What fresh hell is THIS now? - Patrick Lauke
So the goal is a slider that is ignored by screen readers but which is keyboard accessible for those users who can see but need to use the keyboard to navigate.
How accessible of them
so what is the goal
Help users =P
First, an aria-errormessage is a more specific semantic, declaring that
the text is an error message. Otherwise, it is a description, but it's
unknown what kind of description.
[tararobertson] hi--MathJax on Twitter suggested I might be able to get some help here. I'm testing some MathML that we produced (in IE using the 40 minute free trial of JAWS16). Do you know if the 40 minute trial version of JAWS 16 has the same functionality as the fully licensed version? There's so many moving parts: the formatted MathML outputted in HTML, the browser (and all the settings, have already gone through this: https://docs.mathjax.org/en/v2.5-latest/misc/faq.html) and the screenreader.