapdv or 341 0# $avisual$bcaptions$2sapdv

The resource includes static page markers, such as those identified by the doc-pagebreak role [[DPUB-ARIA-1.1]].

This value is most commonly used with ebooks for which there is a statically paginated equivalent, such as a print edition, but it is not required that the page markers correspond to another work. The markers may exist solely to facilitate navigation in purely digital works.

(formerly printPageNumbers)

Code 19: Print-equivalent page numbering

- - -

The resource includes a means of navigating to static page break locations.

The most common way of providing page navigation in digital publications is through a page list. The EPUB page-list navigation feature [[EPUB-33]] and the pagelist role [[DPUB-ARIA-1.1]] are two examples.






The reading order of the content is clearly defined in the markup (e.g., figures, sidebars and other secondary content has been marked up to allow it to be skipped automatically and/or manually escaped from. readingOrder List: 196; Code: 13: Reading order 3410#$atextual$breadingOrder$2sapdv 231 $i13$2onix196
Indicates that ruby annotations [HTML] are provided in the content. Ruby annotations are used as pronunciation guides for the logographic characters for languages like Chinese or Japanese. It makes difficult Kanji or CJK ideographic characters more accessible. The absence of rubyAnnotations implies that no CJK ideographic characters have ruby. rubyAnnotations – 3410#$atextual$brubyAnnotations$2sapdv
Sign language interpretation is available for audio and video content. Note: Information about the sign language code used should be provided in the accessibility summary. signLanguage

List 175: Product form detail, Code V213: Sign language interpretation

The use of headings in the work fully and accurately reflects the document hierarchy, allowing navigation by assistive technologies. structuralNavigation

Code 29: Next / Previous structural navigation

Describes a resource that offers both audio and text, with information that allows them to be rendered simultaneously. The granularity of the synchronization is not specified. This term is not recommended when the only material that is synchronized is the document headings. synchronizedAudioText List: 196; Code: 20: Synchronised pre-recorded audio 3410#$atextual$d synchronizedAudioText$2sapdv 231 $i20$2onix196
The work includes a table of contents that provides links to the major sections of the content. tableOfContents List: 196; Code: 11: Table of contents navigation 3410#$atextual$btableofContents$2sapdv 231 $i11$2onix196
The contents of the PDF have been tagged to permit access by assistive technologies. taggedPDF

Code 05: PDF/UA

Code 06: PDF/UA-2

  • [1] When used with creative works such as books, indicates that the resource includes tactile graphics.
  • [2] When used to describe an image resource or physical object, indicates that the resource is a tactile graphic.
tactileGraphic –
  • Use case [1] (When used with creative works such as books, indicates that the resource includes tactile graphics): 3410#$avisual$etactileGraphic$2sapd
  • Use case [2] (When used to describe an image resource or physical object, indicates that the resource is a tactile graphic): 500 - Note ; 500 $a Tactile graphic

And 336 Content type ; 336 ##$atactile image$2rdacontent

  • [1] When used with creative works such as books, indicates that the resource includes models to generate tactile 3D objects.
  • [2] When used to describe a physical object, indicates that the resource is a tactile 3D object.
tactileObject –
  • Use case [1] (When used with creative works such as books, indicates that the resource includes models to generate tactile 3D objects): 532 1# $aIncludes models to generate 3D objects
  • Use case [2] (When used to describe a physical object, indicates that the resource is a tactile 3D object): Leader pos 6 r Three-dimensional artifact or naturally occurring object and 500 $aTactile 3D object.

336 ##$atactile three-dimensional form$2rdacontent

For content with timed interaction, this value indicates that the user can control the timing to meet their needs (e.g., pause and reset) timingControl – 341$aauditory$dtimingControl$2sapdv or 341$avisual$dtimingControl$2sapdv
Indicates that a transcript of the audio content is available. transcript

List 175: Product form detail, Code V212: Transcript

One or more of [SSML], [Pronunciation-Lexicon], and [CSS3-Speech] properties has been used to enhance text-to-speech playback quality. ttsMarkup List: 196; Code: 21: Text-to-speech hinting provided; Code 22: Language tagging provided 341$atext$bttsMarkup$2sapdv and 532 1# $a Text-to-speech has been optimised through provision of PLS lexicons, SSML or CSS Speech synthesis hints. 231 $i21$2onix196 and/or 231 $i22$2onix196

Indicates that the author has not yet checked if the resource contains accessibility features. This value is only intended as a placeholder until an accessibility review can be completed.

