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A11y Slackers Gitter Channel Archive 20th of April 2017

What fresh hell is THIS now? - Patrick Lauke
  1. zakim-robot
    Apr 20 04:12

    [herin] Hi All, Just wanted to get some expert opinion on Alerts.

    Suggests using Dialogs for notifications.

    1. The dialogs do not have "titles". Browser handles the titles differently. IE says "Message from Web page", Chrome leaves it blank etc
    2. These do not resize when the text is resized using ctrl++ or text resize

    Should we recommend any notifications from the message should be resizable?

  2. zakim-robot
    Apr 20 05:11

    [paintingemily] Quick question. I’ve seen this on other websites, and designers on my current project are suggesting it. Having a website’s main topnav scroll away or be hidden by a secondary nav (of filters for example) when scrolled into a product list area… does that have accessibility implecations? My gut says yes, but I’m having a hard time finding more info on it online.

    One thought is it could be not dom hidden, just out of viewport…would that be okay?

  3. zakim-robot
    Apr 20 05:32
    [caesar] Depends on whose definition of dialogs you're using.
  4. [caesar] The javascript:alert(); doesn't give you any choice, right?
  5. [caesar] That would depend on the user's own system settings. The tutorial itself says as much. You just need to "match that functionality" for custom dialogs (e.g. <div role="alertdialog"> (or role="dialog")
  6. zakim-robot
    Apr 20 05:44
    [herin] Thanks @caesar. Are javascript dialogs using alert() failures then?
  7. [herin] If the application has confirmation dialogs do we need to change all of them to custom dialogs as per W3c?
  8. zakim-robot
    Apr 20 05:49
    [herin] The current application uses lot of Asynchronous dialogs. Its a bit load of work to convert
  9. [herin] Will read up on it. Thanks
  10. [caesar] I'm not sure, but my gut feel is that I think it shouldn't be a failure, 'coz the user would already have their system configured to their own preferences in that scenario. Not to mention it is probably not so much a WCAG problem any more so much as UAAG....
  11. zakim-robot
    Apr 20 06:09
    [herin] Even though it is part of the browser's UAAG, as this is the message coming from the webpage, its debatable whether we need to provide alternative ways like JQuery dialog to overcome browsers issues. Can't see any article though
  12. [herin] WCAG techniques include alert()
  13. [herin] So, I feel the same. Users are expected to set up magnifiers
  14. [caesar] That is just a scripting technique used to meet SC 3.3.x though, not itself a success criteria.
  15. zakim-robot
    Apr 20 06:14
    [caesar] I believe that's the appropriate guideline from UAAG. "It is recommended that the user agent implement the user-selected text configuration settings of the platform"
  16. [herin] I wish the browsers take this bit more seriously
  17. [herin] Thanks for the link @caesar
  18. [caesar] I think your other point about the title falls under
  19. [caesar] The WCAG 4.1.2 equivalent of Name, Role, Value.
  20. [caesar] ... of the dialog object
  21. zakim-robot
    Apr 20 06:54
    [jv] do we anyone here from facebook?
  22. zakim-robot
    Apr 20 10:05
    [michiel] jessebeach is here.
  23. [michiel] Don't ever see her talk though :P
  24. zakim-robot
    Apr 20 13:46
    [sarahebourne] @spell You could take a look at the rates and services for our statewide accessibility services contract, Category B: Consulting. See the "Vendor attachments ".
  25. Adrian Roselli
    Apr 20 14:15
    I don't wander in here often enough, so maybe this was shared recently... Anyway, The Paciello Group has an open call for talk submissions for its Inclusive Design 24-hour live-streamed webinar in June. It closes tomorrow. More info, submission thinger:
  26. zakim-robot
    Apr 20 14:43
    [cordelia] @aardrian Can you cross-post that to #events?
  27. Adrian Roselli
    Apr 20 14:45
    Er... um... Can we pretend I don't know how to? Is that a sub-channel of this channel?
  28. zakim-robot
    Apr 20 15:01
    [mikey] it's a separate channel entirely, i can repost it for you @aardrian :)
  29. Adrian Roselli
    Apr 20 15:02
    @Mikey, thanks. My lack of activity hear is a sign that I am clueless. I miss knowing IRC...
  30. zakim-robot
    Apr 20 15:07
    [cordelia] Oh whoops, yeah I think if you don’t connect via Slack directly, you only have access to the #general channel. I forgot about that. Thanks for reposting, @mikey!
  31. Adrian Roselli
    Apr 20 15:10
    Ah, yes, I am not on the Slack thingermajigger.
  32. zakim-robot
    Apr 20 16:17
    [jv] what do you think about minimum font size?
  33. [jv] facebook use 14 px for body copy
  34. zakim-robot
    Apr 20 16:31
    [michiel] aardian: you can also connect via IRC to Slack
  35. [michiel] Then you do have access to all channels
  36. [michiel] alt=IRCCloud connected to a11ySlackers Slack channel showing all different rooms.
  37. [michiel] aardrian*
  38. Adrian Roselli
    Apr 20 17:37
    @MichielBijl I am aware of that, but I already monitor too many channels (not IRC / Slack) in my daily life. I only pop in here when I have a moment. That is why I don't bother to connect it.
  39. zakim-robot
    Apr 20 17:39
    [michiel] Fair enough
  40. zakim-robot
    Apr 20 18:30
    [cmegown] so i want to share with some coworkers who have some questions about accessibility and browser support, but before i do i want to clear up some confusion around the key/legend.
  41. [cmegown] yes and no are obvious, but partial and n/a aren't clear to me
  42. [cmegown] only a few items marked partial have a useful link to some bug tracker or whatever, but most don't have what precisely does partial mean here?
  43. [cmegown] and if a field has n/a or is completely blank does that mean it just hasn't been tested yet? or that it's confirmed the feature will never be implemented?
  44. [cmegown] maybe @stevef would be willing to share his thoughts on this?