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A11y Slackers Gitter Channel Archive 1st of July 2016

What fresh hell is THIS now? - Patrick Lauke
  1. zakim-robot
    Jul 01 00:13
    [sitaggart] and if I wasn't going on holiday for 4 weeks at the end of the day tomorrow, I'd totally mock up something to test it. Seems like a good direction though
  2. [nschonni] @cordelia Have you looked at for the AT/Browser support matrix?
  3. [cordelia] @nschonni, that covers a lot but doesn’t cover ARIA attribute support :\
  4. zakim-robot
    Jul 01 00:19
    [cordelia] :o woah!
  5. [cordelia] if only i had more time to create a full aria support matrix…. someday.
  6. zakim-robot
    Jul 01 00:25
    [nschonni] yeah, or if you have a device lab at work, you could just start adding a few more in the "Properties" section
  7. [nschonni] it's easy to volunteer other people's time :p
  8. stevefaulkner
    Jul 01 10:24
    @pkra yeah they are
  9. zakim-robot
    Jul 01 14:20
    [jv] Is this kind of dropdown possible?
  10. zakim-robot
    Jul 01 14:47
    [kylegach] You could probably use something like and a background color on the label to accomplish that.
  11. [kylegach] Lots more examples of how to do that, btw:
  12. zakim-robot
    Jul 01 14:54
    [bkardell] @jonathanneal oh, almost certainly!
  13. [jv] @kylegach: Thanks. but mine is select dropdown not simple input and label
  14. [scottohara] @jv: that’s true, but it’s a very similar concept. as Kyle mentioned, you’d need to write a script to check whether an option other than a default blank option was chosen, so the label doesn’t go back on top of the custom styled select box
  15. zakim-robot
    Jul 01 15:07
    [bkardell] does anyone know what roles actually work with expanded in jaws?
  16. zakim-robot
    Jul 01 16:51
    [marcysutton] @pkra: thank you for sharing those posters! They are beautiful! I want to print one and hang it in my office
  17. [scottohara] agreed. shared those with my team at work today. they’re great
  18. Mallory
    Jul 01 16:58
    Looks like a certain website added browser sniffers and removed some functionality which was perfectly supported earlier. Develeopers: don't do that. Progressive enhancement and feature detection.
  19. Peter Krautzberger
    Jul 01 17:00
    Tip of the head for these posters goes to Anselm Hanneman with his weekly post on Smashing Mag.
  20. zakim-robot
    Jul 01 17:14
    [cordelia] These are gorgeous!
  21. [karlgroves] Any OSX users here with ADHD/ Dyslexia/ Autism who can recommend a good desktop app for Text-to-speech with highlight?
  22. zakim-robot
    Jul 01 17:47
    [marcysutton] Blogged! Thanks again for the tip!
  23. [marcysutton] @karlgroves: wouldn’t Voiceover work for that?
  24. zakim-robot
    Jul 01 18:16
    [deborah_kaplan] @marcysutton have they added a mobility poster yet? Last I looked they were missing mobility altogether.
  25. [marcysutton] ahh that would be awesome if they did
  26. [deborah_kaplan] Though I suppose the Home Secretary has bigger problems at the mo.
  27. [marcysutton] I saw a commit that said they removed a Deaf one, not sure hwere it went
  28. [deborah_kaplan] huh, I wonder why.
  29. [karlgroves] > @karlgroves: wouldn’t Voiceover work for that?

    No. I’m looking for something that highlights the individual words as it goes.

  30. zakim-robot
    Jul 01 18:44
    [dean] @karlgroves: iOS apps but Proloquo4Text is for non verbal people with literacy skills. If there is no literacy then Proloquo2Go is symbol based. - Disclaimer: I’m the UXer for AssistiveWare who make these apps
  31. [dean] Actually thinking about it, perhaps Wrise may be of interest -
  32. [dean] "Listen to text with your choice of voice, speech rate and volume using Text to Speech playback with word or sentence highlighting. Use the handy pronunciation editor so text is spoken exactly the way you want it."
  33. [dean] That’s a Mac app
  34. zakim-robot
    Jul 01 20:03
    [karlgroves] @jnurthen @dean thanks!
  35. zakim-robot
    Jul 01 21:00
    [marcysutton] Hi @almerosteyn!
  36. James Nurthen
    Jul 01 21:54
    Does anyone know of any resources who give screen reader training to developers in India (mostly Bangalore and Hyderabad)