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A11y Slackers Gitter Channel Archive 11th of September 2015

What fresh hell is THIS now? - Patrick Lauke
  1. zakim-robot
    [heydon, a11y] Just wanted to share that yesterday, in the a11y workshop I was running, I did a quiz asking teams to name as many accessible naming techniques as they could. The top team got 7. Together we thought of 8… aria-labelledby, aria-label, text node, title, alt, value (type=submit), <title> (body/SVG), for attr. Can anyone think of any more?
  2. zakim-robot
    [vcurd, a11y] If you count <title> then would <label> and <legend> not count also?
  3. LjWatson
    @vcurd what's the context for your question? I don't have the chat history before about 30 mins ago.
  4. zakim-robot
    [vcurd, a11y] @ljwatson: @heydon had asked if there were any other accessible naming techniques, other than aria-labelledby, aria-label, text node, title, alt, value (type=submit), <title> (body/SVG), for attr. I think that if you count <title> for documents then <label> and <legend> also count.
  5. zakim-robot
    [vcurd, a11y] @ljwatson: @heydon For that matter, <caption> for tables and <figcaption> for figures may count.
  6. LjWatson
    @vcurd yes, all of those things provide accessible names for their respective parents and/or the doc itself.
  7. jonathantneal
    Is there a certain way buttons or select boxes need to be marked when their changes can immediately effect content beneath them (eg when selects are used as instantaneous filters)?
  8. deborahgu
    yep, that's it
  9. deborahgu
    although you want to be mindful about the level of verbosity.
  10. deborahgu
    if what is changing is a bunch of values immediately below the checkbox, there is an argument for not announcing it, since the person moving through the form will presumably get to those values next.
  11. deborahgu
    That is a particularly good use case for making sure you have some actual screen reader users in your tests, because you can be overly verbose in live regions. Definitely, though, the inaccessible default is in alerting too little, not too much.
  12. jonathantneal
  13. zakim-robot
    [Greg Tarnoff, a11y] @marcysutton: @valhead (little late to the party - weird week) I haven’t seen any controls in the wild other than the one Rachel Nabors found at
  14. zakim-robot
    [Greg Tarnoff, a11y] Which of course seems to have changed now, so you’d probably have to watch the screencast we did.
  15. zakim-robot
    [Val Head, a11y] @gregtarnoff: Yep, that’s the same one I was thinking of :simple_smile: It wasn’t really labeled well, but it’s the only one I’ve seen in the wild too.
  16. zakim-robot
    [Marcy Sutton, a11y] thanks for the info! I was hoping to highlight something for a11ywins, but sounds like we have to make something :simple_smile:
  17. zakim-robot
    [Marcy Sutton, a11y] I gave a shout-out to your article at Creative Mornings this morning @valhead, when someone asked in Q&A about accessibility for motion design
  18. zakim-robot
    [Val Head, a11y] @marcysutton: aw, that’s so cool. Thanks! :simple_smile: And if I see any good toggles out there I’ll let you know.