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A11y Slackers Gitter Channel Archive 11th of January 2017

What fresh hell is THIS now? - Patrick Lauke
  1. Srinivas Yedhuri
    Jan 11 04:38
    Hey, Can someone point me to a video where an AT user browses and performs actions on a website. want to include in a brown bag session.
  2. zakim-robot
    Jan 11 04:40
    [caesar] You mean like this?
  3. Srinivas Yedhuri
    Jan 11 04:44
    @caesar yeah. perfect. Thanks.
  4. zakim-robot
    Jan 11 04:44
    [caesar] No worries!
  5. Sean Elliott
    Jan 11 04:51
    Hey guys, so I set myself a goal this year and it was to write about what im passionate about, that being frontend and accessibility. I have written my first article on medium about the right and wrong ways to achieve accessible images using alt which was spurred on by some view sourcing I did last year. Thought it might be good to share here if anyone was interested. Would love to get feedback if there is any. Cheers guys!
  6. Mallory
    Jan 11 15:11
    @powrsurg yeah go to this page and scroll to the bottom, on the bottom-right is a field "uw emailaddress". The technique does require Javascript.
  7. Mallory
    Jan 11 15:18
    I'm reading chapter 7 of that 508 refresh and it's so far utterly useless
  8. pages and pages of blah blah blah.
  9. I just want to know what rules are different. That's elsewhere in the document, but I haven't seen it in chapter 7 yet
  10. zakim-robot
    Jan 11 15:24
    [johnkmcnabb] @StommePoes Agreed. Deque has a refresh guide which basically says Section 508 is upgrading from level A to AA:
  11. Job van Achterberg
    Jan 11 15:24
  12. zakim-robot
    Jan 11 15:25
    [johnkmcnabb] And there's going to be a webinar on Feb 2:
  13. Mallory
    Jan 11 15:26
    I tried to register for that webinaar but my mailing address can't pass their validation
  14. why would you create a form that asks which country you're in and then require the "state" field and then not accept my province?? aaaaarg
  15. If a form's going to be that US-centric why have a country field at all?
  16. thanks for the deque link @johnkmcnabb
  17. zakim-robot
    Jan 11 15:59
    [karlgroves] Heck, the password field is saying “Minimum Password Length is 6” and I’m using a PW that’s > 9 characters.
  18. powrsurg
    Jan 11 17:36
    @StommePoes that is pretty slick. You could probably have done a no-JS solution if you accepted having the label after the input (not ideal I know)
  19. zakim-robot
    Jan 11 18:05
    [robdodson] did folks see this change in Safari Tech Preview Claims that focus will get directed to new elements with aria-modal
  20. [jiatyan] Has anyone tried using buying stuff from Amazon on mobile? How's its accessibility? (I don't hold up much hope for their desktop to be accessible.)
  21. zakim-robot
    Jan 11 18:36
    [melsumner] @jiatyan I'm on an iPhone and have the Amazon app
  22. [melsumner] when I open the app the focus goes to the "amazon" logo (the second item in the header) but doesn't announce anything
  23. [melsumner] when I try to put something into the search input field, it will read out the letters I tap but they aren't filled into field
  24. [melsumner] I can use the voice search to look for something, but after that it does not read me any of the search results
  25. [melsumner] Maybe I'm using it incorrectly but I do not know for sure.
  26. [melsumner] And the "show only prime items" toggle is done incorrectly
  27. [melsumner] so now I quit because I would not continue using this app IRL :)
  28. zakim-robot
    Jan 11 18:50
    [karlgroves] @melsumner Oh, don’t try the Alexa app then. Total UX nightmare. :(
  29. [shawn.henning] That is disappointing about the Alexa app. One of our local WCB members is really pushing Alexa as a good solution for the blind.
  30. [melsumner] @karlgroves can't I just talk to Alexa though?
  31. [shawn.henning] I've repeatedly tried to contact Amazon about issues, but have not made much progress. The Audible mails that just have an image are particularly frustrating even though I was told that there is an internal system to prevent such things.
  32. [karlgroves] The app exists for you to do things like add “skills”, link outside accounts (Like a Pandora account)
  33. [melsumner] oh interesting
  34. zakim-robot
    Jan 11 19:20
    [marcysutton] I still don't get why you would want a device listening all the time with the sole purpose of buying things on Amazon
  35. [karlgroves] That’s not all it does. But yeah, I definitely keep it off when I have no intention to use it
  36. [robdodson] i use my google home to play music a lot. it's pretty good at coming up with total random playlists based on my requests
  37. zakim-robot
    Jan 11 19:28
    [cordelia] One of the issues I’ve found with Alexa is that there currently isn’t a way to change her speech rate. You can change it when listening to, say, an audio book via Alexa, but can’t change it for regular communication.
  38. fstorr
    Jan 11 19:32
    Oh yeah, that drives me nuts. Also, Alexa's pauses are just long enough that you think it's done what you've asked (e.g. "alexa stop") but it hasn't so then you have to tell it again. Another pet peeve is that temperatures in the US are always in F; asking for the temperature in Celsius/Centigrade just gets the it announced in F again.
  39. zakim-robot
    Jan 11 19:40
    [dna] hey a11ys, are there good resources to learn more about making accessible JS charts and graphs?
  40. [dna] the libraries seem to vary widely in functionality/design, so I wonder how many problems might be resolved by providing a non-graphical analog (like CSV download)?
  41. zakim-robot
    Jan 11 20:11

