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A11y Slackers Gitter Channel Archive 2nd of March 2017

What fresh hell is THIS now? - Patrick Lauke
  1. zakim-robot
    Mar 02 00:10
    [george_zamfir] The CSUN channel is #csunatc17. No Canada channel though. ;)
  2. zakim-robot
    Mar 02 00:24
    [caesar] @quidkid The "draft" status of the APG is only indicative of the document itself having not been written and finalised, not the standard interactions. Those are already fairly well defined already - especially for a "known" and common UI element such as a select.
  3. [caesar] Your job really, is to try and emulate the native UI element, rather than creating a new custom UI.
  4. [reridley] Hi :) Does anyone know if there are any semantic issue with using 2 definitions lists for related information under the a heading labeling the information (such as <h3> in the following code example). The reason I might separate the lists is the second list information would be information that could be collapsed and expanded and as far as I understand using other elements such as <div> within the definition list is not semantically valid. Example:
    <div class="related-information"> <h3 class="title">Career Title Here</h3> <dl> <dt class="visuallyhidden">Rewards</dt> <dd> <span class="ts-icon-bond"></span> 1 <span class="visuallyhidden">Bond</span> </dd> <dd> <span class="ts-icon-bond"></span> 3 <span class="visuallyhidden">Credits</span> </dd> </dl> <div class="expandable-section"> <dl> <dt>Prequisites: </dt> <dd><a href="">some course</a></dd> <dt>Perks: </dt> <dd>+100% faster strength</dd> </dl> </div> </div>
  5. zakim-robot
    Mar 02 00:54
    [caesar] Q: when you use a different-page anchor link, is the screen reader expected to reliably pass focus to the anchor target on the new page when it reloads? I know how it should work in theory, but does it actually do this in practice?
  6. zakim-robot
    Mar 02 05:53
    [jaredsmith] @caesar The browser manages the focus in this case, not the screen reader. I believe that with recent fixes to Webkit that all browsers now properly set focus to in-page anchor targets such as this. You can always ensure that focus gets set with a bit of scripting - this is some jQuery I've used before:
    if (document.location.hash) { var myAnchor = document.location.hash; $(myAnchor).attr('tabindex', -1).on('blur focusout', function () { $(this).removeAttr('tabindex'); }).focus() }
  7. zakim-robot
    Mar 02 06:01
    [caesar] @jaredsmith Brilliant, thanks!
  8. zakim-robot
    Mar 02 08:19
    [kolombiken] This list. I'm horrified! (ohcrap emoji)
  9. [sophieschoice_slack] well, there are some good achievements in the list. Foxnews from 220 errors to 49, Walmart from 29 to zero, Homedepot from 90 to 17.
  10. zakim-robot
    Mar 02 08:25
    [sophieschoice_slack] But interesting to see that newspaper sites only got more errors. Washington post from 43 errors to 111 errors (ohcrap emoji)
  11. Peter Krautzberger
    Mar 02 11:28
    hi slackers. Maybe a weird question but does anyone else virtualize windows via virtualbox on ubuntu for AT testing?
  12. zakim-robot
    Mar 02 14:24
    [quidkid] @caesar so if the dropdown select native element does expand on enter, then i should implement that too right? i’m not sure about virtual/pc forms model
  13. [quidkid] @caesar ahh i see i’ll just mimic whatever the native UI keypresses are then
  14. zakim-robot
    Mar 02 16:33
    [jacquidow] Hey, is there a way to find out how many users are using assistive technologies to access your site / app?
  15. zakim-robot
    Mar 02 17:45
    [andrewmacpherson] @pkra yes, I generally keep VMs for Win7-IE9, Win7-IE11, and Win10-Edge. Since I updated to Ubuntu 16.10 I've noticed some problems with choppy, crackly sound, which made screenreader testing very difficult. I haven't fixed it yet, might just throw the VMs away and install new ones.
  16. zakim-robot
    Mar 02 18:15
    [sethkane] So I just asked in a session at CSUN what is the best way to handle large data tables in responsive web and I didn't get a clear answer. I know there are many ways to make it look good in mobile but I wanna know the best way to keep the relationship and the context of a table but it still works on a mobile web and screen reader. Keeping the context is key. Thoughts? #tables
  17. zakim-robot
    Mar 02 18:35
    [deconspray] To tack on to @sethkane's question, if the responsive table hoes linear at lesser widths, what accessibility challenges does that introduce?
  18. zakim-robot
    Mar 02 18:46
    [cameron] @andrewmacpherson @pkra I've had audio issues with VirtualBox and screenreaders, same as you're describing.
  19. [cameron] I switched to VMWare Fusion 8
  20. [cameron] also caveat that you'll likely want to bump the defaults on memory
  21. [cameron] I'm not sure fusion exists for linux tho
  22. zakim-robot
    Mar 02 18:51
    [albert] @schoeyfield i work with a lot of data and that is a great point to make regarding offering another option. thanks!
  23. [schoeyfield] :)
  24. Peter Krautzberger
    Mar 02 18:54
    @andremcpherson @cameron I have the same audio issues! It's weird because restarting eg NVDA or jaws fixes it so the usual Google results about more resources seem not quite on though related as it's usually spikes that start the audio breakage.
  25. @cameron will give VMware a try when I get the chance.
  26. zakim-robot
    Mar 02 18:58
    [jaredsmith] @jacquidow No, there is not a good way to detect assistive technologies. This always begs the question of what you would do with this information if you could detect. Making the default presentation directly accessible will almost always be better than user- or disability-specific modifications.
  27. [spell] Hey all, quick question. Using FAE to test a page and seeing this: The BANNER landmark should NOT contain the following landmark: FORM. Yes, there is a search form within the header. Is that really not cool?
  28. zakim-robot
    Mar 02 22:47
    [spell] That's why I'm asking! It seems weird to me, too! And FAE is pretty good tool!
  29. zakim-robot
    Mar 02 23:33
    [chris__pearce] I noticed GitHub’s UI colour palette has changed slightly, did they do that to improve colour contrast? It’s much better.