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A11y Slackers Gitter Channel Archive 21st of April 2017

What fresh hell is THIS now? - Patrick Lauke
  1. Sean Elliott
    Apr 21 03:01
    Has anyone had any issues with talkback/voice assistant only reading focusable elements when navigating a web page with touch exploration or linearly navigation??
    It seems to only skip to anything focusable and completely misses <p> elements for example.
    I dont have a device myself but a workmate in an offshore office says it was working before Android version 7
  2. zakim-robot
    Apr 21 03:04
    [caesar] Do you have a specific page/link to test? I just happen to be using one right now...
  3. [caesar] (Samsung Galaxy S7)
  4. Sean Elliott
    Apr 21 03:04
    give me a second ill set up link to my local
  5. Sean Elliott
    Apr 21 03:12 the problem areas are text like Showing: 191 Programmes or even Find a programme and Use your passion...@caesar
  6. zakim-robot
    Apr 21 03:13
    [caesar] Chrome browser?
  7. Sean Elliott
    Apr 21 03:13
    yes please
  8. zakim-robot
    Apr 21 03:14
    [caesar] OK, browse by touch reads everything for me
  9. Sean Elliott
    Apr 21 03:15
    Is your phone using talkback or voice assistant?
  10. zakim-robot
    Apr 21 03:15
    [caesar] Voice Assistant
  11. [caesar] No sorry. I've got Talkback currently enabled
  12. Sean Elliott
    Apr 21 03:16
    my mate is testing with Voice Assistant
  13. im not sure what the difference is between VA or Talkback
  14. zakim-robot
    Apr 21 03:18
    [caesar] OK, he's right. VA doesn't focus on the paragraph text. Just interactive objects
  15. Sean Elliott
    Apr 21 03:19
    so is Talkback a 3d party app you have?
  16. zakim-robot
    Apr 21 03:21
    [caesar] No, it's also pre-installed. Just that where the enable Talkback toggle would normally be it's the Voice Assistant one
  17. [caesar] However, in the Accessibility shortcut setting you can specify Talkback
  18. [caesar] I just tried it in Samsung's "Internet" browser
  19. Sean Elliott
    Apr 21 03:21
  20. zakim-robot
    Apr 21 03:21
    [caesar] It works correctly
  21. [caesar] So seems to be a VA + Chrome thing
  22. Sean Elliott
    Apr 21 03:21
    cool amazing!
  23. thank you so much!
  24. zakim-robot
    Apr 21 03:22
    [caesar] You're welcome
  25. zakim-robot
    Apr 21 04:10
    [sri429] Any good training's for jaws screen reader which covers not just the shortcuts to navigation but more than that
  26. zakim-robot
    Apr 21 04:20
    [caesar] FS offers a lot of stuff for free...
  27. [caesar] Sure they're just MP3s... LOL
  28. [caesar] Web training....
  29. [caesar] Plus there's heaps of stuff for using JAWS with Office 365, etc.
  30. [caesar] Webinars, especially
  31. zakim-robot
    Apr 21 04:30
    [sri429] thanks @caesar i have looked into this. i was looking more of a course kind of trainings like in udemy or a youtube video. liked this some time ago for an introduction but its pretty basic.
  32. zakim-robot
    Apr 21 04:39
    [caesar] Ah OK. I'm not aware of anything else, sorry.
  33. zakim-robot
    Apr 21 06:15
    [caesar] Is it a failure of WCAG 2.0 (AA) to put a positive tabindex on a heading if clicking it doesn't actually do anything?
  34. zakim-robot
    Apr 21 06:43
    [herin] As per, F44: Failure of Success Criterion 2.4.3 due to using tabindex to create a tab order that does not preserve meaning and operability.
    I would say if the Heading has no operability it should not have a tabindex on it. I have noticed that JAWS announces the element as "clickable" even though it is not a interactive element
  35. [caesar] Thanks.
