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A11y Slackers Gitter Channel Archive 2nd of May 2017

What fresh hell is THIS now? - Patrick Lauke
  1. powrsurg
    May 02 13:27
    Looks like that VO alt="" bug has been assigned
  2. zakim-robot
    May 02 13:39
    [mikey] I notice a lot of folks in here using Sameroom, never heard of it before this Slack. Are people using it because of accessibility, to reduce the amount of apps they're using, etc.? What's the reason?
  3. zakim-robot
    May 02 14:11
    [michiel] Both
  4. [michiel] IRC bridge of Slack is quite noisy
  5. [michiel] Gitter’s IRC bridge is a lot better from what I’ve heard
  6. [michiel] I use the Slack IRC bridge because I use IRC for a lot of other things to
  7. zakim-robot
    May 02 14:29
    [sophieschoice_slack] So, finally dabbing more into usability/accessibility: currently making a tutorial on my blog for beginning webmasters/bloggers, about things they should look into. One of the things is usability/accessibility. After the Webmaster 101-series, I will make a series about usability/accessbility and optimizing your website. These will be more in depth.
  8. zakim-robot
    May 02 14:42
    [megan] hey! is anyone london-based going to this?
  9. [michiel] sophie, nice going!
  10. [michiel] megan: I think stevef and tink will be there.
  11. zakim-robot
    May 02 14:49
    [mattbartist] does anyone have any info on how much non-ada complaint websites in the U.S. has been fined or had to pay out for not being a11y-friendly? i’m trying to make a business case for adding on additional a11y resources and that’s one of the things my manager wants to see, so it can be shared with upper management.
  12. zakim-robot
    May 02 14:55
  13. [mattbartist] thanks @emplums
  14. zakim-robot
    May 02 15:01

    [karlgroves] Thanks for sharing that @emplums

    @mattbartist also check this out

    The flow chart makes the point clear: If you’re in a high-risk segment, chances are you’ll be making your site accessible eventually. Do it now and save money

  15. zakim-robot
    May 02 15:22
    [michiel] :raised_hands::skin-tone-4:
  16. [car] I still love that flow chart. I have a printed copy pinned up outside my cube. :)
  17. zakim-robot
    May 02 15:37
    [mattbartist] thanks @karlgroves !
  18. zakim-robot
    May 02 15:46
    [quidkid] hey guys! does anyone know anything about VPATs? Our client is giving us a heads up in the future they will likely ask for VPATs but it would be a while before they start doing so
  19. [emplums] @quidkid I just did one for Buffer, it was a lot easier than I thought it would be when I started :) Depends on how nit picky your client wants the VPAT to be
  20. [emplums] If you search for VPAT template you should be able to find an official one on a government site, also search for VPAT Google because they made a nice one for Google Sites
  21. [quidkid] @emplums Who’s role is it to fill it out? lol it’s a lot
  22. [emplums] I just did it because I’m the most involved in accessibility at the company
  23. [emplums] It took me half a day
  24. [emplums] Most of my answers were “Supports with Exceptions” because the Buffer app isn’t perfect yet
  25. [emplums] and then I did a bit of explanation for each one
  26. [emplums] It really depends on the client but the two orgs that reached out to us I think just wanted to make sure that a11y was on our minds and that we had a plan for addressing a11y issues.
  27. [emplums] I’d already been doing a bunch of a11y auditing and testing over the past year so I knew a lot of the answers off the top of my head
  28. [emplums] We got two larger clients out of it + most government or university clients will need it so it’d done now and we can just lightly update it when needed
  29. zakim-robot
    May 02 15:51
    [dylanb] Just published axe-webdriverjs 1.0.1
  30. [quidkid] @emplums what is your current role?
  31. [emplums] @quidkid Engineer
  32. [quidkid] @emplums Okeydokey so currently, I’m the most involved in accessibility at my company. I’m a dev although tbh very junior skill wise but have been doing site remediations and developing accessible websites although we’ve been relying on freelancers for testing and additional remediation help when my skillset falls short. How do you determine who fills out the form?
  33. [emplums] I just did it because I wanted it to be done (joy/allthethings emoji)
  34. [emplums] It sounds like you would be the most qualified if you’re the most involved in a11y at your company
  35. [emplums] if it’s a larger company, you might want to pass it by legal and/or people who are at your org that work with getting new clients
  36. [quidkid] lol crap. We’re really small company
  37. [emplums] yeah then I think it would probably be on you
  38. zakim-robot
    May 02 15:56
    [emplums] It doesn’t take too long and it’s really nice to have around
  39. [emplums] It’s not a contract or anything legal, it’s just a formalized way of explaining the accessibility of your product to prospective clients
  40. [emplums] Public orgs are required to ask for one
  41. [emplums] You could also hire an outside agency to do an audit and write one for you but I don’t think it’s super necessary
  42. zakim-robot
    May 02 16:02
    [higley] When I worked at a small company as a developer, I was the one who filled it out too. Seems like a trend (joy/allthethings emoji)
  43. [quidkid] thanks @emplums!! Honestly, I’ve grown to really care about a11y but dang, I’m trying to think how to build time for this when I’m already asked to develop websites at insanely short deadlines for my skill level. I stay late every night as it is
  44. [emplums] I feel that @quidkid :\ Oftentimes I find that if I want to get a11y stuff done I have to work extra to get it in, even in a company that really values it
  45. [higley] @quidkid that sucks. I hope it gets better, you shouldn’t have to work late every night :\
  46. [emplums] It’s definitely an issue! I have been getting better about trying to build a11y time in to our planned out development cycles or weekly tasks and bring that up with my manager!
  47. [emplums] But late nights suck regardless :\ I’ve been there
  48. zakim-robot
    May 02 16:08
    [quidkid] dang yeah I don’t feel qualified to fill out the VPAT properly honestly
  49. [quidkid] and thanks everyone for the support!!
  50. [karlgroves] > It’s not a contract or anything legal, it’s just a formalized way of explaining the accessibility of your product to prospective clients

