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A11y Slackers Gitter Channel Archive 15th of October 2016

What fresh hell is THIS now? - Patrick Lauke
  1. zakim-robot
    Oct 15 01:02
    [johnkmcnabb] Agreed, there are several WCAG scan tools, like pa11y:
  2. [johnkmcnabb] I think scan tools have some value, just like an HTML validator can find some problems. But because accessibility is mainly about the UI, you will find more problems by walking through a page, site, or a transaction with assistive technologies like JAWS (screen reader), Dragon Naturally Speaking (speech recognition software), or ZoomText (screen magnifier software).
  3. zakim-robot
    Oct 15 01:11
    [johnkmcnabb] WCAG20Map.pdf
  4. James Nurthen
    Oct 15 01:46
    I don't like pa11y as it has a lot of false positive errors. For example. There is a form without a submit. Why is that an accessibility error?
  5. zakim-robot
    Oct 15 02:40
    [johnkmcnabb] I've often heard people complain about the other scan tools for generating false positives too. Really what matters is that the user can submit the form without any challenges. Controls should be keyboard-accessible and semantically correct, for example, a button should be a real button, or have role="button" coded.
  6. James Nurthen
    Oct 15 03:53
    IMO aXe has many fewer false positives than other tools I have tried.
  7. zakim-robot
    Oct 15 10:28
    [michiel] stephenwyattbush: aXe,, W3's NU validator has light ARIA checks, Chrome a11y audit in devtools, they all have their pros and cons.
  8. zakim-robot
    Oct 15 16:58
    [shawn.henning] @jnurthen do you know of a good write-up on what cannot be automatically tested? I get questions similar to @stephenwyattbush where a developer just wants to met a level AA conformance req.
  9. zakim-robot
    Oct 15 17:27
    [michiel] karlgroves probably has a list.
  10. James Nurthen
    Oct 15 17:40
    Yes. I would search Karl's site.
  11. zakim-robot
    Oct 15 19:24
    [shawn.henning] Thank you for the link!