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A11y Slackers Gitter Channel Archive 30th of June 2016

What fresh hell is THIS now? - Patrick Lauke
  1. stevefaulkner
    Jun 30 06:38
    morning slackers
  2. zakim-robot
    Jun 30 10:22
    [dean] Morning, how’s the new office treating you? Feeling inspired? ;)
  3. Job van Achterberg
    Jun 30 11:58
    Morning slackers
  4. powrsurg
    Jun 30 13:52
    Google Calendar's down error page is lazy
  5. ... and I meant to write that elsewhere ...
  6. Mallory
    Jun 30 14:12
    Steve Faulkner is always feeling inspired.
  7. For those on the APG, can anyone tell me if there's like a scheduled date for looking at datepickers?
  8. We've got a design where focus remains on the input part for more user-friendlyness, however the spec has the focus go straight to the calendar and that might be for reasons similar to what @Jnurthen mentioned about menu dropdowns... that without pulling the user down to the calendar, an SR may not go into focus mode as needed.
  9. problem is that really sucks for people who want to type dates, or paste a saved date, etc.
  10. and you can start typing a date, but that's not visually obvious if it seems your focus has been moved away from the input.
  11. bleh that ctrl+pgUp/pgDown is still in there.
  12. zakim-robot
    Jun 30 14:32
    [brunopulis] Hello people. I’m new here
  13. Job van Achterberg
    Jun 30 14:37
    Hiya @brunopulis :)
  14. zakim-robot
    Jun 30 15:08
    [karlgroves] Hey Bruno
  15. Jonathan Neal
    Jun 30 15:17
    Hey all! Anything I can contribute to while I’m between positions, or anything I can test for you? I feel happiest when I’m helping, so honestly don’t hesitate to bug me.
  16. zakim-robot
    Jun 30 16:35
    [marcysutton] That’s a really nice offer jonathan, someone should definitely take you up on it!!
  17. zakim-robot
    Jun 30 17:06
    [cordelia] ARIA question: Why is aria-setsize an attribute on individual items and not on containers?
  18. zakim-robot
    Jun 30 17:43
    [karlgroves] Yeah, that makes no sense, IMO
  19. [karlgroves] The explanation is that it is needed for ATs to inform users that this is “Option x of n”. But that’s silly because all AT should need to do is count those children on the parent (or, as you say, derive it from the parent if aria-setsize is on the parent

    BTW: keep in mind that aria-setsize and aria-posinset are unnecessary if all of the items are already present in the DOM. They’re most often used in things where the options come from XHR

  20. zakim-robot
    Jun 30 18:24
    [cordelia] Yeah, it seems like there’s a lot of potential to accidentally set different size values within a single list if you’re setting that attribute for every list item.
  21. zakim-robot
    Jun 30 21:12
    [cordelia] On a related note, is there a magical single source of truth doc that indicates which ARIA attributes are supported across browsers/AT? Looks like aria-setsize and aria-posinset aren’t supported with Safari + VoiceOver.
  22. [alice] @cordelia
  23. [alice] "caniuse for ARIA"
  24. [cordelia] A colleague suggested we start a wiki/github repo that people could update with support notes. I like the idea but also worry it would get out of date quickly if new bugs are introduced.
  25. [cordelia] … and would also have to be a big matrix to account for browser+AT combinations
  26. zakim-robot
    Jun 30 21:21
    [sitaggart] ARIA question 2: What, if anything, is the equivalent of optgroup when constructing a listbox in HTML? Essentially the same as depicted in the following screen grabbed <select multiple /> element. Where "Group 1" visually acts a grouping/heading/label for "Option 1.1", and "Group 2" acts as a grouping/heading/label for "Option 2.1" and "Option 2.2"
  27. [sitaggart] `\
  28. [sitaggart] ```

    <select multiple="" style="width:200px; height: 100px">
    <optgroup label="Group 1">
    <option>Option 1.1</option>
    <optgroup label="Group 2">
    <option>Option 2.1</option>
    <option>Option 2.2</option>
    <optgroup label="Group 3" disabled="">
    <option>Option 3.1</option>
    <option>Option 3.2</option>
    <option>Option 3.3</option>

  29. [sitaggart] Want to be able to achieve the same kind of grouping and labelling with a combobox list
  30. zakim-robot
    Jun 30 21:28
    [techthomas] I presented to a group of new students in web development today. Is there a Getting Started page I can link them to for this a11y slack group? I can’t remember where I found out the original instructions to join this group. Thanks
  31. [marcysutton] @techthomas: not really but they can go straight to the signup page
  32. zakim-robot
    Jun 30 21:35
    [techthomas] @marcysutton: Thank you!
  33. [cordelia] @sitaggart, I’ve been wondering the same thing! Curious to see what answers you get. I’ve seen a few examples that use <h*> elements but not sure if it’s okay to stick those inside something with role=“listbox”. I see that Twitter’s search typeahead uses aria-describedby on each option to associate it with its heading.
  34. zakim-robot
    Jun 30 21:41
    [cordelia] Untitled
  35. [sitaggart] The 2 separate lists legit though?
  36. zakim-robot
    Jun 30 21:48
    [cordelia] It’s kind of confusing, actually, because you only hear that there are N items in the list, where N is the number of items in the current group and not the total number of items. :(
  37. [jhausler] you should just use a list of links.. more usable, therefore accessible.
  38. [jhausler] O:)
  39. stevefaulkner
    Jun 30 22:02
    @SiTaggart <div role=group aria-label=sometext>
  40. zakim-robot
    Jun 30 22:08
    [sitaggart] What about the visual display of that label though? Essentially that's what the designers care about. A heading marked up as presentation?
  41. [sitaggart] PseudoCode
  42. zakim-robot
    Jun 30 23:07
    [cordelia] ^ you probably don’t need the container div there, but otherwise that looks like it could work?