What fresh hell is THIS now? - Patrick Lauke
[jakecross] Afternoon all
I am using "revenge css" to check through a site and it's saying "this element is empty" - now is it just completely unacceptable to have empty elements on the page? A bootstrap glyph hanging out in an empty span for example.
[jakecross] The span is inside an <a> and the <a> has an alt and... I just went and checked that it did have the things it should.. it reads <a href="/"><span class="image></span></a>
Oh dear.
[jakecross] "minimum requirements..."
That would be "do nothing" surely?
"A blind person wouldn't see that though!" -- blind !== accessibility
[heidi] hey folks, a client's asked for input on video backgrounds. This is what I’m thinking of replying (suggestions most welcome):
My suggestions in order of preference are:
1) Avoid using a video background as it could confuse/disorient some users
2) Do no auto-play the video, instead provide a play/pause control so that the user can control the video's behaviour
3) If auto-playing the video, have it last only 5 seconds or less and then stop completely
4) If auto-playing and longer than 5 sec (e.g. on a loop), provide a pause control