If you set focus into the panel when the tab is activated, then you're going to have the problem where you have to switch tab, go back to the tabs, switch tab, go back to the tabs, etc.
maybe if there were headings there it would work...I'd have to know there was a heading there...but that seems to me like the most guessable thing to try going to next
Maybe it would work better if the panels weren't automatically activated and instead the user had to activate it which then placed focus into the panel?
No one does. We will continue hurling through the endlessness of the universe without cause; without hope; without a reliable method of navigating into a content-only panel form its tab.
[lliskovoi] hey all, I’m looking at a site that has a table with divs inside of data cells. When I use VO, the table cells don’t get associated with the headers. Is this because of the DIVs? Would this count as WCAG violation?
[ellyjones] (also, if there are other chrome a11y problems that are particularly annoying/painful, please let me know and I'll see if I can triage them)
[skerrvy]@lliskovoi I would say it's very likely because it's using divs instead of a table and there is no relationship defined between the headers and data. I couldn't find anything in the WCAG that explicitly says it would be a failure, as I'm sure you could make it work with aria, although nothing would be as user friendly as table markup itself. https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20-TECHS/H51.html
[lliskovoi] Thanks @skerrvy ! To clarify, the divs are nested with <td>s and there are <th>s in the table, but the divs seem to be the only difference between cells that read out headers and ones that don’t (it’s a calendar, and funny enough, the empty cells seem to work fine).
[jkiss]@kevinchao89: That’s interesting. It used to work fine enough with VoiceOver (back in 2013). With focus set to and remaining on the tree, arrow keys would happily expand/collapse branches and change which node was selected (using aria-activedescendant). Seems that still works, but now VoiceOver is no longer announcing the name of the node. Not sure why.
[hmig]@ellyjones: yea - I was pretty upset & needed some advise on what to comment to the "won’t fix” label and @MichielBijl stepped in with a good response
"When software is designed to run on a system that has a keyboard, product functions shall be executable from a keyboard where the function itself or the result of performing a function can be discerned textually." - this just means you can do everything through a keyboard, right?
[skerrvy]@StommePoes to my understanding it's a fix for when a user has images disabled in their browser settings and the alt text was not being displayed in its place (?)