What fresh hell is THIS now? - Patrick Lauke
[karlgroves] 2006 the Access Board formed the TEITAC committee. Chaired by Mike Paciello and Jim Tobias, it also included a huge number of people from gov, edu, org, private business, and tech industry. Their goal was to come up with new tech standards to replace current 508.
2008 TEITAC committee issues its final report to Access Board.
From there, Access Board took the report and started down the road to issuing a revision. That was sort of derailed a little bit. One of the problems of something like 508 is that it reinvents the wheel in a lot of ways. For instance, why discuss telecommunications accessibility when there are already telecomm a11y standards? Why discuss web accessibility when there are already a11y standards.
So in 2010 the Access Board (re)started the rulemaking process with a revision that uses “Incorporation by Reference” for other pre-existing standards like WCAG.
From there… there’s nothing on the record to discuss the delays
[more coming]
[karlgroves] The process is (roughly):
Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
comment period
review comments
make any necessary changes
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
comment period
review comments
make any necessary changes
Proposed Rule
comment period
review comments
make any necessary changes
Final Rule
Drink Beer
[karlgroves] I’m unaware of any publicly available information that discusses why they did this, so everything is just speculation at this point.
Some people suggest that outside influence played a part in this, for varying reasons. One of those reasons is that large multinational corps. like IBM, Oracle, Microsoft and others have to not only comply with US law but other country’s laws too. So having different standards all over the place is a mess