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A11y Slackers Gitter Channel Archive 18th of November 2016

What fresh hell is THIS now? - Patrick Lauke
  1. zakim-robot
    Nov 18 02:37
    [herin] Hi, When there are image with role=button inside a form tag + a submit button, the Enter key triggers the submit. Has anyone seen this behavior?
  2. [herin] The form tag has the post method as well
  3. zakim-robot
    Nov 18 03:14
    [caesar] Enter always triggers the submit button as default, no?
  4. [caesar] Standard HTML forms behaviour
  5. zakim-robot
    Nov 18 03:45
    [herin] Yes
  6. [herin] @caesar : Will read the article now.
  7. zakim-robot
    Nov 18 03:52
    [herin] Simple forms with single submit button are fine. We should not alter the implicit behavior. But, when there are more buttons it becomes tricky.
  8. zakim-robot
    Nov 18 04:03
    [caesar] Right, but there has to be a default submit action, no?
  9. zakim-robot
    Nov 18 04:24
    [herin] Yes. We have a date picker that selects the date for a text box. This is currently a 3rd party api. It's an image with onClick on it.
    I do not see a necessity to change this to link as there are multiple date selections in the form.
    Trying to change the img with role="button" and input tag with type="image" has the same effect of submitting the form and validations.
    The default submission is Input type="submit" / input type="button". right?
  10. [herin] This is the WAI IG group discussing about the <form> tag mandatory or not?
  11. zakim-robot
    Nov 18 04:35
    [herin] I am trying to do the PreventDefault.
  12. zakim-robot
    Nov 18 04:52
    [caesar] Oh, so in that case could you not just put an event listener on those elements to capture Enter keypress?
  13. zakim-robot
    Nov 18 05:02
    [herin] It works with the Keypress event listener. thanks @caesar
  14. zakim-robot
    Nov 18 05:09
    [caesar] Just make sure you catch both Keypad enter as well as the normal one :)
  15. [caesar] LOL kidding. They're the same :p
  16. zakim-robot
    Nov 18 14:52
    [michiel] I'm moving to Bristol :raised_hands::skin-tone-2:
  17. luis garcia
    Nov 18 14:53
  18. zakim-robot
    Nov 18 14:56
    [michiel] Yes
  19. [michiel] Now to setup a role=drinks there…
  20. zakim-robot
    Nov 18 15:23
    [quidkid] making a lot of progress, but i have an accessibility etiquette question. for my hamburger menu, all but the first one leads you further down the page. the first is an external link to a new tab. normally, after clicking the first link, the hamburger menu closes. but is that accessible friendly? should the focus go back to the menu button or go to the next item in the menu? thank you guys for your help!
  21. luis garcia
    Nov 18 15:25
    So the first one is like a skip link?
  22. If so, the focus should move to the content it's a link to.
  23. zakim-robot
    Nov 18 15:25
    [quidkid] no i do have a skip link that’s before all of this
  24. [quidkid] the first is a link to a whole different website
  25. zakim-robot
    Nov 18 15:43
    [quidkid] also for accordion style QA, right now I can tab and open them up but the screen doesn’t automatically scroll down. i have to manually scroll. does it need to automatically rescroll the page? if so, how?
  26. [quidkid] and phone numbers -currently i have those under href to the tel:### but is that accessible?
  27. luis garcia
    Nov 18 15:46
    Oh I see. Well personally I'd say not to have the first one open a new tab/window. Let the user decide how they want to use the site. But otherwise just leave the focus on the link with the menu open.
  28. Basically don't do anything special.
  29. What do mean by "QA?"
  30. zakim-robot
    Nov 18 15:49
    [quidkid] question and answer section
  31. luis garcia
    Nov 18 15:49
    I don't think page needs to auto scroll, sighted keyboard users have ways to move the viewport.
  32. zakim-robot
    Nov 18 15:53
    [quidkid] thank you! for clarification, so right now you can tab through the menu, on enter on the first link it opens to a new tab. my question is when the user navigates back to the site tab, should they see that menu open with the focus on the next item in the menu or the menu closed and the focus on the hamburger icon?
  33. luis garcia
    Nov 18 16:06
    Not sure there is a "should" in this situation. But my personal use case would go something like. "Oh I'll click on this link. Huh, it opened a new tab. Ctrl+PageUp to previous tab; Ctrl+W to close the tab."
  34. zakim-robot
    Nov 18 16:11
    [quidkid] what do expect to see on the original tab then? the menu still open or the menu closed?
  35. [quidkid] also what is the best way to make a heading toggle for click, spacebar and enter?
  36. zakim-robot
    Nov 18 16:30
    [quidkid] so i have an accordion style question and answer section. at first i couldn’t figure out how to get the the panels to toggle but then i remembered what you guys said yesterday and used button. but now the panels are toggling on tab too, trapping it to the first heading. how do i toggle on click, enter or spacebar but not on tab?
  37. zakim-robot
    Nov 18 17:10
    [marcysutton] I could go either way on that, it might be nice to keep it open in case the user didn't really want to open a new window. I'd recommend adding an icon and some offscreen text that indicates that link opens in a new window
  38. Peter Krautzberger
    Nov 18 18:57
    Does anybody have resources regarding reading modes
  39. In particular which hidden content they leave.
  40. In place.
  41. E.g. Firefox reading mode will leave invisible content if it has well established class names such as .sr-only from bootstrap.
  42. zakim-robot
    Nov 18 19:27
    [quidkid] I’m having trouble trapping focus in my menu. I think this was what you all were talking about with the inert and setting focus back to the first element. I tried doing an on(‘keypress) on the last item in the menu, $(‘#firstelement').focus(); which didn’t do anything.
  43. zakim-robot
    Nov 18 19:36
    [quidkid] it’s strange because the first element is changing color as if it is focused but it doesn’t have tab focus if that makes sense
  44. zakim-robot
    Nov 18 20:29
    [quidkid] alrighty i sorta got the focus trapped in the menu.. except now the tab is going above and over the browser like on the toolbar too..
  45. zakim-robot
    Nov 18 20:39
    [quidkid] omg nvm it works! i dunno but i guess i just didn’t understand the difference between keydown keypress and keyup but it works for keydown
  46. zakim-robot
    Nov 18 20:53
    [cyns] I'm signing in from my new job at Starbucks, as technical program manager for digital accessibility. Just wanted to say "hey" to those of you who know me from w3c and Microsoft.
  47. zakim-robot
    Nov 18 21:05
    [somelaniesaid] hi @cyns!! congrats on your new job :]
  48. [cyns] Thanks, @somelaniesaid :)
  49. James Nurthen
    Nov 18 21:44
    I @cyns . Good to see you here.
  50. Hi not I :) . I can't edit across the slack gitter divide either.
  51. zakim-robot
    Nov 18 22:07
    [marcysutton] Hi @cyns!! Welcome!
  52. zakim-robot
    Nov 18 22:47
    [shawn.henning] Hey @cyns