The unknown value must not be set with any other feature value.


Code 08: Unknown accessibility

- - -
No digital rights management or other content restriction protocols have been applied to the resource. unlocked

List 144: E-publication technical protection, Code 00: None

532 1# $aNo DRM (digital rights management) or other content restriction protocols have been applied to the resource.
Indicates that the content can be laid out vertically (e.g, using the vertical-rl of [[css-writing-modes-3]]). This value should only be set when the language of the content allows both horizontal and vertical directions.






Indicates that the content can be rendered with additional word segmentation.






Indicates that the content can be rendered without additional word segmentation.






Where interactive content is included in the product, controls are provided (eg for speed, pause and resume, reset) and labelled to make their use clear.


Code 31: Accessible controls provided




Includes basic landmark navigation (usually less detailed than TOC-based navigation).


Code 32: Landmark navigation

For readers with color vision deficiency, use of color (eg in diagrams, graphs and charts, in prompts or on buttons inviting a response) is not the sole means of graphical distinction or of conveying information.


Code 25: Use of color is not sole means of conveying information




ONIX: The language of the text has been specified (eg via the HTML or XML lang attribute) to optimise text-to-speech (and other alternative renderings), both at whole document level and, where appropriate, for individual words, phrases or passages in a different language. – List: 196; Code 22: Language tagging provided – helps with TTS in multi-lingual content 532 1# $aThe language of the text has been specified (eg via the HTML or XML lang attribute) to optimise text-to-speech (and other alternative renderings), both at whole document level and, where appropriate,for individual words, phrases or passages in a different language. 231 $i22$2onix196
ONIX: Specialised font, character and/or line spacing, justification and paragraph spacing, coloring and other options provided specifically to improve readability for dyslexic readers. Details, including the name of the font if relevant, should be listed in ProductFormFeatureDescription – List: 196; Code 24: Dyslexia readability 532 1# $aSpecialised font, character and line spacing, justification and paragraph spacing, and coloring for dyslexic readers.
ONIX: No accessibility features offered by the reading system, device or reading software (including but not limited to choice of text size or typeface, choice of text or background color, text-to-speech) are disabled, overridden or otherwise unusable with the product EXCEPT – in ONIX 3 messages only – those specifically noted as subject to restriction or prohibition in EpubUsageConstraint. Note that provision of any significant part of the textual content as images (ie as pictures of text, rather than as text, and without any textual equivalent) inevitably prevents use of these accessibility options. – List: 196; Code 10: No reading system accessibility options disabled (except) 532 8# $aNo accessibility features offered by the reading system, device or reading software (including but not limited to choice of text size or typeface, choice of text or background color, text-to-speech) are disabled, overridden or otherwise unusable with the product. 231 $i10$2onix196


Indicates that the resource presents a flashing hazard for photosensitive persons. This value should be set when the content meets the hazard thresholds described in Success Criterion 2.3.1 Three Flashes or Below Threshold [WCAG2]. flashing – 532 8# $aThe resource presents a flashing hazard for photosensitive persons.
Indicates that the resource does not present a flashing hazard. This value should be set when the content conforms to Success Criterion 2.3.1 Three Flashes or Below Threshold [WCAG2]. noFlashingHazard – 532 8# $aThis resource does not present a flashing hazard.

Indicates that it is unknown if any flashing hazards exist within the content.

The unknownFlashingHazard value must not be set when either of the flashing or noFlashingHazard values is set.

It should not be set when the none value is set.

It should not be set when the unknown value is set.


List: 143; Code: 24 Flashing risk unknown

- - -
Indicates that the resource contains instances of motion simulation that may affect some individuals. Some examples of motion simulation include video games with a first-person perspective and CSS-controlled backgrounds that move when a user scrolls a page. motionSimulation List: 143; Code: 17 WARNING – Motion simulation hazard Products simulates (via visual effects) the experience of motion, which may cause nausea in sensitive people 532 8# $aContains instances of motion simulation that may affect some individuals. 231 $i17$2onix143
Indicates that the resource does not contain instances of motion simulation. noMotionSimulationHazard – 532 8# $aThis resource does not contain instances of motion simulation.

