What fresh hell is THIS now? - Patrick Lauke
[artistic_abode] Question about Audio Described videos for Section 508. We have some interview videos, an off screen interviewer poses a question and interviewee sitting on screen against a plain background responds. For something as simple as this, would it need additional audio description? Would it be descriptive enough to include an introductory paragraph in html text that says something like "We sat down with \___ for an interview. Play the video to hear what he/she said." ? CC will be provided as well.
Also some of the videos are coming from outside sources and may not be able to be altered to included Audio Description or embedded CC. How would you handle this challenge?
[caesar] Does anyone know why VoiceOver (in Safari on Sierra), reads form elements out of order... possibly when inside a tab?
The code is <label><input><label><input>
But VO is reading <label><label><input><input>