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A11y Slackers Gitter Channel Archive 7th of August 2016

What fresh hell is THIS now? - Patrick Lauke
  1. zakim-robot
    Aug 07 13:07
    [monastic.panic] question: in the case of a widget like a combobox, should aria-activedescendent go on the common DOM parent (wrapper div) or the text input, that actually holds focus
  2. [monastic.panic] guess its more a general question about any aria like that
  3. James Nurthen
    Aug 07 13:51
    @monastic.panic whatever has the role=combobox in this case as it is a composite widget. However this should pretty much always be the same thing as the thing with focus.
  4. zakim-robot
    Aug 07 13:52
    [monastic.panic] ok that was what I thought. And in the case of like a combobox, you’d put the role on the input, not the surrounding div?
  5. [monastic.panic] voiceover seems to be flaker with aria-owns
  6. James Nurthen
    Aug 07 13:54
    Can't remember if we have some new combo examples in the latest draft of APG. We are certainly working on them. On vacation at the moment so can't look it up. Perhaps someone else can.
  7. zakim-robot
    Aug 07 17:01
    [michiel] jnurthen: how is the Netherlands treating you?
  8. [michiel] Sick of cyclists yet?
  9. James Nurthen
    Aug 07 17:04
    Good. Went on a canal tour with our Airbnb host this afternoon. He got very sick of the pedal boats getting in the way.
  10. Mallory
    Aug 07 21:24
    Hey, I actually found a website with a background animation that might actually deserve audio descript/alt text
  11. I bought some of this stuff at the hardware store, it's very cool: Frog Tape