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A11y Slackers Gitter Channel Archive 16th of March 2017

What fresh hell is THIS now? - Patrick Lauke
  1. zakim-robot
    Mar 16 02:44
    [spell] Howdy, gang! What are your thoughts on using <select> for navigation? Seems to me that a good old, toggle-able, list might be more ideal, but just wondering if any a11y issue surround using that element for navigation.
  2. [spell] Thanks!
  3. [caesar] As long as there is an explicit submit button, so that it doesn't violate 3.2.2 On Input...
  4. Srinivas Yedhuri
    Mar 16 04:08
    @zakim-robot Cool Caesar. How can i see this channel?
  5. [caesar] Hi I've created the #training channel to discuss acquiring and propagating the skills of accessibility practitioners. Just wanted to ask a question, but hopefully there will be more use for it! Cool Caesar. How can i see this channel?
  6. zakim-robot
    Mar 16 04:09
    [caesar] Click on #training to join. It's public, so no restrictions
  7. Srinivas Yedhuri
    Mar 16 04:10
    Oh i think its because i use gitter, so looks like this is a slack feature
  8. zakim-robot
    Mar 16 04:10
    [caesar] Ah. Yes, so I can't invite you in for the same reason.
  9. [caesar] Not sure how it works on Gitter, sorry.
  10. [caesar] OK... I've invited the Zakim bot, so hopefully this allows you to see it now?
  11. Srinivas Yedhuri
    Mar 16 04:20
    [caesar] OK... I've invited the Zakim bot, so hopefully this allows you to see it now?[caesar] How can i get an invite for the slack channel. whom should i contact?
  12. never mind. got it from paciellogroup
  13. zakim-robot
    Mar 16 10:31
    [melsumner] Does anyone have stats on browser/device/AT shares?
  14. Stephanie Jagl-Posch
    Mar 16 10:39
    @melsumner: have you checked
  15. zakim-robot
    Mar 16 11:23
    [melsumner] Thank you!
  16. [karlgroves] Excellent article on Accessibility APIs
  17. zakim-robot
    Mar 16 11:55
    [tommyfeldt] @heydon I’m currently reading through your book on Inclusive design. and just wanted to say that the pattern with automated external link icons completely blew my mind!
  18. [tink] Thanks @karlgroves :)
  19. Marco Solazzi
    Mar 16 13:14
    Hi everyone just a quick question since looking at the specs I cannot get it right: I 'm biulding a single page app in React with a fullscreen loader between each view. It'd be a good practive to toggle aria-busy on the <main> element during the loading process?
  20. zakim-robot
    Mar 16 15:16
    [ted_drake] Jamie Knight just shared his CSUN slides on autism and cognitive accessibility:
  21. zakim-robot
    Mar 16 15:40

    [mattbartist] does anyone know of any ‘mobile a11y testing tools/sites’ available, aside from doing manual screen reader testing? i was just asked the following by my manager…

    So, if I want to assess accessibility in a native iPhone or Android application in ObjectiveC or Java. Are there any websites out there that will tell you what to look out for?

