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A11y Slackers Gitter Channel Archive 25th of June 2016

What fresh hell is THIS now? - Patrick Lauke
  1. Danny Fritz
    Jun 25 01:26
    Saw a good talk today about a11y at dinosaur.js by noopkat. It focused on low-cost things developers can do to make SPA's accessible to screen readers.
  2. zakim-robot
    Jun 25 09:27
    [dean] I saw accessibility. Because of Twitter I use the a11y hashtag. The fact that people say a-eleven-y and ally is weird
  3. Mallory
    Jun 25 09:27
    Cool @dannyfritz 2 colleagues of mine went to dinosaur.js so I hope they saw that
  4. zakim-robot
    Jun 25 10:37
    [michiel] dannyfritz: was it recorded?
  5. zakim-robot
    Jun 25 12:35
    [michiel] Is there anyone online with Photoshop?
  6. [michiel] jkva maybe?
  7. [michiel] No, you use Pixelmator too.
  8. zakim-robot
    Jun 25 13:06
    [jv] No. I hardly use bitmap editor these days. but I have purchased Pixelmator too
  9. zakim-robot
    Jun 25 13:12
    [michiel] Yeah I own Sketch and Pixelmator. But PSD styles don't show up in Pixelmator :(
  10. [michiel] Need to know some specifics, but I found a friend who has it :)
  11. zakim-robot
    Jun 25 13:29
    [jv] I dont have Photoshop and if i have to know styles of Psd elements for client work i would use
  12. Danny Fritz
    Jun 25 15:39
    It might have been recorded, but not sure when it would be put online.
  13. @StommePoes the conference was single-track. So all of your colleagues should have seen it.
  14. Fiona Holder
    Jun 25 17:05
    Hi all, looking at the definition of "hidden" in this document, am I right in thinking that "visibility:hidden" would count as hidden or not? What if it had an aria-label?
  15. zakim-robot
    Jun 25 18:57
    [michiel] FionaHolder: visibility: hidden; counts as hidden, yes :)
  16. [michiel] As I understand it, the only difference between display: none; and visibility; hidden; is that display: none takes it out of the flow.
  17. Fiona Holder
    Jun 25 19:04
    Thanks :)