What fresh hell is THIS now? - Patrick Lauke
So I want to make a simple popup button (or menu button or whatever you want to call it), so I thought I’d do it something like:
<button class="button--popup" aria-haspopup="true" aria-owns="popup">Button Text</button>
<ul role="menu" hidden id="popup">
<li role="presentation"><input type="radio" role="menuitemradio" name="foo" id="foo"/><label for="foo">Foo</label></li>
But alas, that doesn't validate, as role="menuitemradio" (and checkbox) require aria-checked. But that seems silly to me because I'm using a native radio (or checkbox) which natively gets a checked property. And according to HTML-AAM, checked maps to https://w3c.github.io/aria/html-aam/html-aam.html#att-checked which basically is aria-checked, so to me it feels redundant and silly to have to manage its state with JS when HTML will natively do it for me.
and aria-live
somewhat works for change collation, but is not ideal
<form onsubmit="sendChat(this.children[0]); return false"><input></form>
as far as aria-hidden is concerned ARIA 1.1 does not advise or require use of aria-hidden and ARIA in HTML states
Note: If an element has a hidden attribute, an aria-hidden attribute is not required.
Same goes for display:none
does this as well
<img alt=“text” title”text”> <img alt=“” title”text”> <img alt=“text” title”some different text”>
on images is unnecessary at best and redundant at worst
for that anyways
[karlgroves] > anything with the words "Certified Accessible" on it gives me the heebie jeebies
Ugh. Had a client ask me if Tenon could certify their site.
[karlgroves] >this is software (flash) so should have filled in 1194.21
That’s sign #1 that whoever filled in the VPAT doesn’t know what they’re doing.