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A11y Slackers Gitter Channel Archive 2nd of February 2017

What fresh hell is THIS now? - Patrick Lauke
  1. zakim-robot
    Feb 02 11:38
    [michiel] StommePoes, powrsurg: Adrian Roselli Runs the Buffalo meetup.
  2. powrsurg
    Feb 02 14:21
    how would I get a hold of him?
  3. zakim-robot
    Feb 02 14:26
    [michiel] @aardrian /
  4. powrsurg
    Feb 02 14:30
    thank you, sir
  5. zakim-robot
    Feb 02 14:34
    [michiel] Sure thing
  6. zakim-robot
    Feb 02 15:31
    [ronindub] I know we all have our own little reference lists, but I was surprised to find one that I thought was rather helpful on the SAP site, so I thought i would share it. (
  7. zakim-robot
    Feb 02 15:57
    [michiel] Thanks for sharing ronindub!
  8. [ronindub] That's what we're here for right? thumbsup emoji
  9. zakim-robot
    Feb 02 16:39

    [karlgroves] Hugely important thing I saw in Laura Carlson’s newsletter today

    "With the recent proliferation of web accessibility demand letters and
    lawsuits, businesses often ask whether settling a claim with one
    plaintiff will bar future lawsuits brought by different plaintiffs.
    One federal judge recently said no..."

  10. zakim-robot
    Feb 02 17:19
    [djbender] :wave:
  11. zakim-robot
    Feb 02 20:10
    [karlgroves] Welcome, Derek
  12. zakim-robot
    Feb 02 20:23

    [techthomas] Yes this helps validate the case that company lawyers shouldn’t just settle cases and file away to never-never land. Not too many people partying at Party City I imagine
    Hugely important thing I saw in Laura Carlson’s newsletter today

    "With the recent proliferation of web accessibility demand letters and
    lawsuits, businesses often ask whether settling a claim with one
    plaintiff will bar future lawsuits brought by different plaintiffs.
    One federal judge recently said no..."

  13. zakim-robot
    Feb 02 21:27

    [karlgroves] > Yes this helps validate the case that company lawyers shouldn’t just settle cases and file away to never-never land. Not too many people partying at Party City I imagine

    The problem, as I see it, is that there are now lawyers who simply ask for some piddly amount like $2k to go away. So the websites themselves never get fixed, people’s rights are still violated, but some of these lawyers still get their paychecks.

  14. zakim-robot
    Feb 02 21:37
    [beth] @karlgroves sounds more like a lawyer problem.
  15. [beth] I was in a car accident back in the 90’s… when I woke up from a nap in the ICU, there were a pile of lawyer’s business cards on the table beside my bed. I don’t think I’d ever been more creeped out in my life.
  16. [beth] #creepylawyers
  17. [karlgroves] I think sometimes lawsuits can be a mechanism for advocacy. For instance, some lawyers will sue/ threaten to sue and offer settlement terms which come with sizable damages plus a series of criteria for compliance with the terms of settlement. I’d consider that advocacy.

    But offering to go away for only $2k is crappy. That’s a shakedown.

  18. zakim-robot
    Feb 02 22:02
    [cyns] on web-based maps and location finders... Is the best advice still to provide the same info in text? Has anyone done an accessible street map with pins? @jamesn @karlgroves @marcozehe @marcysutton
  19. [karlgroves] When I was with Simply Accessible (cc @feather) Jeff Smith did some great work with Google Maps for Target Canada. Unfortunately when Target bailed out of Canada all of that was lost. But the way it worked was that each result in the map was listed adjacent to the map. Each pin was in the tab order relative to their position in the list. Focusing the pin showed the tooltip which was also accessible. It was great, but IIRC Google maps was a huge pain in the ass to deal with
  20. [karlgroves] Bing maps have a better API, IIRC.
  21. [karlgroves] However, I think Open Street Maps has an even better API
  22. zakim-robot
    Feb 02 22:24
    [cyns] @karlgroves thanks. that will get me started.
  23. [karlgroves] One thing to keep in mind is all of these APIs have the ability to return something like XML or JSON. You can use that data to format your text alternative(s).
  24. [karlgroves] I think @dylanb has done a lot of playing around with maps, too
  25. zakim-robot
    Feb 02 23:35
    [deconspray] @karlgroves @cyns When we had to migrate from PDF route maps to an accessible solution, a developer came up with a solution that seems to be a good foundation for future enhancement. Basically, it provides text alternatives upfront, while allowing visual/mouse users a richer experience. Would love to hear if this sounds like an appropriate direction (esp. from PDFs)