maybe if the basic function of an app involves a specific sense, it wouldn't be necessary to consider those who struggle with that sense? hmm... just thinking out loud really though
[marcysutton] If you're making a demo app for yourself maybe?
[jv] i m working on a web app which is admin panel to control settings of hardware
[marcysutton] I saw quite a few "MVP" sites go out for startups that had zero accessibility which was a shame because that would have been the easiest time to implement it
[jv] what if product owner says that no one with any disability will be ever hired to use this app.
[jv] also this will be used in ideal conditions
[karlgroves] > what if product owner says that no one with any disability will be ever hired to use this app.
Then they’ve admitted to engaging in discriminatory hiring practices
[jv] the only question left here is temporary disability of the user
[marcysutton] Yikes
[karlgroves] And the possibility of an existing employee becoming disabled
[lefthandev]@jv might not what you’re looking for, but there’s also pretty straight-forward VoiceOver training built into macOS : )
[jv] i tried some tuts but i guess my mac keyboard shortcuts doesnt work in the way it described in tutorials
[marcysutton] If you're on a laptop you might need to hold the Fn key for them to work
[marcysutton] I highly recommend using a Windows keyboard if you test JAWS or NVDA, it's really helpful having an actual insert key and not having to hold the Function (Fn) key on the Macbook keyboard
[marcysutton] I never could get Karabiner to work
[jv] i have macbook only
[jv] i first want to learn voiceover then will move to jaws
[marcysutton] Slack came first, and then Steve Faulkner added a connection to the w3c Gitter to provide different options for access plus an open archive
[marcysutton] I always have Slack open so I prefer it, but some people like Gitter more