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A11y Slackers Gitter Channel Archive 29th of March 2016

What fresh hell is THIS now? - Patrick Lauke
  1. Good moooooorning Slackers!
  2. zakim-robot
    Mar 29 07:15
    [jitendra] good morning
  3. stevefaulkner
    Mar 29 08:34
  4. MichielBijl
    Mar 29 08:40
    Morning Steve
  5. powrsurg
    Mar 29 13:40
    That link doesn't work for me
  6. @powrsurg: Have JS enabled?
  7. powrsurg
    Mar 29 13:42
    ... okay, this is too early in the morning. I was thinking the headline meant it was from a demo that now expired
  8. powrsurg @powrsurg drinks more coffee
  9. powrsurg
    Mar 29 15:43
    It's in Android too. Settings -> Accessibility
  10. zakim-robot
    Mar 29 16:46
    [marcysutton] YAYYYYYY
  11. zakim-robot
    Mar 29 16:48
    [cordelia] I updated my iOS app but I can’t find it in my Accessibility settings?
  12. garcialo
    Mar 29 16:48
    Turn it off and on again.
  13. zakim-robot
    Mar 29 16:48
    [cordelia] Ah, the age old solution.
  14. zakim-robot
    Mar 29 16:48
    [cordelia] Yep, that worked.
  15. powrsurg
    Mar 29 16:48
    Did you reboot?
  16. powrsurg
    Mar 29 16:48
  17. garcialo @garcialo flexes the old tech-support muscles.
  18. garcialo
    Mar 29 16:49
  19. zakim-robot
    Mar 29 16:55
    [marcysutton] I wish they had enabled it by default…but a win is a win is a win :tada:
  20. zakim-robot
    Mar 29 16:56
    [cordelia] Maybe that’s step three, after enabling it on web. Very exciting day! Is this going on the a11y wins blog, Marcy?
  21. garcialo
    Mar 29 16:58
    I hope it's a step three...they're probably just waiting on user feedback. I know I've done my part.
  22. garcialo
    Mar 29 16:58 if only they had tweet editing.
  23. zakim-robot
    Mar 29 17:00
    [marcysutton] Definitely!
  24. zakim-robot
    Mar 29 17:01
    [marcysutton] I’ll try to find out about future work on it.
  25. zakim-robot
    Mar 29 17:03
    [marcysutton] remains positive for the day, with the mantra “don’t let perfect be the enemy of good"
  26. zakim-robot
    Mar 29 17:09
    [cordelia] It’s phenomenal progress! I’m happy.
  27. jnurthen
    Mar 29 17:12
    Facebook now needs to catch up
  28. zakim-robot
    Mar 29 17:14
    [poorgeek] and LinkedIn. alt text for all of the infographics I see posted in my LinkedIn feed would be nice
  29. jnurthen
    Mar 29 17:15
    Probably need longdesc for those but lets not go there
  30. cptvitamin
    Mar 29 17:59
    @jnurthen why are you afraid of longdesc ;)
  31. powrsurg
    Mar 29 18:11
    I have never understood longdesc. It takes you to a different page, correct? How do you tell it what on that page is the actual description?
  32. cptvitamin
    Mar 29 18:20
    @powrsurg it takes fragment identifiers. Ideally the only thing on that page would be the extended description
  33. cptvitamin
    Mar 29 18:24
    If you want to create a page with multiple descriptions on it, there is no reason why you couldn’t use a role of region, with an aria-describedby, to identify scope of individual descriptions
  34. cptvitamin
    Mar 29 18:25
    longdesc also takes datauri’s, so the longdesc target doesn’t actually have to exist on a server.
  35. powrsurg
    Mar 29 18:28
    okay, I guess that makes sense. I've just never seen anyone use it. Better than what I've seen talked about in the past though.
  36. cptvitamin
    Mar 29 18:38
    @powrsurg nobody used it because few screen readers supported it, but support is much better now.
  37. jnurthen
    Mar 29 18:43
    @cptvitamin you know why
  38. jnurthen
    Mar 29 18:46
    we used to use longdesc and a visible link to the description but now we seem to just have the visible link. For example
  39. zakim-robot
    Mar 29 19:18
    [cordelia] What I’ve started doing with my webcomics is including visible text transcript right below the images, if it’s a relatively short comic, or including a visible link to a page with a transcript. I find the visible text/link to be more accessible — last time I checked, long desc support isn’t that great across browsers/AT, and there are lots of people who aren’t navigating with a screenreader who would want to read a text transcript.
  40. zakim-robot
    Mar 29 19:24
    [robdodson] hopefully quick question: has anyone seen firefox do this when setting outline: 0?
  41. zakim-robot
    Mar 29 19:25
    [robdodson] i was messing around with swapping the ring for a box-shadow and noticed that in Firefox it still puts a dotted border around the text inside my <button>
  42. zakim-robot
    Mar 29 19:25
    [cordelia] Yes, you need to also set -moz-focus-inner border: 0, outline: 0
  43. zakim-robot
    Mar 29 19:26
    [robdodson] i'll try that, thanks @cordelia!
