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A11y Slackers
Gitter Channel Archive 24th of July 2015

What fresh hell is THIS now? - Patrick Lauke
  1. zakim-robot
    Jul 24 02:12
    [Hans Hillen, a11y] @stevenlambert: I would think that being consistent with the the current OS is most important if we’re talking about an app. If it’s web content that’s more tricky of course, and you wouldn’t want to be inconsistent by changing the order depending on which OS the browser runs in. So pick one and stick to them. Generally the rule is that the primary button can be activated through the enter key from anywhere in the dialog (if that’s what we’re talking about), so not having the primary button first would not be a huge problem. From what I’ve seen people do just explore all controls when they go through a learning phase with a UI, and once they know where to find what they need they’ll use as many ways to skip to those controls as they can.
  2. ewaccess
    Jul 24 02:19
    @stevefaulkner thanks for the hat tip. @StommePoes @deborahgu Windows Speech Recognition (WSR) is great for voice control but bad for dictation. The Show Numbers command is super useful: video
  3. hanshillen
    Jul 24 02:26
    @Scratch2k: I wouldn't consider it fully equivalent. If it was, you would find it acceptable for everybody to use direct text entry as only method. But you chose to use a date picker instead. Why? Because date pickers provide a lot of great features that significantly improve UX and make it easier to come up with dates: navigating by week, month or year, not having to figure out how many days there are in a particular month, quickly navigating backwards / forwards a specific number of days/weeks without having to perform calculations in your head, knowing which day of the week a particular day is, etc. This is all functionality that a date picker provides, and basic text entry pales in comparison. So I would still recommend finding a keyboard accessible version.
  4. Scratch2k
    Jul 24 02:28
    good points, I hadn't considered all that
  5. stevefaulkner
    Jul 24 03:13
    nice to see your face here @ewaccess :-)
  6. sgtphips
    Jul 24 07:03
    Good Evening Everyone. I am really interested in this group!
  7. stevefaulkner
    Jul 24 07:05
    @sgtphips hi, what's your interest?
  8. LjWatson @LjWatson waves @stevefaulkner
  9. stevefaulkner
    Jul 24 07:09
    hey @LjWatson xx
  10. StommePoes @StommePoes waves at room
  11. stevefaulkner @stevefaulkner waves at @StommePoes
  12. StommePoes
    Jul 24 07:29
    Thanks @ewaccess for the video, and yeah the idea isn't so much dictation but navigation/interaction.
  13. LjWatson
    Jul 24 07:29
    Hello @StommePoes and @sgtphips
  14. StommePoes
    Jul 24 07:29
    Hi Leonie, Steve
  15. StommePoes
    A small change from "knowing web accessibility is a pre" right under the other "pre's" like SEO and familiarity with Some Obscure CMS
  16. schalkneethling
    I like all the attention a11y is getting
  17. schalkneethling
    It has taken a long time to get here though
  18. schalkneethling
    too long really
  19. MichielBijl
    Needs more time though
  20. zakim-robot
    [jitendra, a11y] Why “BOT” is showing in front of you people?
  21. MichielBijl
    Because we are in the Gitter room
  22. StommePoes
    Jitendra you also have bot in front of you
  23. StommePoes
    (09:44:12 AM) zakim-robot: [jitendra, a11y] Why “BOT” is showing in front of you people?
  24. schalkneethling
    the more people get involved and the more attention is focus on it, the faster tools will evolve to make it easier to add a11y into your development workflow
  25. StommePoes
    Do I have bot? I should be just Stomme poes, I'm connected via IRC
  26. schalkneethling
    and this is a big win
  27. zakim-robot
    [jitendra, a11y] I’m using slack osx app
  28. LjWatson
    The two bots manage a pipe between the Gitter and Slack channels, so we can all talk together whichever platform we prefer to use.
  29. MichielBijl
  30. StommePoes
    If companies actually take it seriously, then maybe. Right now they don't, and changing only at the HR level won't help-- they need to follow up on that
  31. schalkneethling
    oh definitely
  32. schalkneethling
    it's a start though right?
  33. StommePoes
    I interviewed for a largish-and-very-fast-growing e-commerce company. Part of my pitch to them was showing some problems in ZoomText since they ask applicants to point out things they'd change or fix on their sites
  34. StommePoes
    later they told me "well but those kinds of people don't use our site" and "you'd probably be fighting the product manager over these things"