    @emplums It becomes one. I’ve seen contracts go completely sideways for vendors when the VPAT is inaccurate. Then the purchaser says “Hey, you know how you said your form fields all had labels? Well, actually, here’s a bunch of form fields that aren’t labelled. Fix them”

  51. [quidkid] @karlgroves do you have any recommendations for third parties that can do VPATs?
  52. [michiel] points at karlgroves
  53. zakim-robot
    May 02 16:14

    [karlgroves] I’m obviously biased, but TPG. ;)

    Any of the big 3 a11y firms have people on staff I’d trust to write a VPAT

  54. zakim-robot
    May 02 16:25
    [garcialo] Never trust @garcialo to write a VPAT; he knows nothing about them. Just want to make sure that’s clearly on-record.
  55. powrsurg
    May 02 16:26
    Does anyone know how to search the NVDA bug list? We use native HTML5 input type="date" and it does not read of the month or day or year that you are trying to edit. Narator does
  56. zakim-robot
    May 02 16:27
    [garcialo] Are you asking where it is or how to search through Github issues?
  57. [garcialo] …specifically the issues for NVDA on Github
  58. powrsurg
    May 02 16:29
    Sorry, I'm dumb. I was thinking NVDA used something like a bugzilla for tracking bugs. Didn't think to look at Github
  59. zakim-robot
    May 02 16:29
    [garcialo] Well, here’s a link for you then
  60. powrsurg
    May 02 16:31
  61. zakim-robot
    May 02 17:13
    [car] @powrsurg NVDA used to use bugzilla, but they migrated to github a while back.
  62. zakim-robot
    May 02 18:38
    [quidkid] hey guys for the life of me, I still can’t figure out this bug. so I have this wrapper that is 90vw and a max with of 1196px. and has overflow: hidden. I have a couple sections that are slideouts with an arrow button. However, every time that arrow button has focus, the section moves over so that the button is in the dead center. How do I make sure nothing moves while things get focused?
  63. zakim-robot
    May 02 20:36
    [elliottregan] @quidkid Are you seeing that in Blink or Webkit browsers?
  64. [quidkid] @elliottregan what’s a blink or webkit browser? XD by the latter, it’s in Chrome
  65. [elliottregan] Blink is Chrome and Opera’s rendering engine. Webkit is Safari’s. There is a bug in Chrome which will cause elements with a positive translate value (translateX: 10px, not translateX: -10px) to move into the window when they receive focus.
  66. [elliottregan] It is really annoying, and you need to do some hacky JS stuff to circumvent the problem. I’ve posted about it in here before at some point. Let me find the link…
  67. zakim-robot
    May 02 20:42
    [elliottregan] @quidkid See if this sounds like the same issue you are seeing.
    Hey everyone! I'm wondering if anyone has any information on how the VoiceOver cursor works. Right now I have a carousel/slider-type component that contains a list of anchors. You can only see a certain number of links at a time (there's an overflow: hidden on the <ul>) and the rest are hidden (aria-hidden) unless the user presses the next/previous buttons which triggers a translateX on the list to bring them into view. On VoiceOver in Safari if the user tabs to focus on the "Next" button the VoiceOver cursor follows but this moves the list to the last element. And since technically the last focused element isn't really the last link in the list, the user can still press the "Next" button which causes the list to translate and show a bunch of empty space at the end. Does anyone know why this happens or if there's a way to avoid it? My guess is the Voiceover cursor moves to the end of the element before moving to the newly focused element but I can't find any information to verify.
  68. [elliottregan] (then click on the date to see my suggestions)
  69. [quidkid] wow thanks @elliottregan yeah i think that’s along the same line of issues. i’ll look into it!!
  70. zakim-robot
    May 02 22:16
    [robdodson] does anyone happen to know if there's a good section 508 cheat sheet? I was wondering if the web aim one was up to date with the latest refresh.
  71. zakim-robot
    May 02 23:08
    [techthomas] A11yNYC Meetup on accessible parks about to start
  72. zakim-robot
    May 02 23:26
    [car] @robdodson I don’t know about the webaim page, but the IBM checklist is a mix of WCAG and 508, and I know they were following the 508 Refresh closely. You’ll note that most of the 508 points are covered by WCAG, and any points not covered are listed near the end:
  73. [robdodson] great thanks @car :)