  36. zakim-robot
    Apr 21 06:49
    [herin] Also the HTML spec says about tabindex in mor detail
  37. [caesar] Perfect. Thanks, @herin!
  38. zakim-robot
    Apr 21 13:05
    [spell] Hey all! What is the story with role="banner" on outer <header> or role="contentinfo" on page <footer>? Came across something recently saying these roles should exist, but then W3C HTML validator flags as warning.
  39. zakim-robot
    Apr 21 13:11
    [scottohara] the meaning of these roles/html elements is understood in modern browsers/ATs so that’s why you’re getting the flags. but they aren’t understood in some older browsers. reposting as a good resource to check
  40. [scottohara] it’s warning because it’s overly declarative. but if you need to target older browsers that don’t support the inherent role understanding, i wouldn’t worry about it too much, for now
  41. zakim-robot
    Apr 21 13:35
    [spell] Thanks, @scottohara!
  42. powrsurg
    Apr 21 15:43
    Discussion we've had internally: We use anchors for navigation, and buttons for actions. What of the case where the URL being taken to is actually a download prompt? It's navigating to a URL, but they are effectively staying on the page. I'd lean towards calling it an action and should be buttons (one wouldn't say, try to open it in a new tab), but I can see arguments for otherwise.
  43. zakim-robot
    Apr 21 15:46
    [karlgroves] “navigation” isn’t just about URLs but about context. Navigation is a change in context. If the context doesn’t change, its a button. ;)
  44. powrsurg
    Apr 21 15:48
    See, that is what I'm thinking
  45. Now we just need to get a third party library -- that is named Buttons -- to actually use the buttons tag ...
  46. well, add on for another library technically
  47. zakim-robot
    Apr 21 15:57
    [scottohara] what about the download attribute for anchors? i know it’s not supported in IE / ios safari… but being that it exists specifically so that one doesn’t have to use a button to initiate a download… i guess i’m confused as to how this fits into the link vs button context, that i otherwise agree with.
  48. zakim-robot
    Apr 21 19:41
    [deconspray] Anyone have an HTML entity for a service mark?
    ® reads as Registered Mark and ™ reads as Trademark.
    Superscript reads as S M
  49. zakim-robot
    Apr 21 20:24
    [kelly] Hi, I am new to this community :wave:
  50. [karlgroves] Welcome!
  51. [kelly] thanks!
  52. [kelly] I was using voiceover today to fix an unrelated issue, and I noticed it was reading out image filenames, even though I have alt="" set on the images. Does anyone happen to know if that's expected, or is it a Voiceover or Chrome regression?
  53. zakim-robot
    Apr 21 20:32
    [marcysutton] That seems odd. It was doing that in Chrome with an empty alt attribute?
  54. [kelly] yes
  55. [marcysutton] It sure does seem like a regression. I was able to reproduce it just now. @robdodson @alice
  56. [kelly] Adding role=“presentation” to the image seemed to fix, but I thought empty alt should be sufficient
  57. [marcysutton] That's what I've always expected, so that seems odd.
  58. [emplums] yeah that’s what react-a11y recommends doing - I’ve been having this argument with my co-worker all week (joy/allthethings emoji)
  59. [marcysutton] Safari does not announce the filename in Voiceover, only Chrome.
  60. [kelly] Oh interesting so maybe something broke in Chrome recently
  61. zakim-robot
    Apr 21 20:42
    [marcysutton] oh good, it's already been filed. Thanks for the link
  62. [kelly] aha! Thanks for investigating everyone! <3
  63. [marcysutton] No problem! And welcome! :)
  64. [kelly] Thanks!
  65. powrsurg
    Apr 21 20:47
    new bug too
  66. zakim-robot
    Apr 21 22:56
    [quidkid] hey guys! so I have a navigation that goes to the different ids and for most sections, the focus tabbing will start in the section but then for other sections, when you takes to the very beginning. how do i make sure the focus tabbing starts from the section?
  67. zakim-robot
    Apr 21 23:02
    [quidkid] it works properly on the mobile nav but not the desktop nav.