  35. StommePoes
    um, as if that were a bad thing? :P
  36. schalkneethling
    I have seen more and more talk about the fact that web devs should know how to use a screen reader and tutorials and such popping up offering to teach this
  37. schalkneethling
    Just because there is some push back or resistance from another department does not mean we have to just leave it at that
  38. schalkneethling
    we need to have those conversations
  39. schalkneethling
    And I can honestly not believe people still think that "well but those kinds of people don't use our site", holds any truth
  40. StommePoes
    Yeah but mostly, I did not blame this company as being weird or different-- they were doing the norm. So it will be nice when that becomes "abnormal" as in "that company isn't run very well"
  41. MichielBijl
    More clients should be aware. If the client is aware, they might bring it up.
  42. schalkneethling
  43. MichielBijl
    schalkneethling: got reminded of that this week; I was asked to do some a11y testing on an iPad app, because they want to launch it in de US “And they have very strong a11y laws, so now we must check!”. So I wrote out my findings and reported back. The manager asked me about some point that involved SR usage, so I explained why buttons should be labels, and everything should be focusable. He literally asked “Oh, blind people need
  44. MichielBijl
    to use it, too?”
  45. MichielBijl
  46. schalkneethling
    Hahahaha, seriously! ;p
  47. StommePoes
    well yeah, blind people don't use the internet
  48. StommePoes
    they sit at home getting uitkering in darkened rooms waiting for pity visits from family, duh
  49. MichielBijl
    So explained that, yes, yes they do :) And showed him how to use an iPad with the screen curtain on. He seemed somewhat interested, but apparently it takes laws for him to include accessibility.
  50. StommePoes @StommePoes boils in a bit of rage, then goes and eats a cooke
  51. MichielBijl @MichielBijl steals a cookie from StommePoes
  52. schalkneethling
    yeah, the law thing has been a driving force for some time. The only thing really that got big companies to look at the a11y of their sites
  53. schalkneethling
    Kinda weird that people do not just do it because it is the right thing
  54. schalkneethling
    and it actually does affect their bottom line
  55. schalkneethling
    they just thinnk it does not
  56. MichielBijl
    Doing the right thing often doesn't make you money…
  57. MichielBijl
    It does actually, but they don't know.
  58. schalkneethling
    oh yeah, the old mighty dollar
  59. schalkneethling
    exactly, there is a lot of educations that needs to happen of both developers as well as clients
  60. stevefaulkner
    @StommePoes did you go for the job at duckduckgo that was advertised recently? seemed a good one for you
  61. StommePoes
    @stevefaulkner no, they've moved on beyond my skills, they're using something like knockout and sass and all that stuff I don't give a rats about.
  62. zakim-robot
    [jitendra, a11y] Is there any commercial website which is Wcag AAA compatible?
  63. StommePoes
    AAA? I doubt it
  64. StommePoes
    even lainy feingold's site I think is AA at best...
  65. StommePoes
    AAA is pretty hard to do everywhere site-wide
  66. stevefaulkner
    AAA is beyon the event horizon
  67. zakim-robot
    [jitendra, a11y] No commercial website in world with AAA?
  68. StommePoes
    you can do lots of individual stuff at AAA
  69. StommePoes
    but whole sites... hm
  70. StommePoes
    I can't say there isn't one, but I don't know of one.
  71. zakim-robot
    [jitendra, a11y] they what is the point of having AAA
  72. StommePoes
    It's a goal to try to reach, and each individual point has its own levels
  73. StommePoes
    for example, for some reason heading content with... headings, is AAA as far as requirements (but is easy to implement on A and AA sites of course)
  74. stevefaulkner
    @jitendravyas in specific contexts the additional criteria are useful
  75. StommePoes
    but I thought that requirement level was because some sites might have good content reasons not to use headings. Or, that's how I read the WCAG pages
  76. StommePoes
    cause I wanted to fault/fail a site on not using headings and it turned out for their level it wasn't required-required, was AAA, and that surprised me.
  77. StommePoes
    I still recommended headings, but I couldn't "flunk" them on it or call it a "violation". Just "dumb" :)
  78. MichielBijl
    Surely using headings should be A
  79. StommePoes
    I thought so
  80. zakim-robot
