What fresh hell is THIS now? - Patrick Lauke
and also applied the animation on focus. Problem is that with VoiceOver, the animation is not activated (because the list item doesn’t receive focus I assume), but the information is shown both visually and read out. Not sure whether this would cause problems. Code example: http://s.codepen.io/Michiel/debug/6a73f22c622f299a80eefa0999f0c48e
what's with the bazillion unselectable="on"'s here? http://demos.telerik.com/kendo-ui/multiselect/index
"Standards information There are no standards that apply here." MS proprietary https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/Hh801966%28v=VS.85%29.aspx
Honestly, I believe that information is already conveyed with the histogram (e.g. it reads "1 learner failed with a score of 80." "20 learners passed with a score of 90") and the information about the mastery score, mean, etc. below
then i think you have your answer
but I guess i can do that on any component?
[Alice Boxhall, a11y] stevefaulkner - you mean things like <main> ?
what was this in reference to?
haha - I followed the instruction on the timestamp to alt-click it
ah i saw that but totally ignore it thanks!
so it is not exposed as a link