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A11y Slackers Gitter Channel Archive 3rd of April 2017

What fresh hell is THIS now? - Patrick Lauke
  1. zakim-robot
    Apr 03 03:20
    [ted_drake] My notes from day one of Web4All 2017
  2. James Nurthen
    Apr 03 04:36
    Awesome. Thanks @ted_drake
  3. zakim-robot
    Apr 03 12:28

    [dean] Disclaimer: I work for AssistiveWare, who have a bunch of apps available here. I just thought I’d bring this to your attention though, as there are big discounts from a lot of companies for Autism Acceptance Month.

  4. zakim-robot
    Apr 03 13:20
    [pelager] Hi, Does any know a good text-to-speech tool that doesn´t use any cookies, localstorage or sessioncookies? My clients lawyers is very strict. They use Readspeaker today but we are open to new tools.
  5. [tink] @pelager youcould try Browse Aloud (but I suspect it will use cookies too).
  6. [tink] Otherwise a browser based tool might be an option - ChromeVox in Chrome, or in IE perhaps.
  7. [tink] The latter are screen readers rather than TTS tools to aid literacy etc. though.
  8. zakim-robot
    Apr 03 13:32
    [ndxcc] What is the correct term to use; ‘disabled’ or ‘differently abled’?
    Example sentence is:
    “Remember that accessibility (or being ‘accessible’) is about being wholly inclusive of all people, it’s not just about making products useful for disabled people."
  9. [melsumner] users who are disabled
  10. [melsumner] Users who are differently abled
  11. [melsumner] Just remember to put the user first
  12. Jonathan Neal
    Apr 03 13:37
    @jnurthen, thank you! That explains why I expected the accordions to open with right arrow and close with left arrow — trees. Thank you.
  13. zakim-robot
    Apr 03 13:37
    [melsumner] If I have a system where users need to review the changes before submitting, would it be more helpful to make the changes navigable, that way they don't have to navigate through the whole page again?
  14. [pelager] A button is disabled not a user
  15. [pelager] thanks @tink will look at that. And yes no Screenreaders
  16. [melsumner] @pelager I like that way of thinking, thank you, that's helpful
  17. zakim-robot
    Apr 03 13:44
    [ndxcc] @pelager - like it
  18. [ndxcc] @melsumner - thanks!
  19. [alastc] I usually go with putting the /person/ first (bugbear with the term ‘user’), so “people with disabilities”.
  20. [tink] FWIW I think we put too much into disabled person v. person with disability. In my experience (personal and otherwise), it's utterly subjective.
  21. powrsurg
    Apr 03 13:45
    @pelager I don't know if I agree there. I mean, if I turn off your access to the system then you're a disabled user, just like a disabled button.
  22. zakim-robot
    Apr 03 13:48
    [pelager] @powrsurg you mean that my account is deactivated. As a user i can still try to use the system but i will be limited.
  23. [alastc] @tink true, my context is usually talking with general designers/developers, so it’s a conscious device for me not to become derogatory. I.e. we’re talking about PwD, rather than with them, so in that context I make more effort. In person, I try to suss out what sort of language they use, but apart from a few exceptions, people have been pretty relaxed about it.
  24. [kevmarmo] i'd use the term impairments, as in visually impaired, since it's a sliding scale of impairment that's catered for.
  25. [kevmarmo] for example with visual impairments on the one hand you have colour blindness on the other you have full blindness
  26. [kevmarmo] likewise cognitive impairments can be anything from dyslexia to full learning disabilities
  27. [alastc] @kevmarmo and if you’re defining “accessibility” to people who aren’t familiar? Need a broad term, can’t always talk at the specifics level.
  28. [kevmarmo] impairments is a broad term
  29. [kevmarmo] and one that is then backed up or extended upon with more concise examples
  30. [kevmarmo] many people with impairments won't count themselves disabled
  31. [kevmarmo] like someone who's short sighted
  32. [kevmarmo] or someone who's red/green colour blind
  33. zakim-robot
    Apr 03 13:53
    [tink] This is where it starts to become a bikeshed conversation though. Personally, I dislike the word impairment. I think that providing the phrase is used respectfully, that's the best you can go with.
  34. [tink] Whatever phrase you choose, *someone will be unhappy with it.
  35. [kevmarmo] @tink i use it because it is inclusive of those that don't define themselves as disabled
  36. [tink] True... but I doubt that people who are colour-blind consider it an impairment either.
  37. [tink] This is the trouble with labels. There is no label that includes everyone.
  38. [kevmarmo] i don't think all people who are colour blind even know
  39. [tink] Possibly not :)
  40. [tink] Just use whichever phrase seems appropriate to you and call it done.
  41. [kevmarmo] +1
  42. [tink] As someone with a disability in the obvious sense, I might not like certain labels, but providing they're used without unkindness, I'm ok with them.
  43. powrsurg
    Apr 03 13:57
    meanwhile I'm trying to get our marketing team to stop mixing up connectivity and accessibility
  44. The system being up 24/7 doesn't make it accessible ...
  45. zakim-robot
    Apr 03 14:12
    [johnbhartley] but if it's up 24/7 you can access it =D
  46. Aaron Leventhal
    Apr 03 14:47
    Looking for a good aria treegrid example
  47. zakim-robot
    Apr 03 15:14
    [rossy0501] Is it possible to pass on a name of a colleague to be added to this Slack Team?
  48. [tink] If they go to they can get an invite.
  49. zakim-robot
    Apr 03 15:25
    [tink] @rossy0501 ^^
  50. zakim-robot
    Apr 03 18:24
    [pterzic] Hello! Has anyone had experiences using a react-youtube component? I'm using it to embed a youtube video but I'm not sure how to provide a caption element or audio description track
  51. zakim-robot
    Apr 03 18:30
    [backwardok] not sure about the audio description track (and as far as i know, youtube doesn’t support it right now) but captions can be added through youtube
  52. [backwardok] and largely it’s probably better to add the captions through youtube’s interface so that it’s always associated with the video itself, whether it’s watched on your page or elsewhere
  53. zakim-robot
    Apr 03 18:56
    [garcialo] @pterzic For an audio description track, you could just link to an alternative version of the video where the audio track includes the audio descriptions
  54. [garcialo] or just have an “open” audio description track :p
  55. zakim-robot
    Apr 03 22:05
    [elliottregan] Would multi-track video be the right solution?
  56. [elliottregan] That seems better than linking to a different asset, but I’m not sure if users would know to look for an alternate audio track.
  57. [elliottregan] @garcialo :arrow_up:
  58. [pterzic] thank you for the suggestions!
  59. zakim-robot
    Apr 03 23:42
    [cyns] I use "users with disabilities" "customers with disabilities" "employees with disabilities" or sometimes "customers who happen to have disabilities." The first word is the mainstream target market of the product we're discussing.