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A11y Slackers Gitter Channel Archive 19th of May 2017

What fresh hell is THIS now? - Patrick Lauke
  1. Jonathan Neal
    May 19 04:35
    Which modal patterns would you all recommend? I’m looking at this one presently:
  2. zakim-robot
    May 19 04:36
    [herin] Hi Quickquestion... How do you get around with the onkeypress="if(event.keyCode==13 || event.keyCode==32) not working in Firefox for Space Key?
  3. zakim-robot
    May 19 06:40
    [crazycatlena] HI, I'm using Moddal
  4. zakim-robot
    May 19 13:09
    [skymaiden] Hello :wave:
    Do you folks think it would be better/more logical to set a disabled/aria-disabled attribute on a temporarily non-interactive slider widget (role="slider"), or to change the role to role="progress" instead?
  5. [skymaiden] It's for a video player (non-interactive during ads, interactive during content)
  6. [skymaiden] The video progress (for content and ads) is indicated both by the slider widget, and a current-time/duration timer widget
  7. zakim-robot
    May 19 16:08
    [higley] @skymaiden if it’s still showing the current progress through the video, what about aria-readonly instead of aria-disabled? That would make more sense to me, since it would still be relevant to the user.
  8. zakim-robot
    May 19 19:10
    [techthomas] @skymaiden per W3C they really don’t want you to change role dynamically
  9. [techthomas] Roles are element types and authors MUST NOT change role values over time or with user actions. Authors wishing to change a role MUST do so by deleting the associated element and its children and replacing it with a new element with the appropriate role. Typically, platform accessibility APIs do not provide a vehicle to notify assistive technologies of a role value change, and consequently, assistive technologies may not update their cache with the new role attribute value.