  44. powrsurg
    Mar 29 19:33
    I go back and forth on whether I like moz-focus-inner
  45. zakim-robot
    Mar 29 19:34
    [cordelia] Anyone have advice on writing comics transcripts? I’m still figuring out my transcription style, learning a lot from audio descriptions for videos, as well as from this essay “On Describing Comics” and Oh No Robot’s guidelines:
  46. powrsurg
    Mar 29 19:49
    One thing you may want to research is how Comixology or the Marvel Infinite Comics
  47. zakim-robot
    Mar 29 19:51
    [alice] After glancing at that broodhollow page I now really want to read the described version of Watchmen
  48. garcialo
    Mar 29 20:00
    oh wow, that would be
  49. garcialo
    Mar 29 20:00
  50. zakim-robot
    Mar 29 20:03
    [cordelia] One of the things I learned from listening to the audio descriptions for the Daredevil Netflix series (during a CSUN talk!) is how important it is for audio descriptions/transcripts to have the same tone as the original work. Last year I kept going back and forth on whether I wanted someone else to transcribe my comics (so I don’t accidentally describe scenes as better drawn than they actually are, ha!) but now it’s so clear to me that I should transcribe them myself to give the transcriptions my voice and tone.
  51. garcialo
    Mar 29 20:03
  52. zakim-robot
    Mar 29 20:04
    [karlgroves] +1
  53. zakim-robot
    Mar 29 20:12
    [alice] I don't know that it follows that you need to do it yourself though
  54. zakim-robot
    Mar 29 20:12
    [alice] I think it's like having a translator
  55. garcialo
    Mar 29 20:15
    It probably goes a little deeper than that. I think a good describer could communicate some of the tone as good as or better than intended but I would expect the description could only benefit from getting input from the content creator.
  56. zakim-robot
    Mar 29 20:17
    [cordelia] That’s a good way of looking at it @alice. I went to a talk recently by someone who translates comics for a living and there was a lot there about translating tone and, as @garcialo mentions, collaborating with the original writer.
  57. zakim-robot
    Mar 29 20:18
    [cordelia] But also since I do mostly autobio comics, it seems more natural for me to retell my own life stories in another format (all words) instead of asking someone else to retell it for me.
  58. zakim-robot
    Mar 29 20:18
    [cordelia] It’s something I’ve been thinking about a lot.
  59. garcialo
    Mar 29 20:19
    Could be an interesting experiment to have someone else take a look at it.
  60. zakim-robot
    Mar 29 20:19
    [alice] Right - I think it's pretty normal for translators to collaborate with the original author if they are available?
  61. zakim-robot
    Mar 29 21:14
    [poorgeek] talking about tone in audio descriptions would make an interesting talk for next years CSUN
  62. zakim-robot
    Mar 29 21:15
    [cordelia] I’d really like to do a talk on transcribing comics!
  63. zakim-robot
    Mar 29 21:16
    [poorgeek] they better give you a big room, because I think that might be a popular talk
  64. zakim-robot
    Mar 29 21:17
    [cordelia] Sina Bahram and Shaun Kane did a great talk on 3D printing comics last year
  65. yohoho
    Mar 29 21:18
    Anyone have much experience with carousels + NVDA? having to support a legacy carousel with content filled slides, NVDA will find the adjacent slide(s) content, even with the parent div of that slide being aria-hidden=true, this completely breaks carousel slider positioning. VoiceOver works fine though..
  66. jnurthen
    Mar 29 23:03
    why not set display:none if they are invisible rather than relying on aria-hidden. Will be more reliable.
  67. jnurthen
    Mar 29 23:03
    @yohoho What browser btw - likely the browser rather than NVDA
  68. yohoho
    Mar 29 23:32
    display: none seems to make it worse as it removes the layout placeholder of the slide and visibility: hidden does not seem to work
  69. yohoho
    Mar 29 23:32
    this is with IE11+NVDA
  70. jnurthen
    Mar 29 23:33
    ahhh IE11+NVDA is a combination which (while better than before) I wouldn't spend too much time stressing over
  71. jnurthen
    Mar 29 23:33
    how about FF+NVDA or IE11+JAWS
  72. jnurthen
    Mar 29 23:34
    way too many negatives in that first sentence so I edited it to make clearer
  73. jnurthen
    Mar 29 23:36
    Has anyone ever looked at good ways to communicate a busy state in a single page application?
  74. jnurthen
    Mar 29 23:37
    At the moment we read a message using a live region when the UI event has completed and the page is ready to use - but in the event of a slow network we have realized that potentially there is an issue in that a blind user may be unaware that network activity is happening
  75. jnurthen
    Mar 29 23:38
    we are thinking about using web audio api to produce a click when the application is busy and then potentially a different earcon when the load is complete.
  76. jnurthen
    Mar 29 23:39
    any comments on that?