What fresh hell is THIS now? - Patrick Lauke
<legend>cookie preferences</legend>
<p id="c00ki3">Please choose, between 1 and 9, with 1 being 'never' and 9 being 'very much', your rating on how much you enjoyed our delicious marketing-driven-description whole-grain gluten-free fair-trade low-fat oatmeal chocolate-chip cookies.</p>
<input type="radio" id="hateses" aria-describedby="c00ki3"><label for="hateses">1</label>
<input type="radio" id="luvs" aria-describedby="c00ki3"><label for="luvs">9</label>
attribute is not attached to the content that has been expanded itself. " is what I just ran into with some copy I was reviewing
.clip-examples {
clip-path: rectangle(x, y, width, height, rounded-x, rounded-y)
clip-path: inset-rectangle(from top, from right, from bottom, from left, rounded-x, rounded-y)
/ Looks like this is what rect() used to be like with clip /
/ Will replace inset(), I suppose /
clip-path: polygon(a, bunch, of, points)
clip-path: circle(radius at x, y)
clip-path: ellipse(radius-x, radius-y at x, y)
[cryberg] @michiel: I don't know if this helps or hinders, but I've been trying to follow Bootstrap for when or when not to use aria-expanded (it's a library already used in my project, so for the sake of consistency)
Their dropdowns put aria-expanded only on the button that triggers the dropdown
Their collapse component puts aria-expanded on both the button and the content that gets expanded and collapsed