    [karlgroves] @dna I’m not aware of any specific resources. In general the idea would be this:
    The data itself needs to be presented in an accessible format. CSV download would be OK, or an HTML table on the same page.

    But then there’s the challenge of the chart itself. If it has any interactivity, that should be accessible as well. For that, you’d follow the same plain ole a11y best practices, right? Contrast, focus order, name/ role/ value, etc.

    The last challenge is getting an ability to make “at a glance” inferences from the data. There are ways to handle that, too. For instance, upcoming releases of WeaveJS will autogenerate summaries. You can override the summary if you disagree or want more info, but the automated summaries are actually pretty good

  42. [dna] thanks @karlgroves
  43. [dna] regarding the interactivity component, are there libraries that are known to handle that well?
  44. zakim-robot
    Jan 11 20:16
    [dna] and by the last point, do you mean extracting the salient points out of a graph assuming that the graph makes an obvious point?
  45. [dna] i think the heart of my question is this — say I have a graph that looks and behaves like this with a mouse that is generated with a library like amcharts (
  46. [karlgroves] I haven’t done enough research on charts libraries to know which would have the best interactivity. My assumption would be to find one that can get hacked easily because I’d be pretty skeptical of any of them.

    do you mean extracting the salient points out of a graph assuming that the graph makes an obvious point?

    Exactly. So imagine a bar chart of values per month. You can use your knowledge of the calendar to know which months begin & end the year, which months correspond to what seasons, etc. So, assume the chart represents “SaaS subscription payments per month”. You could use that data to know not only the values of specific months but differences among seasons as well.

  47. zakim-robot
    Jan 11 20:22
    [karlgroves] or, quarterly
  48. [karlgroves] or bimonthly
  49. [dna] it seems as if adding in keyboard interactivity into a library that’s already baked would be a pretty huge task
  50. [dna] so short of rolling your own library from scratch, is it sufficient to provide a downloadable/alternative visualization of the data and maybe, like you said, an explanation of salient points
  51. zakim-robot
    Jan 11 20:27

    [karlgroves] Sure, that’s sufficient for a person on a screen reader. What about a keyboard-only user, voice dictation user, or user on screen magnification?

    I’d say it would be OK if a user could swap between the two.

  52. [karlgroves] In fact, I think @stevef has a quick & dirty web component sample he made that does this, but you can probably figure that part out.
  53. [dna] great, lots to think about
  54. [dna] thanks @karlgroves!
  55. James Nurthen
    Jan 11 21:56
  56. the keyboard shortcuts for some are complex but are in the jsdoc (for example - )
  57. I want to work on automated summaries in the future but that part isn't there yet.
  58. zakim-robot
    Jan 11 22:33
    [jiatyan] @dna I remember from @marcysutton re charts.
  59. [dna] thank you @jiatyan!