    [jitendra, a11y] So If I’m going to make a new website should I aim for A first and publish it and then AA and AAA?
  81. StommePoes
    but when I was asked "which things on your list are actual violations" I saw they were AAA
  82. StommePoes
    No Jitendra aim for AAA! Whatever you don't make, will be either AA or A.
  83. MichielBijl
  84. StommePoes
    aim high and whatever doesn't work or make sense ends up a bit lower
  85. StommePoes
    I mean, some AAA things are easy, some are difficult for some kinds of content.
  86. MichielBijl
    Colour contrast could be a pain. But you can reach that with high contrast mode :)
  87. zakim-robot
    [jitendra, a11y] Can anybody confirm if youtube’s embeded player is WCAg compatible?
  88. StommePoes
    2.4.10 Section Headings: Section headings are used to organize the content. (Level AAA) <-- this is where I saw AAA and was like, wut?
  89. StommePoes
    Jitendra, when I tested a site that had embedded Youtube and embedded Vimeos, I could reach teh Youtube controls with keyboard, all but the main play button in the middle announced a name, and contrast was good (yellow borders around focussed controls). However captions in teh video will matter. YouTube's craptions suck
  90. StommePoes
    and embeds don't provide transcripts or subtitles either of course.
  91. stevefaulkner
    Understanding Levels of Conformance "The Success Criteria were assigned to one of the three levels of conformance..."
  92. stevefaulkner
    A and AA does not mean AA is less required than A
  93. MichielBijl
    That does mention titles for sections
  94. MichielBijl
    But it's pretty vague
  95. StommePoes
    No but if someone says they are not aiming for AAA can I claim they are in a WCAG violation of something listed as AAA?
  96. StommePoes
    This particular site didn't have a goal but others I've tested explicitly said "we're only going for AA level" (Im' assuming because they mean teh difficult AAA stuff they didn't think they'd be able to do)
  97. zakim-robot
    [som, a11y] I read that while sites should consider the guidelines they should also be aware of individual user agent capabilities .. ie. if it’s in the standard but doesn’t work in JAWS or VO then you may be in trouble? Should UA capabilities be considered when aiming for AA?
  98. StommePoes
    Well the WCAG only says what a user should be able to do
  99. StommePoes
    but not how, the techniques are just suggestions
  100. MichielBijl
    @som: just need to work around those issues.
  101. MichielBijl
    Same as with other dev issues.
  102. zakim-robot
    [som, a11y] I no longer develop for IE8
  103. zakim-robot
    [som, a11y] I try not to develop for IE9
  104. zakim-robot
    [som, a11y] what is reasonable?
  105. StommePoes
    I remember when I was stuck on IE9 because ZoomText did not work on higher versions (it does now)
  106. StommePoes
    one thing you might just want to keep in mind is, there are a lot of people stuck on older stuff due to cost
  107. StommePoes
    on the other hand as a developer you have a limit somewhere on how much support you will offer
  108. zakim-robot
    [som, a11y] so is AA subjective?
  109. StommePoes
    Per thingie a user should be able to do, no. How you tackle the problem though and what your solution ends up being can be a sliding judgement. Or, people argue about them a lot
  110. StommePoes
    they'll be like "well users can do X if they do it this way" and someone else might be like "well but do users know to do that" or "well but can all your users depend on that if they have to?"
  111. StommePoes
    WebAIM mailing list is a good place to hear people present problems and hash out solutions
  112. zakim-robot
    [som, a11y] it’s interesting. people do use software in very different ways. We recently had assessors nail us on a number of fronts because while our document was well structured, some buttons weren’t entirely clear when accessed out-of-context through the buttons navigator in JAWS (they did have a describedby label which wasn’t appearing). The assessors suggestion was to create visually hidden text within the button that repeated the section header. However this would be repetitive for a11y users navigating the page normally.
  113. zakim-robot
    [som, a11y] One solution creates another problem
  114. StommePoes
    by button you mean link?
  115. zakim-robot
    [som, a11y] <button>
  116. zakim-robot
    [som, a11y] not <anchor>
  117. StommePoes
    What did the button do? I assume the visible text or whatever you had stated what it did, just not to which section?
  118. StommePoes
    I have often tried to find succint names for sections that aren't the whole section title text, but it depends on the content what you can get away with.
