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A11y Slackers Gitter Channel Archive 10th of March 2017

What fresh hell is THIS now? - Patrick Lauke
  1. Srinivas Yedhuri
    Mar 10 05:15
    Q: Should Dialog title(header) should be H1?
  2. zakim-robot
    Mar 10 05:19
    [caesar] If it is a modal dialog in HTML5, yes, that could be appropriate. Otherwise probably best to stick to the next heading level after where the trigger element appears.
  3. [caesar] @maya this is a nice checklist for designers (and others!):
  4. zakim-robot
    Mar 10 16:04
    [schoeyfield] Is there a round-up of these accessibility guidelines from orgs and companies? Like the BBC's etc? It'd make a useful list.
  5. [alastc] Thinking visual & non-visualally, if you have a type-ahead style search field where you put in a post/zip code and select an option from underneath, do you expect to go somewhere? Or should it put the focus back in the search input.
  6. zakim-robot
    Mar 10 16:10
    [schoeyfield] I treat them like <select> menus, in that -- conventionally -- you make a choice but you still have an additional step [namely, submit].
  7. [alastc] Ah, in this case there is no submit. You select the specific address based on your postcode and it displays the full address underneath as a non-editable element.
  8. [schoeyfield] I think there's some benefit if there's only a single search item and that's the typehead, and if you select it from the drop down it just submits your search, thus removing a step in the process, -- oh I understand nevermind.
  9. [alastc] Or rather, the submit is later, after the address and a couple more fields
  10. [schoeyfield] Could selecting the zipcode move focus down to the full address?
  11. [schoeyfield] Visually it could smooth-scroll you down.
  12. [alastc] That’s what we thought. It is ok visually as the address appears right underneath, but someone who couldn’t see it might think it hadn’t worked.
  13. [alastc] Just wanted to check that wasn’t weird!
  14. Komlev
    Mar 10 16:23
  15. zakim-robot
    Mar 10 17:02
    [jiatyan] <-- can anyone think of how this might have any accessibility concerns?
  16. zakim-robot
    Mar 10 17:08
    [alastc] If you don’t automatically pass, the fall backs have been rather inaccessible. In fact, I’ve hit them and struggled to pass as it is things like “Identify the shop fronts in these pictures”, as some were very ambitious.
  17. [alastc] ambiguous even
  18. zakim-robot
    Mar 10 19:49
    [jiatyan] @alastc there was a collective eye roll when I mention reCAPTCHA street sign in a meeting :) It's not just an accessibility problem.
  19. [jiatyan] Thanks, I'll get my tech people to install it and try to trip it to get to the fallback.
  20. zakim-robot
    Mar 10 22:46
    [backwardok] does anyone know how to operate a slider on a webpage with voiceover on an iphone? i was trying to use this web slider ( and set the rotor control to “Adjust value”, which supposedly allows you to just swipe up or down in order to move the slider, but to no avail