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A11y Slackers Gitter Channel Archive 1st of May 2017

What fresh hell is THIS now? - Patrick Lauke
  1. zakim-robot
    May 01 08:33
  2. [michiel] davidkennedy: (accessibility event June 17th)
  3. [michiel] (interview with Molly Watt)
  4. zakim-robot
    May 01 09:32
    [michiel] jnurthen> .. because it is the aria authoring practices ;)
  5. [michiel] Still not entirely onboard with that.
  6. zakim-robot
    May 01 11:04
    [michiel] gemma: it sounds very much like a job for the infamous <table>
  7. zakim-robot
    May 01 13:33
    [car] michiel: Me neither. It goes against the first rule of ARIA use: So I think role="button" should only be used in the button section: and all other examples should use a <button>. Sample code from the APG gets copied & pasted verbatim, so it should be the code we really want people to use.
    I also think the button section needs a note, similar to the one in the link section:, that "strongly encourages" authors to use native host language element, i.e. <button>.
  8. zakim-robot
    May 01 13:50
    [michiel] car: I agree with all of that.
  9. [michiel] But jnurthen suppresses me :P
  10. [car] He also said, "button elements would be fine too."
  11. [car] Yeah, that's some mighty big news... :)
  12. zakim-robot
    May 01 15:36
    [car] Stumbled across this advice for using "person first" language if you need to talk about a disability (can substitute "individual(s)" for "person(s)"; or use a word specific to the situation such as "passenger(s)", "visitor(s)", etc):
  13. zakim-robot
    May 01 15:42
    [heidi] hello! Quick question: if a website links to a video on YouTube that is not accessible, and it is video content created by the site owners, would it be considered a fail under WCAG 2? The video is not embedded on the site, just linked to.
  14. zakim-robot
    May 01 15:47
    [heidi] My inclination is to flag it as something that need be fixed, but because it's not embedded on the site, not to mark it as a formal failure. Thoughts?
  15. [michiel] heidi: I would agree with that, it’s external content.
  16. [heidi] Thanks for confirming @michiel !
  17. [michiel] Doesn’t mean it doesn’t need fixin’, but wouldn’t fail the website for it if it’s not embedded.
  18. [heidi] Word up.
  19. [michiel] :raised_hands::skin-tone-4:
  20. zakim-robot
    May 01 15:54
    [michiel] Car: too bad that PDF isn’t tagged :(
  21. zakim-robot
    May 01 16:05
    [shawn.henning] does anyone have guidelines for web/print specifically targeting different forms of Macular Degeneration? Please (at) me if you know of good tips.
  22. [car] michiel: good point. I sent them an email. :)
  23. zakim-robot
    May 01 16:11
    [michiel] thumbsup emoji:skin-tone-2:
  24. James Nurthen
    May 01 16:37
    @car I have heard that the "person first" language is not a worldwide recommendation. I've heard plenty of disagreement from UK folks in particular.
  25. zakim-robot
    May 01 16:41
    [car] Interesting. Thanks, @jnurthen. Do you recall what the UK folks prefer?
  26. zakim-robot
    May 01 16:46
    [car] Wow - thanks, @jnurthen.
  27. James Nurthen
    May 01 16:46
    @car like everything in accessibility there are no rules ;)
  28. zakim-robot
    May 01 16:49
    [car] Yeah - wild. And we're just looking at the opinions of 2 groups of English-speaking people - it boggles the mind to consider what the preferences of people in all possible languages/cultures might be.
  29. [car] Actually, "English-speaking people" should be "people who speak English". <grin>
  30. James Nurthen
    May 01 17:19
  31. powrsurg
    May 01 18:17
    I don't know what made me more sad: That Amazon Web Services (AWS) S3 bulk file deletion from the web console didn't use a progress element (or at least a role="progressbar"), or that it was done within a div that is in a <th> ....
  32. zakim-robot
    May 01 20:17
    [michiel] jnurthen: is except for aria rules.
  33. zakim-robot
    May 01 22:24
    [seankeegan] Trying to understand the auto-update component of SC 2.2.2 - specifically, how does that apply to something like an inbox message indicator that changes value when new messages arrive? I get the “starts automatically” but “is presented in parallel with other content” is a bit fuzzy.
  34. zakim-robot
    May 01 22:34
    [seankeegan] Is the thought process one in which: the automatic update to the number of unread inbox messages is essential to an email program, and so would not be required to pause, stop, hide, or control the frequency of the updated information?