Indicates that it is unknown if any motion simulation hazards exist within the content.

The unknownMotionSimulation value must not be set when either of the motionSimulation or noMotionSimulationHazard values is set.

It should not be set when the none value is set.

It should not be set when the unknown value is set.


List: 143; Code: 26 Motion simulation unknown

- - -
Indicates that the resource contains auditory sounds that may affect some individuals. Editor's note: The application of this value is currently under discussion as its application is underspecified. sound List: 175; Code: A310: Sound effects Incidental sounds added to the audiobook narration (eg background environmental sounds). (may not correspond to a hazard) 532 8# $aContains auditory sounds that may affect some individuals. 231 $iA310$2onix175
Indicates that the resource does not contain auditory hazards. Editor's note: The application of this value is currently under discussion as its application is underspecified. noSoundHazard – 532 8# $aThis resource does not contain auditory hazards.

Indicates that it is unknown if any auditory hazards exist within the content.

The unknownSoundHazard value must not be set when either of the sound or noSoundHazard values is set.

It should not be set when the none value is set.

It should not be set when the unknown value is set.


List: 143; Code: 25 Sound risk unknown

- - -
Indicates that the resource does not contain any hazards. none –
Indicates that it is unknown if any hazards exist within the content. unknown – 532 8# $aThis resource has not been evaluated for hazard risks.
The metadata field accessibilityAPI does not apply to digital publications directly but rather to reading system software. We do not include it in this crosswalk.
The metadata field accessibilityControl does not apply to digital publications directly but rather to reading system software. We do not include it in this crosswalk.


The human sensory perceptual system or cognitive faculty through which a person may process or perceive information.
Indicates that the resource contains information encoded in auditory form. Note: This value is not set when the auditory content conveys no information. For example, an instructional video might include background music while all the necessary information to complete the task is conveyed visually and/or through text captions. auditory

List 81: Product content type,

  • Code 01: Audiobook
  • plus types of audio content

  • Code 22: Additional audio content not part of main content
  • Code 13: Other speech content
  • Code 03: Music recording
  • Code 04: Other audio
  • Code 21: Partial performance – spoken word
  • Code 23: Promotional audio for other book product
341 0#$aauditory; Also: 336 ##$aperformed music$2rdacontent; 336 ##$asounds$2rdacontent; 336 ##$aspoken word$2rdacontent; 344 ## $i sound
Indicates that the resource contains charts encoded in visual form. chartOnVisual List: 81; Code 19: Figures, Diagrams, Charts 341 0 $avisual; 532 8# $aResource contains charts encoded in visual form. 231 $i19$2onix81
Indicates that the resource contains chemical equations encoded in visual form. chemOnVisual

List 81: Product content type, Code 47: Chemical content

341 0# $avisual; 532 8# $aResource contains chemical equations encoded in visual form.
Indicates that the resource contains information encoded such that color perception is necessary. colorDependent – 532 2# $aThe resource contains information encoded in such that color perception is necessary.
Indicates that the resource contains diagrams encoded in visual form. diagramOnVisual List: 81; Code 19: Figures, Diagrams, Charts 341 0# $avisual; 532 8# $a Resource contains diagrams encoded in visual form. 231 $i19$2onix81
Indicates that the resource contains mathematical notations encoded in visual form. mathOnVisual

List 81: Product content type, Code 48: Mathematical content

341 0# $avisual; 532 8# $aResource contains mathematical notations encoded in visual form.
Indicates that the resource contains musical notation encoded in visual form. musicOnVisual

List 81: Product content type, Code 11: Musical notation

341 0# $avisual; 532 8# $a Resource contains music encoded in visual form.
Indicates that the resource contains information encoded in tactile form. Note that although an indication of a tactile mode often indicates the content is encoded using a braille system, this is not always the case. Tactile perception may also indicate, for example, the use of tactile graphics to convey information. tactile – 341 0#$atactile
Indicates that the resource contains text encoded in visual form. textOnVisual

