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A11y Slackers Gitter Channel Archive 14th of February 2016

What fresh hell is THIS now? - Patrick Lauke
  1. MichielBijl
    Feb 14 17:04
    Hmm, I just tried that accessibility sidebar thing on my website. And it said I should move my skip link to a landmark, which seems odd to me. Can anyone elaborate on that?
  2. stevefaulkner
    Feb 14 17:09


    Probably the most important rule for applying landmarks is to ensure all content resides in a landmark region to ensure no content is orphaned. This way a screen reader user can safely use landmark navigation without missing content. - Rich S (AKA The Godfather of ARIA)

  3. MichielBijl
    Feb 14 17:10
    Okay, so would it make sense to put it inside a nav element with a title of Skip links or something?
  4. MichielBijl
    Feb 14 17:11
    That question is asked in the comments, but not answered :P
  5. stevefaulkner
    Feb 14 17:12
    depends are you talking about a single link? if so just include it as a child of the nearest existing landmark
  6. MichielBijl
    Feb 14 17:13
    It is. So in that case it make sense to include it in de header I guess.
  7. MichielBijl
    Feb 14 17:13
    Good to know.
  8. stevefaulkner
    Feb 14 17:13
  9. stevefaulkner
    Feb 14 17:16
    @MichielBijl me and the godfather
  10. MichielBijl
    Feb 14 17:16
  11. MichielBijl
    Feb 14 17:17
    Where was that?
  12. MichielBijl
    Feb 14 17:17
    Rich often has the best wording for complex issues or solutions.
  13. MichielBijl
    Feb 14 17:18
    “We'll just delegate it to the spec slaves”—Rich during ARIA call :P
  14. stevefaulkner
    Feb 14 17:23
    at CSUN a few years back (3 or 4), the tweetup had a photobooth
  15. MichielBijl
    Feb 14 17:24
    Cool, hope there is one this year…
  16. zakim-robot
    Feb 14 17:37
  17. jkva @jkva grins
  18. MichielBijl
    Feb 14 17:39
    Well, I'll just go in alone with the LOL sign :P
  19. MichielBijl
    Feb 14 17:41
    Or wearing my dinosaur onesie :O
  20. Ha! I dare you
  21. MichielBijl
    Feb 14 17:41
    Maybe I should wear that throughout CSUN…
  22. You should go through airport customs wearing it
  23. MichielBijl
    Feb 14 17:42
    Yeah Mathilde suggested that, but I think they'd make me take it off :(
  24. Live a little =P
  25. MichielBijl
    Feb 14 17:44
    I'll see about it. It's very comfortable.
  26. MichielBijl
    Feb 14 17:45
    So a 15 hour flight in it would be a pleasant thing.
  27. zakim-robot
    Feb 14 17:49
    [karlgroves] 15 hours. :disappointed:
  28. MichielBijl
    Feb 14 17:50
    Yeah, they should just move CSUN to like Amsterdam or something, that' be much better.
  29. MichielBijl
    Feb 14 17:52
    Although I'm guessing the weather is nicer in San Diego.
  30. So I've heard. Looking forward to that part.
  31. StommePoes
    Feb 14 17:53
    I've got a Web Components questions.
  32. MichielBijl
    Feb 14 17:53
    Mayor of San Diego is called Kevin Faulconer.
  33. MichielBijl
    Feb 14 17:53
    Probably the American branch of Steve's family.
  34. StommePoes
    Feb 14 17:54
    In all the tuts so far, I see either:
    make an <x-foo> element and set its prototype to HTMLElement.prototype
    set prototype to HTMLSpecialElement.prototype (like HTMLInputElement) and then you have an <input is="x-foo"/>
  35. StommePoes
    Feb 14 17:54

    But... what if you want <x-foo> elements with input prototypes? can't you

    <x-foo> with
    prototype: Object.create(HTMLInputElement.prototype)

  36. MichielBijl
    Feb 14 17:55
    Have you tried?
  37. StommePoes
    Feb 14 17:56
    I wouldn't know what the wrong thing would even be
  38. StommePoes
    Feb 14 17:59
    I mean, I changed it on a demo but don't notice any difference, and don't get any errors
  39. MichielBijl
    Feb 14 18:02
    Any difference in the a11y tree?
  40. sophieschoice
    Feb 14 18:03
    is that javascript @StommePoes ?
  41. MichielBijl
    Feb 14 18:03
    I haven't done anything with web components, so am just asking questions where I'd look :p
  42. sophieschoice @sophieschoice feels silly for asking
  43. MichielBijl
    Feb 14 18:06
    Yeah, it's making like new HTML elements with JavaScript.
  44. MichielBijl
    Feb 14 18:06
    Although that's just the polyfill part if I'm not mistaking.
  45. sophieschoice
    Feb 14 18:07
    ah, manipulating the DOM?
  46. StommePoes
    Feb 14 18:07
    @michielBijl I'm running linux, so I only have the DomInspector on Firefox where it doesn't seem to do anything
  47. MichielBijl
    Feb 14 18:07
    Err, that's a rather short document ><
  48. StommePoes
    Feb 14 18:07
    it has no name or role
  49. StommePoes
    Feb 14 18:08
    @sophiesChoice web components are a way to make "new" tags, like if you always wanted a <foo> tag, now you can have one. It just needs to be called something-foo (with a - in the name) and then yeah, a buttload of JS.
  50. StommePoes
    Feb 14 18:09
    So I've never really understood why people would ever put a foo tag on a page if JS has to do everything-- why not just have nothing (or something useful that's real HTML) adn then let Javascript make the foo tag and do everything with it?
  51. StommePoes
    Feb 14 18:09
    So there's something useful if the polyfills b0rk or JS b0rks or whatever
  52. sophieschoice
    Feb 14 18:13
    I see :D, thanks!
  53. StommePoes
    Feb 14 18:31
    meh, it turns out while you could extend existing elements, since this multi-select needs to add a <template> to the shadow DOM, it's not possible
  54. StommePoes
    Feb 14 18:31
    So he has to use some no-name <div> and write in all the functionality of a select
  55. StommePoes
    Feb 14 18:31
    because a select already has its own shadow-dom, you can't add your own.
  56. StommePoes
    Feb 14 18:35
    Okay well I guess it would be nice if someone made a Web Components tutorial that did more than merely mention "oh btw you can extend existing elements so you can get more stuff for free" but actually built an element out of it, a complicated one, using shadow dom
  57. StommePoes
    Feb 14 18:35
    The most complicated one I've seen used a button element, which isn't too wild.
  58. StommePoes
    Feb 14 18:45
    @stevefaulkner you mentioned the name of the accessible length property that lists have, what's the name of it exactly? I wonder if it's possible to add that manually, say when you're making a listy-ish web component without giving it a list role (when that role causes problems due to nobody completely supporting a thingie yet)
  59. sophieschoice @sophieschoice falls from her chair after seeing there is no Github desktop app for Linux.
  60. MichielBijl
    Feb 14 23:21
    So sweet of them :)
  61. MichielBijl
    Feb 14 23:27
    alt="Rich and Steve holding up a plush chat bubble that reads ‘Michiel is a jerk trololol’"