What fresh hell is THIS now? - Patrick Lauke
, aria-describedat
and aria-roledescription
can only be found in the http://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-1.1/#global_states list, but are not currently categorised any further.
and aria-level=2
Does anyone know the best way to log a bug on Freedom Scientific JAWS? Most of the responses we've gotten have been "look at the latest release notes" etc etc
@LjWatson is a good person to ask
[role=textbox aria-autocomplete=list]
vs [role=combobox aria-autocomplete=list]
[Marcy Sutton, a11y] Recursive A11y-Slackers plugging http://a11ywins.tumblr.com/post/125378431293/a11y-slackers
so meta :troll:
in fact aria-hidden=false is same as not having the attribute
value is much easier to validate rather than the absence of the entire attribute