  22. zakim-robot
    Mar 16 15:56
    [tommyfeldt] @mattbartist For Android, there is Google’s Accessibility scanner
  23. [tommyfeldt] It has worked pretty well for me to find small click targets, unlabeled elements etc
  24. zakim-robot
    Mar 16 16:10
    [mattbartist] thanks @tommyfeldt! i’ll check it out.
  25. [mattbartist] do you or anyone else know of anything similar for iOS?
  26. zakim-robot
    Mar 16 16:24
    [mattbartist] i just stumbled across this one for iOS, so i’m going to try it out. anyone ever use the following…?
  27. zakim-robot
    Mar 16 16:47
    [mattbartist] @tommyfeldt and others… this looks promising for iOS. it’s not for mobile apps, but looks like a good solution for mobile web a11y testing.
  28. zakim-robot
    Mar 16 16:55
    [marcysutton] i think it may use axe-core under the hood, but i haven't tested it
  29. [marcysutton] I looked into getting aXe to run with WebIDE in Firefox at one time, need to pick that back up
  30. [marcysutton] That would allow you to run it in the browser with a tethered device
  31. [marcysutton] And a lot cheaper than $99 a MONTH. :o
  32. [mattbartist] @marcysutton : good points.
  33. [mattbartist] i saw the $99 a month and was like, what?
  34. [mattbartist] it looks like maybe that’s old or a typo, because after i downloaded the app i get the following ‘welcome screen'
  35. James Nurthen
    Mar 16 16:58
    it says $1.99 per month for me
  36. zakim-robot
    Mar 16 16:59
    [marcysutton] whew that must be a typo
  37. [mattbartist] MWAC welcome screen
  38. James Nurthen
    Mar 16 16:59
    or perhaps a teaser rate :)
  39. zakim-robot
    Mar 16 17:00
    [mattbartist] > I must have put a decimal point in the wrong place or something. I always do that. I always mess up some mundane detail.
  40. [mattbartist] haha.. couldn’t resist that Office Space quote. :movie_camera:
  41. [marcysutton] lol, now i want to go watch that again
  42. [mattbartist] hehe
  43. [mattbartist] classic for sure!
  44. [mattbartist] @marcysutton : looks like it does use aXe under the hood…
  45. zakim-robot
    Mar 16 17:11
    [marcysutton] If WebIDE worked for me with iOS 10 I'd check again for aXe mobile web...but it seems to be broken at the moment. I'll keep looking into it though
  46. [mattbartist] sounds great thanks @marcysutton!
  47. zakim-robot
    Mar 16 17:56
    [garcialo] @mattbartist It’s good. There’s also a contrast checker.
  48. [mattbartist] thanks @garcialo… i look into that one also.
  49. [garcialo] There isn’t currently anything like it on iOS…or other mobile as far as I knokw
  50. [garcialo] know*
  51. zakim-robot
    Mar 16 18:11
    [felicia] Accessibility Scanner on Android does it and wonderfully @garcialo
  52. [garcialo] contrast of a web page?
  53. [garcialo] looking at it now; I’ll definitely be playing with this; thanks
  54. [felicia] i use it for my hybrid apps
  55. [felicia] i think on mobile web font size would not be accurate
  56. [felicia] (i guess i should have scrolled up to read more)
  57. zakim-robot
    Mar 16 18:18
    [garcialo] still very useful :_
  58. [garcialo] :)
  59. zakim-robot
    Mar 16 18:27
    [felicia] this is a good question for me…Anybody know of a document that lists WCAG 2.0 principles, with all the techniques (successes and failures), for all levels, in one tabular form (so not in the stretched out formate of page)? If the answer is easy i will have had a great Thursday!
  60. [garcialo] like the How to Meet WCAG page?
  61. [garcialo] it’s not tabular though
  62. zakim-robot
    Mar 16 18:33
    [garcialo] …but it’s customizable!
  63. zakim-robot
    Mar 16 18:44
    [singingwolfboy] This might be a dumb question, but I'll ask it anyway. I know about using <label> tags to label HTML <input> elements, but can/should values in non-form elements be labelled? For example, I have a page that displays values (numbers, percentages, etc) in big boxes, with smaller text labels underneath them. Can/should those labels be associated with those values, even though we're dealing with <div>s rather than <input>s and <label>s?
  64. [singingwolfboy] (if anyone has a response to this, please include my username in your response, so that Slack notifies me that you've responded!)
  65. zakim-robot
    Mar 16 18:59
    [garcialo] @singingwolfboy If they’re just styled boxes and not inputs, they don’t need labels specifically. But I’d imagine they’d be in the context of a heading, or maybe inside a DL or something
  66. [singingwolfboy] @garcialo a definition list is a good thought, but the markup is weird -- I wish they had a list-item wrapper for a combination of term and definition. Might not be able to make this work properly without that.
  67. zakim-robot
    Mar 16 19:43
    [deathbear] Hello. Sorry to just barge right into your slack, but I'm trying to track down a bug beyond people saying "I think this is a bug" in github comments. Does anyone know if it's a known issue for VoiceOver to be bad with aria comboboxes?
  68. [deathbear] we are writing up a ux guide and some of us were testing the combobox on this site,%20Editable%20with%20Substring%20Match)/demo.htm/demo.htm) with VoiceOver in safari and chrome and noticed it worked horribly. I tested with NVDA on windows and it worked like a champ.
  69. zakim-robot
    Mar 16 19:52
    [deathbear] Also, as far as I can tell, the markup is ok on that page, so if you notice anything that I'm not seeing, let me know. :(
  70. [conley] That combobox example doesn't announce the results in VO
  71. [deathbear] yeah that's what I've noticed
  72. [deathbear] is that a VO issue?
  73. [deathbear] or is the markup wrong? I'm not the best at troubleshooting because I've noticed a lot of differences across screen reader experiences.
  74. [conley] this does not read the items in the drop-down area either
  75. [conley] I take that back
  76. [conley] it takes some navigation but you're able to access the list via shift+option+cmd+down arrow
  77. [deathbear] oof. Is this why people complain about VO since it doesn't have a Focus/Forms mode?
  78. zakim-robot
    Mar 16 19:57
    [conley] possibly, it definitely is its own beast
  79. [deathbear] Thank you very much for helping me out. I hitting a wall just now trying to figure out what was broken here.
  80. [conley] np!
  81. [conley] the ebay examples are a good alternative im
  82. [deathbear] We are trying to come up with a ux design guide for how to approach development of more complex widgets. Kind of a way to explain to people who don't care about a11y or don't do it ever, how you can do problem solving.
  83. [deathbear] and combobox was a widget that we felt like people are familiar with
  84. zakim-robot
    Mar 16 20:20
    [car] @mattbartist @tommyfeldt @garcialo @marcysutton The IBM Mobile Accessibility Checker (aka MAC) does iOS. It's expensive, but you can do 10 free scans a month.
    *New:* IBM Mobile Accessibility Checker:
  85. [garcialo] I’m not interested in tools I have to pay for :p
  86. zakim-robot
    Mar 16 20:53
    [mattbartist] thanks @car. i’ll take a look at it.