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A11y Slackers Gitter Channel Archive 2nd of August 2016

What fresh hell is THIS now? - Patrick Lauke
  1. Job van Achterberg
    Aug 02 08:12
    @marcysutton poorly chosen acronym on my part, sorry about that. I will use Try It And See from here on.
  2. And on that positive note, good morning slackers!
  3. zakim-robot
    Aug 02 09:24
    [michiel] Morning all.
  4. Job van Achterberg
    Aug 02 09:24
  5. zakim-robot
    Aug 02 12:21
    [jv] @michiel: this looks like a useful blog
  6. powrsurg
    Aug 02 13:32
    Okay, I just launched Firefox this morning when I got to work and gitter is showing me a conversation from Nov 12 of last year where @StommePoes and @MichielBijl discussed a survey that Michiel wanted to put into a table to get the radio buttons to get everything working. What ended up being the end goal? I've seen/done that a bunch and never quite felt like I've gotten it as accessible as I'd like
  7. zakim-robot
    Aug 02 13:41
    [michiel] Thanks jv, I'll have a look.
  8. [michiel] Brian: I think I ended up linking the radio button to the col/row heading with aria-labelledby
  9. powrsurg
    Aug 02 13:42
  10. Were the names unique for the radio buttons?
  11. oh wait, I'm thinking of checkboxes for what I've been doing
  12. zakim-robot
    Aug 02 13:44
    [michiel] Say you have row headings with “Kitten softness”, “Kitten cuteness”, and “Kitten playfulness”. And col headings that read 1 through 10. Than you can link all radios in the matrix and have them all be unique.
  13. [michiel] Would work for checkboxes too of course :)
  14. [michiel] AT will announce col/row heading depending on how you get to the table cell, but now—with labelledby—they're actually linked to the inputs.
  15. powrsurg
    Aug 02 13:47
    I think in my latest approach all of the checkboxes got a unique aria-label, but then aXe complained saying that "All elements with the name 'enabled' do not reference the same eleement with aria-labeledby' or 'Elements does not have a containing fieldset or ARIA group".
  16. Mallory
    Aug 02 13:52
    since you can't give a table a role of group (not and keep table semantics anyway, that I know of), that last one may always fail.
  17. powrsurg
    Aug 02 14:04
  18. clearly role should accept multiple values! (I'm joking)
  19. Mallory
    Aug 02 14:15
    Sometimes a thing has multiple roles (as far as function)
  20. Has anyone ever run across a situation where the keyboard focus somehow does not keep in sync with the screen reader virtual cursor?
  21. powrsurg
    Aug 02 14:17
    like if you jump ahead too much and it doesn't catch up?
  22. Mallory
    Aug 02 14:24
    yeah except you can be as slow as you want
  23. I'm discovering the mouse always works correctly-- clicking a link clicks that link
  24. using the keyboard, hitting enter on a link... opens a dropdown in the header
  25. Although shift+enter makes the link work properly (though not in a new tab as would normally be the case)
  26. ug sooooo many react divs
  27. god react is nasty
  28. Mallory
    Aug 02 14:30
    extra divs to make debugging extra nice, all supposedly because "the DOM is slow". Yeah, that was definitely the reason most of our bloated jQueried pages were slow, the DOM.
  29. Not the 500MB of freaking JS, no...
  30. powrsurg
    Aug 02 14:32
    "the DOM is slow. Lets throw more divs/code at it"
  31. Mallory
    Aug 02 15:07
    the bigger the better
  32. zakim-robot
    Aug 02 16:35
    [michiel] I rather have 1,42MB of DOOM!
  33. Job van Achterberg
    Aug 02 16:36
    Or 4 pizzas.
  34. zakim-robot
    Aug 02 16:39
    [michiel] Ahh, the time when games were smaller than screenshots of those games.
  35. powrsurg
    Aug 02 17:16
    hey, I recently wrote a game simple game that is somewhat enjoyable, under a floppy in file size, playable on a smart watch, supports gamepads, and seems to be pretty accessible from all of my testing ... and I'm looking to add VR
  36. 116 k
  37. no JS library
  38. Job van Achterberg
    Aug 02 17:19
  39. powrsurg
    Aug 02 17:20
    some of it was weird. I wanted the L1 and R1 buttons to act like shift+tab and tab respectively. I fired simulated tab key events which browsers did recognize, but they didn't move focus like tabbing normally works.
  40. powrsurg
    Aug 02 17:50
    has anyone tested the accessibility of an AMP page?
  41. Mallory
    Aug 02 20:32
    I don't think so...
  42. @jNurthen hey is this the same jet as in the ui framework thing?,P145_PREV_PAGE:5278,143
  43. James Nurthen
    Aug 02 20:52
    @StommePoes yep.
  44. Mallory
    Aug 02 20:53
    cool, a java-loving former colleague just twotted that he signed up for it
  45. zakim-robot
    Aug 02 20:53
    [michiel] jnurthen signed off on it ;)
  46. James Nurthen
    Aug 02 21:06
    JB should be able to answer most a11y questions anyone might have. Get your former colleague to ask some.
  47. Mallory
    Aug 02 21:07
    he says he enrolled and hopes to be accepted so he's in some automation signup hell for now :)
  48. He's just a big Java fan
  49. like, insane
  50. but when he does stuff, he's relegated to jquery and bootstrap for the frontend because he's a db guy, not a frontender
  51. so I guess he's looking to play more on the front end
  52. which is cool
  53. James Nurthen
    Aug 02 21:08
    There is no Java in jet.
  54. Mallory
    Aug 02 21:08
    He's in a python company :) yearning for the Java world... poor guy
  55. He knows
  56. but via java he's some kind of Oracle fan
  57. he even likes the db
  58. despite working daily with postgres (though he likes pg too)
  59. James Nurthen
    Aug 02 21:09
    Ahhh. JB (the jet PM who is one of the instructors) is a former Sun guy.
  60. Mallory
    Aug 02 21:10
    gosh, one of the Sun People who were not thrown to the winter wolves??!? wow
  61. he must be amazing
  62. James Nurthen
    Aug 02 21:11
    There are lots of sun people still around.
  63. Mallory
    Aug 02 21:11
    Interesting (esp after all this time)
  64. zakim-robot
    Aug 02 22:12
    [jdan] hey very cool @robdodson!!
  65. zakim-robot
    Aug 02 22:34
    [robdodson] @jdan: thank you! We're going to start rolling out episodes every 2 weeks
  66. [jdan] can't wait
  67. [michiel] Yeah looks solid!
  68. zakim-robot
    Aug 02 22:49