  119. StommePoes
    people can skim too-- the moment you hear you're on a button and don't care you can move on-- just getting the beginnings of stuff. For that reason and for sighted skimmers I try to get our copywriters to put teh most useful words in front. But what the element is can also often come first.
  120. StommePoes
    When two solutions seem to contradict each other, most people with the resources to do so will say "do user testing". Though for example my company will never, ever ever do user testing, let alone on disabled users.
  121. StommePoes
    Lots of companies don't. But if you've got assessors then possibly you can make more of a case for one level of verbosity vs another based on user testing...
  122. zakim-robot
    [som, a11y] The button downloaded files based on a checkbox selection. The button text was something along the lines of “Download {x} packages”.
    re. shortening, my reasoning is that if the title can be shortened it should be shortened for everyone.
  123. zakim-robot
    [som, a11y] And yes copy is a big concern, why write copy three ways?
  124. StommePoes
    If some users only get one instance of a word/phrase, makes sense to have the long complete version. If it's repeated, makes sense to have those shorter
  125. StommePoes
    people can also investigate if they come across something and they're not sure, and people can explore context around controls.
  126. StommePoes
    We write copy two ways already: mobile is way less marketing bs than the "desktop"
  127. StommePoes
    ideally there would be zero bs on any versions but that's not how our company works :/
  128. zakim-robot
    [som, a11y] really? you change copy between desktop and mobile?
  129. StommePoes
    and this is common
  130. StommePoes
    Yeah, there's a lot of crap in the desktop versions
  131. StommePoes
    at least they didn't try to stuff it all into the mobile
  132. zakim-robot
    [som, a11y] ok. we might remove sections .. very rarely .. but most of the time it’s mobile first. verbose is bad
  133. StommePoes
    marketing wants to call everything young and dynamic. If you're looking to buy something from a list of items, you don't care, you want the specs and the price
  134. StommePoes
  135. StommePoes
    But I'm at the bottom of the totem pole here :)
  136. MichielBijl
    “Buy our product! It has young specs and the price is dynamic!”
  137. StommePoes
  138. StommePoes
    it's multifunctional!
  139. MichielBijl
    That would never sell :p
  140. StommePoes
    it slices, it dices, and it also does windows! comes in a clean, fresh plastic frame!
  141. StommePoes
    mobile: <h>functions</h><ul><li>slices
  142. StommePoes
  143. StommePoes
  144. StommePoes
    frame dimensions and material.
  145. zakim-robot
    [som, a11y] haha .. fair enough!
  146. StommePoes
    you could argue one seems more "friendly", the other is more "scanny"
  147. StommePoes
    I prefer scanning but you notice sites who sell junk for the home seem to do well with more friendly bs-y text.
  148. StommePoes
    so, I guess there's a place for it.
  149. StommePoes
    anyway, if you're adding hidden/nonvisual text for users, teh same might apply ig those users also have access to the visible text too
  150. zakim-robot
    [som, a11y] for sure. it’s tricky segmenting users based on a device tho
  151. MichielBijl
  152. StommePoes
    the invisible, if it's a repeat/clarity thing, could potentially be more scan-y and quick
  153. StommePoes
    Michiel who knows
  154. MichielBijl
    I don't need a website to tell me facts in a friendly way. If I want facts told in a friendly way I'll go to a comedy show.
  155. zakim-robot
    [som, a11y] or a doctor
  156. MichielBijl
  157. StommePoes
    the kind who laughs somewhat inappropriately as he tells you you're about to die... Dr Hibbert!
  158. MichielBijl
    NOOO, not Dr Hibbert!
  159. StommePoes
    "ahee hee hee"
  160. StommePoes
    "you've got cancer, son. Hee hee."
  161. zakim-robot
    [som, a11y] dr giggles is also good
  162. zakim-robot
    [som, a11y] on that note i’m out for the weekend. thanks for the insight
  163. MichielBijl
    Dr. Dre keeps it real, ya digg?
  164. StommePoes
    test, test, test!
  165. StommePoes
    if you can
  166. zakim-robot
    [som, a11y] (i wish i couldn’t)
  167. zakim-robot
  168. stevefaulkner
    @som can you provide example code for the issue with the buttons, so I can see the context?
  169. stevefaulkner
    Controversial oldy but goody - When accessibility is not your problem by Joe Clark (naturally)
  170. JimBobSquarePants

