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A11y Slackers Gitter Channel Archive 10th of August 2016

What fresh hell is THIS now? - Patrick Lauke
  1. zakim-robot
    Aug 10 08:52
    [jv] never seen a job role of Accessibility Designer
  2. Mallory
    Aug 10 10:22
    me neither
  3. James Nurthen
    Aug 10 11:49
    @StommePoes I tried and failed to do a KB trap test in JS. If you find a way I would like to know it.
  4. Mallory
    Aug 10 12:14
    I've been looking around and haven't found anything obvious either.
  5. discovered element.hasFocus tho
  6. one thing I dislike about devtools is how I can't inspect things that only appear when focus is set on something else, unless there's a way to say "never fold HTML elements" (I hate the folding because it's constant clicking the suckers open and reloading the devtools closes everything up again)
  7. So people keep sending me these bootstrap tooltips, which I can't inspect because they only exist when their trigger has focus. So can't see how they wrote the HTML roles or states for their tooltips without trying to read their Javascript.
  8. zakim-robot
    Aug 10 12:17
    [karlgroves] Devtools should still show you the changes to the DOM when you focus over it.
  9. [caesar] So things like Firebug's :focus flag doesn't do it?
  10. zakim-robot
    Aug 10 12:24
    [caesar] Firebug
  11. [caesar] I usually use this when I check hover states, focus visibility, etc.
  12. [caesar] Unless I'm not understanding the problem correctly...
  13. Mallory
    Aug 10 12:27
    those are states
  14. but HTML that only appears when something has actual focus doesn't appear when you check the :focus checkbox
  15. unless Firebug does it different from the regular FF and Chrome devtools
  16. zakim-robot
    Aug 10 12:28
    [caesar] ic
  17. [caesar] Not sure. Would need an example to test it on
  18. Mallory
    Aug 10 12:28
    if so, yay, I want all the other devtools to do this. Because I don't see how any application can claim focus without taking it from another application.
  19. zakim-robot
    Aug 10 12:29
    [scottohara] i think it depends on how the element is triggered by focus
  20. [scottohara] i can confirm that if an element is focused and a subsequent element is shown by CSS, then setting the style to :focus will reveal the next element
  21. [scottohara] (with firebug)
  22. [scottohara] and with firefox dev tools
  23. Mallory
    Aug 10 12:33
    I'm trying to find the example people've sent me numerous times
  24. but when I go to bootstrap, the tooltip isn't what I saw and the popover doesn't vanish when focus is gone
  25. zakim-robot
    Aug 10 12:33
    [caesar] Oooh, I think I might've learned a new trick
  26. [caesar] In Firebug, there is a "Console" tab, and you can execute commands on it.
  27. [caesar] So in theory you could execute a jQuery that activates the focus on the element using the DOM ID
  28. [caesar] document.getElementById('yourId').dispatchEvent(new Event('focus'));
  29. [caesar] See the answer with 84 votes, not the accepted answer
  30. [scottohara] ah, yeah. checking out bootstrap’s tooltips now. totally JS
  31. [caesar] Good luck guys, I'm off to Bedfordshire (it's nighttime Down Under :P)
  32. Mallory
    Aug 10 12:55
    setting focus means you can't switch to the elements tab from the console tab to inspect the HTML, that moves focus :P
  33. but thanks for the ideas
  34. zakim-robot
    Aug 10 13:36
    [karlgroves] Mallory: I’m still confused. Can you go into devtools, expand the necessary node(s) and then trigger the tooltip? You should be able to watch the attributes changing.
  35. zakim-robot
    Aug 10 16:41
    [joe-watkins] break-on.png
  36. albert
    Aug 10 18:10
    hello a11ySlackers. running into a wall here and seeking solution(s): are there best-practices for implementing mailto value in href attributes? should anchor be used at all, considering email clients are not URLs and its clearly an actionable item? am i completely off with this line of thinking? thanks in advance.
  37. zakim-robot
    Aug 10 18:37
    [jason] people still use mailto links? TIL ;)
  38. Job van Achterberg
    Aug 10 18:40
    There are DOZENS of us!
  39. @jalbertbowden: I don't think there are issues with mailto: links. Apart from spambot harvesting. It really is in the eye of the beholder
  40. Same for tel: imho
  41. zakim-robot
    Aug 10 21:26
    [michiel] I do that all the time. I don't think spambots harvest them.
  42. [michiel] I never get spam on the addresses I use for it.
  43. [michiel] Only on
  44. [michiel] And I never put that in mailto:'s to prevent spam.
  45. albert
    Aug 10 21:51
    @jkva thanks! eye of the beholder truly. i don’t think there are a11y issues either, but i do think its bad ux, taking control away from the user. not disagreeing, just thinking out loud