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A11y Slackers Gitter Channel Archive 23rd of January 2017

What fresh hell is THIS now? - Patrick Lauke
  1. zakim-robot
    Jan 23 02:21
    [cameron] hi friends!
  2. [cameron] do we know of CSS frameworks focused on legibility?
  3. [cameron] maybe a bootstrap redux or the like?
  4. zakim-robot
    Jan 23 04:13
    [nschonni] what do you consider "legibility"? Font size, kerning ...
  5. powrsurg
    Jan 23 14:02
    Personally, whenever I want to make things legible I simply add : <font style="font-family: 'Comic Sans MS'; letter-spacing: -1em;">Haters gotta hate</font>
  6. :)
  7. Job van Achterberg
    Jan 23 14:28
    Heh, IRCCloud web interface renders "Comic Sans" in that typeface
  8. Screenshot The word "Comic Sans" being rendered in Comic Sans typeface
  9. powrsurg
    Jan 23 14:44
  10. zakim-robot
    Jan 23 16:25
    [melsumner] Survey: do you put a (dotted-border) around the checkbox + label or just the checkbox?
  11. zakim-robot
    Jan 23 16:46
    [car] @melsumner Browsers (Chrome/FF - didn't try Safari) just put it around checkbox, but now that you mention it, I rather like the idea of putting it around checkbox + label.
  12. Mallory
    Jan 23 16:46
    I've never added focus styles to the label except sometimes a colour change, usually mimicking the link style. I think it's a good idea to make a larger visible focus area though (such as a border). I would possibly either use outline instead of border OR have a transparent border first, otherwise stuff might jump as it gets and loses focus.
  13. zakim-robot
    Jan 23 16:48
    [melsumner] @car I just read it in a book when I was looking for something else- I've also only done focus on the interactive element itself and not included the label, but suddenly it seems like, "oh that might make the whole thing a bit easier to use really"
  14. [car] Agreed. Maybe it should go into the cognitive recommendations/guidelines.
  15. zakim-robot
    Jan 23 17:21
    [maya] Card pattern
  16. [maya] Essentially, the entire card is a link.
  17. James Nurthen
    Jan 23 17:25
    @maya. Personally I just add a click event handler on the whole card but don't make it a tab stop and then just focus on the real link for keyboard/screen reader users.
  18. just treat the click event handler as a redundant way of doing the same thing as the link
  19. zakim-robot
    Jan 23 17:30
    [marcysutton] +1 to what James said!
  20. zakim-robot
    Jan 23 17:38
    [melsumner] Wow that's a whole level up right there.
  21. [jbuller] I’ve read various articles on open vs closed captions, but none have spoken of adding both, perhaps using closed additionally for audio-description ? It’d take longer sure. Ideally you’d avoid them overlaying each other too. But you’d get the benefit of SEO and always on. Thoughts?
    In my case the videos would be played only inside an English speaking organisation,
  22. [maya] Thank you, James and @marcysutton! That’s really helpful
  23. James Nurthen
    Jan 23 17:41
    how does that get you any SEO benefit? I'm not sure I see it
  24. powrsurg
    Jan 23 17:44
    By open captions do you just mean a transcript of the audio? Something non-timed?
  25. James Nurthen
    Jan 23 17:44
    I thought open captions were captions that are "always on"
  26. Michael Fairchild
    Jan 23 17:45
    I had that understanding too (open captions are "always on" while closed captions can be toggled on/off)
  27. zakim-robot
    Jan 23 18:45

    [karlgroves] > I had that understanding too (open captions are "always on" while closed captions can be toggled on/off)


  28. James Nurthen
    Jan 23 19:35
    in light of things coming out of washington do we have to make text alternatives not be the same as the thing they represent?
  29. zakim-robot
    Jan 23 19:37
    [karlgroves] “alternative text"
  30. zakim-robot
    Jan 23 20:18
    [jiatyan] Has anyone heard of a widget by Isn't it replicating OS functionalities?
  31. [jbuller] "...closed captions places responsibility on the user to understand how to turn captions on, So that the user isn't faced with this burden, some people argue in favor of delivering video products with open captions. Open captions are an actual part of the video stream, whereas closed captions exist as a separate text stream. If captions are preserved as text, users potentially can archive and index video content and allow users to search for specific video content within these archives; this ability is lost with open captions. Also, open captions, unlike closed captions, are subject to loss of quality when the encoded video is compressed."
  32. Mallory
    Jan 23 21:18
    open captions are a pain when you're mixing langauges
  33. zakim-robot
    Jan 23 21:19
    [spell] Hey all, any tools out there to test a gif or video for epilepsy?
  34. Mallory
    Jan 23 21:19
    Like, some Italian makes an Italian film where a character speaks Russian so they open-caption (in Italian because Italian audience) what the Russian said, in Italian. Now an English-speaking audience watches the film and they'll have their English layered on top of the Italian, taking up all space
  35. Bruce Lawson has this still pic of a LSD cat that can make anyone seize
  36. zakim-robot
    Jan 23 21:20