    Hey guys, looking for some advice if I may.

    I run an open source responsive framework with which I have attempted to make everything accessible, I've probably missed stuff or made mistakes but I'm really trying my best.

    I am struggling with one particular bit of functionality: A responsive table that emits a vertical format on smaller viewports. I simply cannot get my screenreader (NVDA on Windows) with any browser to associate the cells with the corresponding headers when the table is collapsed. I've tried combinations of id's, aria-hidden + " aria-labelledby but that doesn't work.

    Would you have any pointers you could offer as I am stuck?

    The page with the demo is here.
    Resize your browser to see it collapse.

  171. StommePoes
    One bet I'm making is that somehow with the floats, the table things aren't display: table-thingie anymore.
  172. StommePoes
    Not that that should matter, floating list elements means they're not display: list-item anymore and they're still list items
  173. StommePoes
    but tables might have weird things going on due to them being used for presentation in the past
  174. StommePoes
    and I know JAWS at least used to try to guess with heuristics if a table was really a data table or not.
  175. StommePoes
    The moment it's not collapsed anymore, your readers read it out good?
  176. MichielBijl
    Seems you need to provide roles (role="grid" etc), because the defaults get removed if you use display: block;
  177. StommePoes
    guess this would be the exception to not adding roles that are normally there by default rule... but probably a good use case.
  178. MichielBijl
    Yep, I agree.
  179. StommePoes
    I wonder how the chris coyier responsive data tables fair... those also get changed to display: block and whatnot
  180. MichielBijl
    That has the same issue.
  181. StommePoes
  182. MichielBijl
    That guy must be fun at parties
  183. StommePoes
    awesome avatar tho
  184. MichielBijl
    Don't know who/what that is
  185. stevefaulkner


    I simply cannot get my screenreader (NVDA on Windows) with any browser to associate the cells with the corresponding headers when the table is collapsed.

    I just tried it with JAWS and NVDA on latest Firefox, seems to read fine i.e. as I arrow through the header and the data cell content are announced

  186. MichielBijl
    @stevefaulkner in the narrow view?
  187. MichielBijl
    VO didn't recognise the table as such in the narrow view
  188. MichielBijl
    Upon closer inspection, its role was reset.
  189. StommePoes
    tr:before { content: attr(data-thead); } brilliant, gets rid of manual text in the css
  190. StommePoes
    @Michiel to what?
  191. MichielBijl
    To nothingness
  192. StommePoes
    what did VO call it in squished view
  193. StommePoes
  194. stevefaulkner
    @MichielBijl yes it wasn't announcing the table structure per se but the content was logically ordered and readable
  195. JimBobSquarePants

    @MichielBijl @StommePoes Thanks, I gave role=grid a try. Worked well with IE but it caused Chrome to skip the table entirely.

    @stevefaulkner Yeah the cells themselves were logical. I was hoping to replicate what was read on full view as I found the readout confusing without scope

  196. MichielBijl
    @StommePoes sorry, set to role of group apparently.
  197. MichielBijl
    Weird, said “No exact ARIA role” last time I looked
  198. StommePoes
    that Chrome wipes itself correctly keeps surprising me; in my opinion if everyone else does work, I chalk it up to "this browser is so broken, no assistive-needs user would touch it currently.
  199. StommePoes
    If Chrome isn't the only one tho then I'd look further
  200. StommePoes
    Maybe they spent too much time making their own screen reader that they now need to catch up to working with "real" ones.
  201. stevefaulkner
    @JimBobSquarePants If a user is accesing the site via a mobile, they would know about the desktop table structure. I tried in iOS with VO again worked fine, content order was good, I think that the output is acceptable as the association between the header and data is provided via content order (but I am not an end user).
  202. MichielBijl
    @StommePoes talking about ChromeVox?
  203. StommePoes
    @Michiel and the fact that until recently, chrome didn't do jack with SRs
  204. stevefaulkner
    I think that ideally in mobile view would be expsoed as list items, but unsure how practical that is for the code.
  205. StommePoes
    it's catching up pretty fast tho
  206. StommePoes
    could inject roles I spose
  207. StommePoes
    but that seems like over-work
  208. MichielBijl
    @steve: wouldn't a dl be more apropriate?
  209. MichielBijl
  210. MichielBijl
    Hide the word 'title' and set the name of the movie as the heading
  211. JimBobSquarePants

    @StommePoes Testing further both Opera and Chrome skip with the additional role, Must be a Blink thing.

    @stevefaulkner Adding relevant roles/attributes to define the table as a list would be fairly trivial. Rewriting anything else like changing the actual elements would be tricky though.