    [robdodson] fwiw, the last 2 episodes of Polycasts were on building accessible web components using Polymer:

    There's a 3rd one I just finished shooting which talks about labelling

  69. [robdodson] it'll roll out next week i think
  70. [caesar] I don't mean any disrespect by this, but Chrome tends to poll quite low in terms of usage among people with disabilities (especially screen readers), but is extremely popular amongst devs working in accessibility. What can we do to help close that gap?
  71. zakim-robot
    Aug 02 23:05
    [marcysutton] Test in browsers people actually use?
  72. [marcysutton] I also use Chrome but I definitely check other browsers with AT
  73. zakim-robot
    Aug 02 23:22
    [caesar] Indeed, although Chrome and JAWS still don't play well together last I checked. Not sure about NVDA.
  74. zakim-robot
    Aug 02 23:29
    [marcysutton] I'm not so sure about Windows but on Mac it works okay with Voiceover sometimes, but not enough for users who rely on AT to use full time on I'm afraid
  75. [marcysutton] I did hear they're making strides with ChromeVox on Chromebooks though, enough to be a primary work machine for folks with visual disabilities
  76. zakim-robot
    Aug 02 23:35
    [caesar] Nice. Looks like Freedom Scientific really has their work cut out for them!
  77. zakim-robot
    Aug 02 23:50
    [marcysutton] Narrator is getting a lot better, I am excited to try it out. Just saw @stevef tweet these key commands earlier
  78. [caesar] Noooo, not another one to test! Hahaha
  79. [caesar] Maybe it will put a stop to the ascent of ZoomText in the next WebAIM SR survey :)
  80. zakim-robot
    Aug 02 23:57
    [marcysutton] So many to's true