    [karlgroves] > open captions are a pain when you're mixing langauges

    +1 you can offer captions/ subtitles in multiple languages in HTML5 video

  37. [conley] @spell I follow the rule that any and all animations should be under 5 seconds
  38. [spell] The rule is 3x per second, right? That could cause issues, right?
  39. [conley] Sounds about right to me
  40. Mallory
    Jan 23 21:22
    3 times a second or faster, but those aren't the only triggers
  41. also red on blue, or colours that do that "jump"
  42. James Nurthen
    Jan 23 21:23
    Trace has one Called PEAT
  43. zakim-robot
    Jan 23 21:24
    [spell] I tried to install that, but demo expired and was told to download a new version, however, no new version to be found.
  44. Mallory
    Jan 23 21:25 we check for these when we're checking for flashes and blinks
  45. We also had a situation once where we got flashes, caused by page load.
  46. Parts of the page would load and each new loaded layer would be an alternate colour. The effect was a flash.
  47. zakim-robot
    Jan 23 21:25
    [spell] That's really interesting about page load.
  48. James Nurthen
    Jan 23 21:26
    They are moving at the moment. I think it will be back soon
  49. zakim-robot
    Jan 23 21:27
    [spell] Oh, that's good to know. Thank you, @jamesn.
  50. James Nurthen
    Jan 23 21:30
    We were just discussing what to call "old 508" when we refer to it. Any ideas? 508 classic?
  51. zakim-robot
    Jan 23 21:31
    [spell] Ha...yeah, I like that Classic ASP...Classic 508
  52. Mallory
    Jan 23 21:33
    Appendix D?
  53. since that's where they're stuffing it
  54. zakim-robot
    Jan 23 21:34
    [spell] Will the old 508 be obsolete?
  55. Mallory
    Jan 23 21:34
    History is now permanently broken up into preTrump era and postTrump era. Like kids'll say "my Granddad is from before Trump". You could call it the pretrumpian 508.
  56. Yeah but they're keeping it in Appendix D for referencing, checking compliance of legacy stuff that claimed it was compliant at the time and you're checking it
  57. zakim-robot
    Jan 23 21:35
    [spell] Ah, gotcha.
  58. [spell] Well, in regards to new work, and the behind the times client, I will likely just refer to it as that. Obsolete.
  59. [spell] 508solete
  60. [spell] Heh
  61. Michael Fairchild
    Jan 23 21:38
    alternative 508
  62. Mallory
    Jan 23 21:39
    Question, should ESC be able to close an alertdialog or must the user either pick a control inside or close the browser tab?
  63. I usually mentally pair a close button and the esc key, but not sure here, I don't see it mentioned in the authoring practices for alert-dialog
  64. sorry, I was reading spec, not authoring practices
  65. zakim-robot
    Jan 23 22:04
    [spell] Ugh, is there any way to kill image preview on Slack. Sorry about that.
  66. James Nurthen
    Jan 23 22:04
    a few others we came up with "AOL-era 508", "508 Me"
  67. Mallory
    Jan 23 22:06
  68. zakim-robot
    Jan 23 22:13
    [karlgroves] "508 Me” looooooooooool
  69. [spell] 5No8
  70. Job van Achterberg
    Jan 23 22:57
  71. zakim-robot
    Jan 23 22:58
    [karlgroves] 5-0-wait (credit Billy Gregory)
  72. Job van Achterberg
    Jan 23 23:01
    Then what's the current one? 5-0-late?
  73. zakim-robot
    Jan 23 23:01
    [karlgroves] 5-old-8 is the old one
    5-0-wait is the refresh
  74. zakim-robot
    Jan 23 23:31
    [caesar] 508.1!
  75. [caesar] Or should that be 508 1.0?
  76. [caesar] And the current one 508 2.0? That way it matches WCAG, LOL