    There's not really that much JavaScript involved populating the data-attributes.

  212. StommePoes
    I luv me sum DLs for 2-col tables but the starwars table doesn't fit in there more nicely than some nested list
  213. StommePoes
    Maybe the easiest thing (after user-testing to see if users have problems or find it as easy as steve did) is to manually author the roles
  214. MichielBijl
    Could be easily automated, if the correct markup is used.
  215. StommePoes
    Usually these things are templated... our tables are mostly only 1 tr and 1td with for loops around them...
  216. MichielBijl
  217. StommePoes
    sigh, Opera has turned (like the pistachio ice cream)
  218. StommePoes
    I'm reading Joe Clark's thingie Steve posted, at the fore-background colours section, and I'm expecting him to pull a Godwin.
  219. StommePoes
    "If your browser or adaptive technology cannot display or render the title attribute of a link or of anything else, then it’s broken."--Joe Clark
  220. StommePoes
    That would be... all of them. Doesn't the majority, even a wrong majority, get to make the rules? Browser democracy is a direct democracy
  221. MichielBijl
    So, the fact that acceskey doesn't do anything is not my fault and I shouldn't care AT doesn't doe anything with it, good, load of my mind!
  222. StommePoes
    I avoid them mostly
  223. MichielBijl
    That was sarcastic…
  224. StommePoes
    Tho I know some people who have indeed found them useful
  225. StommePoes
    He's sayin what Steve has said for a while about AT... they do need to be called to task for any broken stuff. And the point that users have more control than they know, sure.
  226. StommePoes
    But I'll still call a site written in 9px body text a site built by morons, unless it's a pixel-art site dedicated to smallest-glyphs-evar
  227. StommePoes
    But, yeah, i can ctrl++ (i do anyway)
  228. StommePoes
    Can't tell if he deliberately made the closing </a> bright yellow on white to make a statement or not
  229. JimBobSquarePants

    OK, so a combination of id's on the column headers,aria-labelledby, and aria-role=grid works well with Firefox. It reads the titles before each cell which makes it really easy to follow IMO. Yay Firefox! (It does say the table has zero rows and columns though)

    IE will announce the correct number of rows, columns, the position of each cells location in the table and its content in the correct order but not announce the header at any point. Opera and Chrome will announce the content in the correct order but no headers nor position.

    I think setting the position as absolute in the CSS for the header is what throws everything off, I don't see another way of styling the elements though so I feel like I might have got it the best I can for now though with the new roles.

  230. StommePoes
    everyone reads out all the content tho, right?
  231. StommePoes
    and in a sane order?
  232. JimBobSquarePants
    Yeah the cell content in all browsers is read out in the correct order. I feel that not announcing the column headers makes context confusing though.
  233. StommePoes
    Do you have any people you can test that on?
  234. StommePoes
    and, is there any way for someone to navigate back up and find the headers?
  235. StommePoes
    like, when you're in something that does Forms Mode and you feel something's missing, you go out of Forms Mode to sweep for loose <p>s and stuff to see if context was missed... it's not fun, but people do it.
  236. JimBobSquarePants

    I can shout out and see if anyone volunteers, I don't get much input normally sadly.

    No. There isn't, still learning this stuff tbh

  237. StommePoes
    It would be soooo cool if there were some (paid?) service random web devs could use, like browserStack, but that connects dev sites to volunteer/paid disabled users, sortof like those loop11 style sites but then focussed on users with AT
  238. StommePoes
    Our 7-person company doesn't do any user testing either. It's frustrating but more common than not.
  239. MichielBijl
    Our 200+ person company doesn't do any user testing either…
  240. JimBobSquarePants

    That would be a very useful service yeah. User testing has been something sorely missing from every company I have worked for.

    My framework is a one man show really. I've managed to get quite a few people to use it and it's got quite a healthy following considering it doesn't have a big company name to go along with it but as far as feedback or contribution goes it's very quiet. I'd like to think that is because it "just works" :wink: but I think it's much more likely that people just don't test stuff enough.

