What fresh hell is THIS now? - Patrick Lauke
and changing my .visually_hidden
css also helped. (also, the question becomes moot if you just switch from groups navigation to DOM navigation :p :p :p )
Hey guys, i was just wondering what is the best practices for an accessible loading"modal/overlay". We are building a shopping cart system where once a user selects their seats an "overlay" appears there is nothing to interact with in the overlay (no buttons or links) its just something to cover the content and show a spinner. Untill the page reloads.
Do you treat this sort of loading modal/overlay the same a normal overlay (shift the focus to overlay, hide the content outside the overlay). Or can a aria-live="assertive" text area be enough??
For any element with a role of presentation and which is not focusable, the user agent MUST NOT expose the implicit native semantics of the element (the role and its states and properties) to accessibility APIs. However, the user agent MUST expose content and descendant elements that do not have an explicit or inherited role of presentation. Thus, the