What fresh hell is THIS now? - Patrick Lauke
won’t be in the DOM until it’s needed to be rendered.
[chris__pearce] Unfortunately I won’t be able to do the generic message at the top (out of my control I’m afraid), all the errors will be inline underneath the offending input.
Form validation is always tricky
Yep :)
::before {content: }
for your images rather than background images to preserve them in HC mode on Win?
[jpdevries] This is an Accessibility Preference page that uses localStorage
to allow users to “order a website their way” and choose preferences for font size, typeface, and contrast. In supported browsers (Edge, Firefox and I think as of today Chrome) there is an auto contrast mode that will switch a high contrast mode on if you are in a dimly lit environment https://vimeo.com/184758648
I think this is a fun example of using JavaScript to enhance accessibility.