  241. StommePoes
    And they'll all say, with their mouths, that it's a Good Idea. Both my bosses said it was a Good Idea. But I don't get paid enough to afford taking people to lunch or setting up a lab. I did once stand outside a grocery store and tried to get random people but they were freaked out and ran away
  242. StommePoes
    shrug we're limited in what we can do
  243. StommePoes
    but with accessibility we have to be a bit more careful
  244. StommePoes
    esp when we're playing with aria stuff
  245. StommePoes
    and we're probably not too far off guess what random J user does, has trouble with, or wants. But users ofspecialised software is pretty different
  246. dylanb
    @JimBobSquarePants looked at your discussion on tables. My conclusion when I researched this recently is that you cannot get really responsive tables to work well across all ATs. I came up with two alternative solutions.
  247. dylanb
    This first one, inserts the headers into the cells at the breakpoint
  248. dylanb
    This second one (which is good for comparisons) uses horizontal scrolling
  249. dylanb
    which solution you choose (or if you choose something else) is probably more of a UX decision
  250. JimBobSquarePants

    @dylanb Thanks for that.

    Yeah I considered adding extra elements to ensure that the headers were read but I feel now that Chrome and Opera really need to do some catchup since I can get both IE and Firefox to read them. That second example I've actually used elsewhere
    Incidentally there's a bug in windows phone that breaks the scroll functionality on pages rendered right-to-left. Scrolling goes the wrong direction.

  251. zakim-robot
    [Jonathan Yung, a11y] Hey all! If I have a button that looks like a link, is it always preferred to use <button> and style it like a link instead of using <a role="button">?
  252. MichielBijl
    If it's a button then use <button>
  253. MichielBijl
    How come a button looks like a link?
  254. zakim-robot
    [Katy Moe, a11y] I guess the question is: does <a role=“button”> have any valid use cases?
  255. zakim-robot
    [Ian Pouncey, a11y] <a role=“button”> on its own isn’t keyboard accessible. You need to have a href attribute or specify tabindex=“0” for that. If you use a href then it needs to go somewhere (it will still have a links context menu, so what happens if the user tries to open it in a new tab / window). If you use tabindex you’ve got to make sure the expected keyboard behaviour is implemented. By the time you’ve done all that you might as well use a button.
  256. zakim-robot
    [Jonathan Yung, a11y] @Michiel Bijl: Some designs have buttons look like links to put more emphasis on another button (e.g. "Sign up" to look like default button and "Log in" to look like a link")
  257. MichielBijl
    Why would you devaluate a Log in button to a sign up button? Don't you want users to log in?
  258. MichielBijl
    That would be a question for the designer I guess, but still…
  259. MichielBijl
    It's still a button, so <button> :)
  260. zakim-robot

    [Jonathan Yung, a11y] @Ian Pouncey: exactly! regarding:

    so what happens if the user tries to open it in a new tab / window
    that can be solved via preventDefault(), but I totally agree that if you spend all the effort to make it behave like a button, use a button!

  261. zakim-robot
    [Jonathan Yung, a11y] hahah totally agree. I personally hate sites that devaluate a Log in button especially since I am already a user. But I guess that's for sites that care more about Sign up metrics ¯_(ツ)_/¯
  262. zakim-robot
    [Katy Moe, a11y] So there aren’t any valid use cases for <a role=“button”>? I’m guessing the same applies to other elements other than <button> to which you’ve bolted on the button role
  263. MichielBijl
    I've written about role="button" on a button a while back, turned out the use case described is bogus:
  264. MichielBijl
    Describes a button/link that opens a modal
  265. zakim-robot
    [Marcy Sutton, a11y] I sure wish the bot posts would hyperlink links
  266. zakim-robot
    [Marcy Sutton, a11y] Oh I see @Alice Boxhall already reported it in #slack-a11y-feedback! Hi-Five! :hand:
  267. techthomas
    Anyone know where to log issues with Android Talkback functionality? Is the source online anywhere for review? is from 2013 Thanks
  268. zakim-robot
    [Alice Boxhall, a11y] @techthomas apparently!forum/eyes-free is the way to go for now.
  269. zakim-robot
    [Katy Moe, a11y] @MichielBiji Thanks, interesting article. So the conclusion is that <a role=“button”> is used in this case for progressive enhancement reasons: without JavaScript, the role=“button” isn’t added and the link does in fact navigate somewhere, whereas with JavaScript, the element behaves as a button. Is this correct?
  270. zakim-robot
    [Katy Moe, a11y] If so, why not go the whole way and use JS to transform the <a> into a <button> when it takes on that role?
  271. zakim-robot
    [shalom, a11y] howdy :simple_smile:
  272. zakim-robot
    [Rick Brown, a11y] shalom :simple_smile: