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A11y Slackers Gitter Channel Archive 26th of November 2016

What fresh hell is THIS now? - Patrick Lauke
  1. zakim-robot
    Nov 26 01:41
    [caesar] I don't know if there's a programmatic rule for demi-bold though?
  2. [caesar] Is it the mid-point between 14pt bold and 18pt normal? :)
  3. James Nurthen
    Nov 26 04:38
    @cyns my personal opinion is that it wouldn't qualify as bold so would need to be 18pt to allow the 3:1 ratio.
  4. James Nurthen
    Nov 26 04:48
    Although axe allows font weight of 600 to be bold. So it may pass your font.
  5. James Nurthen
    Nov 26 04:57
    From aXe .... var bold = (['bold', 'bolder', '600', '700', '800', '900'].indexOf(fontWeight) !== -1);
  6. James Nurthen
    Nov 26 05:06
    Chrome Accessibility Dev Tools seems to be looking for an exact match of '700' or 'bold' to be counted as bold. @alice I think there is a bug here. I'll try to remember to log it on Monday - but setting font-weight of 800 (which should be bold) doesn't return bold in the dev tools I think.
  7. zakim-robot
    Nov 26 17:32
    [alice] @jnurthen Yeah I think it literally just looks for 'bold'.
  8. James Nurthen
    Nov 26 17:33
    Do you want me to log a bug or have you got it?
  9. zakim-robot
    Nov 26 17:35
    [alice] GoogleChrome/accessibility-developer-tools#316 :)
  10. James Nurthen
    Nov 26 20:51
    @alice thanks.