What fresh hell is THIS now? - Patrick Lauke
to a page. Love it when it does what I expect when I test it after a while =D
form attribute and AT? Do screenreaders ignore it?
element? Could it focus the input on a login page?
[karlgroves] > I read a blog post last week that suggested putting the nav after the main content.
Well now you’ve created two problems. Sighted keyboard users will then have to tab their way through main content and the visual focus order won’t match the source order. And you still need a skip link only now you’re skipping to the navigation
was semantic. I agree regardless; it's old information.
would work in a case where it's just the price:
<dt>Price:</dt> <dd><del>£10·99</del><span>£8·99</span></dd>
if it was a log of all previous prices or something.
There are a lot of subtle errors that can come from this behaviour. My general thought is that it is ok if all of the following are true:
Note that there are a few places where you MUST move focus. For example when opening a modal dialog you MUST move focus to the dialog and then when you close the dialog you MUST move focus back to where it came from to open the dialog (if that element is still visible - otherwise to a logical place)
[bmeunier] I’m buildling a Tree view with checkboxes: http://codepen.io/bmeunier/full/vLjXgM/
The keyboard support is:
Up: Select the previous visible tree item. Down: Select next visible tree item.
Left: Collapse the currently selected parent node if it is expanded. Move to the previous parent node (if possible) when the current parent node is collapsed. Right: Expand the currently selected parent node and move to the first child list item.
Enter: Toggle the expanded or collapsed state of the selected parent node. Home: Select the root parent node of the tree.
End: Select the last visible node of the tree. Tab: Navigate away from tree.
(asterisk on the numpad): Expand all group nodes.
* Double-clicking on a parent node will toggle its expanded or collapsed state.
<div role="application"> <div><input role="combobox" aria-autocomplete="list" aria-owns="users" /></div> <div id="users"> <div role="option">...</div> <div role="option">...</div> </div> </div>
<div role="application"> <div><input role="combobox" aria-activedescendant="0" aria-autocomplete="list" aria-owns="users" /></div> <div id="users"> <div role="option" id="0">...</div> <div role="option" id="1">...</div> </div> </div>
<div role="option" id="0"><img... /><div><div></div></div></div>
i don't have to code it - just tell them what to do :)