What fresh hell is THIS now? - Patrick Lauke
[quidkid] [Android]
The navigation menu that is presented when the Mobile Menu (hamburger menu) is activated cannot be closed using the close control if TalkBack is running.
TalkBack users cannot navigate to the rest of the page if this cannot be closed.
[quidkid] [iOS]
The logo does not receive focus. Instead, a section above the logo receives focus and announces the accessible text. When a user double taps to activate this link, nothing will occur since there is nothing actionable within the focus indicator.
Screen reader users cannot activate the logo that brings the user to link
[quidkid] [Mobile]
After the "go top" graphic, if the user keeps swiping, they will start to hear the mobile navigation menu options. These controls are not visible since the menu is not expanded but they are being announced.
Screen reader users can become confused as to why the navigation elements are being announced. Additionally, activating these does nothing.
[gokatgo] So I’ve seen this question partially answered in the past… can someone give me further insight on whether the <input type=file>
element’s button text can be customized? My challenge is: localization (this app is intended to be available in multiple languages. Currently, the React component I’m modifying has a localizedString passed in as a prop, and the rendered DOM element has this structure, yet seems a bit hacky to me:
<label htmlFor=“file-upload" className="c-file-upload"> <span>{this.props.localizedStrings.chooseFile}</span> <input id=“file-upload" onChange={(e) => { this.handleChange(e); }} type="file" /> </label>
Can the standard button text in the <input type=file>
element be modified? Is this workaround the only solution? So far, this works on Voiceover, haven’t checked on other AT.
Hey guys, I had some questions regarding keyboard interactions with menus. https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-practices/#menu
In the authoring guidlines https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-practices/#kbd_general_within it is stated "the tab sequence should include only one focusable element of a composite UI component" you can see the interaction when tabbing to the menu on this example page https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-practices/examples/menubar/menubar-1/menubar-1.html - you can only tab to the "about" menu item pressing tab again would take you to the other menu present on the page further down. Not to the "addmissions" menu item next to the "about" menu item.
I guess my questions are:
Very interested in peoples opinions as i would have expected the main menu navigation to work like this when tabbing https://adobe-accessibility.github.io/Accessible-Mega-Menu/