List 81: Product content type, Code 49: Images of text

341 0# $avisual; 532 8# $a Resource contains text encoded in visual form.
Indicates that the resource contains information encoded in textual form. Note: This value is not set if the only textual content is for navigational purposes. For example, an audiobook might include a table of contents, but it is not necessary to read the table of contents to read the work. Likewise, books with synchronized text-audio playback may only include headings to allow structured navigation. textual

List 196: E-publication Accessibility Details, Code 52: All non-decorative content supports reading without sight

List: 81; Code: 10 combined with List: 196; Code: 10 means all text is actual text. Note that List: 81; Code: 10 on its own (without List: 196; Code: 10) admits the possibility that the "text" is inaccessible because it is an image of text.
Note : on this point ONIX is unclear. Codes 16 and 14 or 15 should also be mobilisedList: 196; Code: 09 Inaccessible Known to lack significant features required for broad accessibility. Would give a better indication for "Screen reader friendly" (if code 09 is not found so the publication is textual). In both cases it's hard for a publisher to figure out how to describe "all content is accessible thru true text", he must adopt a reasoning by absence.
341 0# $atextual
Indicates that the resource contains information encoded in visual form. Note: This value is not set if the only visual imagery is presentational or not directly relevant to understanding the content. Examples of this type of imagery include cover images for publications, corporate logos, and purely decorative images. visual

List 81: Product content type,

  • Code 07: Still images / graphics, or
  • Code 18: Photographs, or
  • Code 19: Figures, diagrams, charts, graphs, or
  • Code 20: Additional images / graphics not part of main work, or
  • Code 12: Maps and/or other cartographic content, or
  • Code 46: Decorative images or graphics, or
  • Code 50: Video content without audio, or
  • Code 24: Animated / interactive illustrations
341 0# $avisual; Also:
  • 336 ##$astill image$2rdacontent
  • 336 ##$atwo-dimensional moving image$2rdacontent
  • 336 ##$athree-dimensional moving image$2rdacontent
  • 336 ##$acartographic image$2rdacontent
  • 336$acartographic three-dimensional form$2rdacontent
  • 336$acartographic moving image$2rdacontent
  • 336$anotated movement$2rdacontent
  • 336$anotated music$2rdacontent
  • 336$aperformed movement$2rdacontent
231 $i07$2onix81


A list of single or combined accessModes that are sufficient to understand all the intellectual content of a resource.

ONIX crosswalks are for instances where accessModeSufficient includes this vocabulary entry alone; combinations may occur but are more difficult to crosswalk

Indicates that auditory perception is necessary to consume the information. auditory List: 81; Code:01 341 0#$aauditory$2sapdv 181 #0 $cspw$2rdacontent (may correspond only to human narration)
Indicates that tactile perception is necessary to consume the information. tactile – 341 0#$atactile$2sapdv
Indicates that the resource contains information encoded in textual form. Note: This value is not set if the only textual content is for navigational purposes. textual List: 81; Code: 10 combined with List: 196; Code: 10 means all text is actual text. Note that List: 81; Code: 10 on its own (without List: 196; Code: 10) admits the possibility that the "text" is inaccessible because it is an image of text.
Note : on this point ONIX is unclear. List: 196; Code: 09 Inaccessible Known to lack significant features required for broad accessibility. Would give a better indication for "Screen reader friendly" (if code 09 is not found so the publication is textual). In both cases it's hard for a publisher to figure out how to describe "all content is accesible thru true text", he must adopt a reasoning by absence.
341 0#$atextual$2sapdv
Indicates that visual perception is necessary to consume the information. visual – 341 0#$avisual$2sapdv


A human-readable summary of specific accessibility features or deficiencies, consistent with the other accessibility metadata but expressing subtleties such as "short descriptions are present but long descriptions will be needed for non-visual users" or "short descriptions are present and no long descriptions are needed."
The accessibilitySummary property is a free-form field that allows authors to describe the accessible properties of the resource. As a result, it does not have an associated vocabulary. accessibilitySummary List: 196; Code: 00: Accessibility Summary 532 8# $a [Text] 231 $i00$2onix196


The editors would like to thank Christopher Saynor (Editeur), and Chris Carr for their invaluable contributions to this document.