[sitaggart] isn't it the point that it's familiarity and consistency, though?
[sitaggart] ARIA widgets are based on desktop software patterns
[marcysutton] Depends on what the shortcuts are.
[sitaggart] if you're a keyboard only user, you're super used to using these controls everyday. If you make your toolbar look like a toolbar, a tabset like a tabset, then you'd be familiar enough with how they work already
[vcurd] Some keyboard users are not always keyboard users, and regardless there is always a range of familiarity with functionality available in the site, browser and AT.
[sitaggart] Sure, that is the nature of IT proficiency, or proficiency in using any tool. I wasn't born knowing cmd+s saved the current document, I learnt it. Platform and pattern standardisation is the key though
[ira] Hey all! Happy Friday! :) I have a question about videos: I have a super short autoplay video on loop that does not have any audio. Does it need to have anything other than a label and the ability to pause the video? Does it need captions if there is no dialogue?
[conley] Is there any relevant text within the video?
[michiel] aria-label might not get announced on <video> (never tried to be honest). If it doesn’t, <video role=img aria-label="some helpful text"> :)
[michiel] aria-label on <video> should work though.